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Old 11-18-2009, 04:22 PM
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Free Indeed
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Somewhere along the line of life’s path I have realized that every journey is very unique. It reminds me of a bunch of keys. Each place we have been, every person who we meet along the way, the good and the bad, we collect them all. Some people refer to these things as memories; I like to think of them as keys. We collect these and store them all on a key ring. Before long the key ring is full and heavy. We can’t seem to remember which key opens what door. Some keys open doors that are full of sorrow and self pity, others full of fear, guilt, and torment, and then some full of happiness and peace, each key holding its own emotion. We go into some of the rooms and stay there for a long time before we come out. Why do we do that? We trust it, we know it, and it is familiar to us, we can almost walk around in that room while it is dark we know it so well. What do we do when the key ring is full of keys? I think we keep going back to re-open the very doors we try so hard not look at. Here in lies the problem. We don’t move forward carrying all those keys; they weigh us down and keep us trapped. Here are my thoughts on the whole thing. Picture a bridge, stand at the beginning of the bridge with a whole bunch of keys, all the keys to your past rooms. Can you see it? The rooms are all behind you as you stand at that bridge. Place all the keys down on the ground. Start to cross over the bridge. Keep going, don’t look back, you can do this, it will all be fine, you are almost there. You made it! You are on the other side of the bridge. Now, turn around and take a look at all the rooms that are now behind you, and the keys you left on the ground. Make a choice to forgive whatever lies there, and make a choice to forgive yourself, whether you feel it or not. This is not about your feelings, but about your choices. One more thing to do, you are almost there. Look down by your feet and you will see matches. Pick it up and set the bridge on fire, watch it burn. This now means you have no way back to what once held you captive. It does not matter if it was alcohol, drugs, food, or any other vise, you are free! Forgiving does not erase a bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future; you now have your first key to your new future!
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Old 11-18-2009, 04:48 PM
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Being Me for the first time
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interestingly said . thanks ~ endzy~
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Old 11-18-2009, 06:04 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
Laozi Old Man
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I to think there are "Keys" to recovery. I am not sure just how many there are but I know the three that have helped me the most are Humility, Serenity and Benevolence
(and the greatest of these is Benevolence).
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