
Has anyone's hypertension improved after sobriety?

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Old 10-28-2009, 06:00 PM
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Has anyone's hypertension improved after sobriety?

It's been a month without a drop of alcohol now. I know it will take time for my elevated liver enzymes to improve (although doc didn't tell me exactly how long). But now I'm wondering about my blood pressure. It's been high for a long time (& I'm not on meds for it - yet), but I thought it would improve after sobriety. Does it just take time, or is it a seperate issue not related to former alcohol abuse? Anyone know?
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Old 10-28-2009, 06:19 PM
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I think that's a medical question CRJ - as I understand it, there's many many possible reasons for's best to go see your Dr

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Old 10-28-2009, 06:21 PM
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I can only speak for myself here, but when I went into treatment, my blood pressure was 190/135!!! They sent me to the emergency room. I was put on medication for it for a month to get it under control. I haven't taken anything for it since! My blood pressure has been right around 110/75 for over 15 years. I think that it was a combination of the alcohol, junk food, stress and bloat that did it! It took a few months for it to get to this point, but it did come down. It took us a long time to get to where we are when we first enter recovery, it takes a little time to undo all the damage. I am glad you are under a Doctors care.

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Old 10-28-2009, 06:23 PM
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I wouldn't know either and I have to agree with Dee. Better to talk with your doctor. I can understand you asking here, but SR actively discourages people from offering medical advice for obvious reasons.
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Old 10-28-2009, 06:24 PM
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Congrats on one whole month without a drop of alcohol Choosingrealjoy!

My blood pressure dropped significantly after I stopped drinking. I can't remember how long it was from exiting Rehab and my first Dr. appointment. I think it's always a good idea to keep in touch with your Dr. via appointments once you have stopped drinking and discuss any issues and concerns you may have.

Liver enzymes slowly decrease different times for different people. It depends on how long you have been drinking and how much you were drinking up to the end. Again, it's a good idea to see your Dr. every few months to have your BP and liver enzyme levels checked.

Congratulations again!
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Old 10-28-2009, 06:47 PM
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I have high blood pressure. It was quite high when I was first diagnosed (had gone to a Prompt care medical clinic for a cold or something) and I was sent to the ER to get it under control. Spent a few hours in the ER to get it under control and then got an internist as my MD for followup. In about 90% of the cases the cause is unknown, which turned out to be the case with me. I've taken medication the past 10 years and it is very well controlled at a consistent 118 over 75 or so. Don't know the cause, but I'm sure alcohol abuse did not help any. It's really no big deal for me, but exercise and diet can help.
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Old 10-29-2009, 05:05 AM
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See your doctor, my blood pressure issues were due to my drinking, but that is not true in all cases, see your doctor.
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Old 10-29-2009, 05:18 AM
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Instead of worrying about it, why not take positive action with your concern?

When i dwell on things too long, i open myself up to fear and lack of faith. This makes me vulnerable to the disease of addiction & alcoholism that is always trying to regain control of my life. Accepting that i have a problem, becoming willing to do something responsible about that problem, and then moving into a practical solution helps to keep the disease arrested.
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Old 10-29-2009, 11:50 AM
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Posts: 4,890 blood pressure improved greatly....because of the meds.

Don't fool around with that one. Get to a doctor, pronto.
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Old 10-29-2009, 11:54 AM
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Btw, I have seen my doctor and we're just "watching" it right now. I'm supposed to be on a low sodium diet (eeeeeeyuuuuckkkk!) and I'll get on meds when he wants me to. Probably next visit. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and your experiences. I really appreciate it.
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