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letitgo 09-24-2015 05:22 PM

There is alot of great threads and sections on this site. I subscribe to numerous threads and find it really helpful. I know Upward and Tooshaby are not virgins as I see them around also.

I enjoy the 24 hour club, weekender, and grattitude. There is the alcohlism forum, 12 step forum and spiritual forum. It all seems intriguing and helpful to me.

fantail 09-24-2015 06:26 PM

The first time I got sober I spent at least a couple hours posting on SR every day... I'd read every thread in Newcomer's and Alcoholism and respond to a good lot of them. It helped me a lot actually... Sharing advice and reactions and such helped me slowly flesh out my own thoughts and beliefs.

These days I've been doing more reading than posting, but I find that helpful too. Sometimes I read Friends and Family of Alcoholics. It's helpful to hear the outside view.

Dee74 09-24-2015 06:31 PM

Anyone looking for more support is also very welcome in the One Year and Under thread too:

Upwardspiral 09-24-2015 06:52 PM

Hi Cbf, hang close this weekend. I can kill so much time drifting around the forums here. It's taken me a while to get a feel for everything but like everyone else is saying, the more places you share the more engagement you'll find.
I like the newcomers and alcoholism pages. I read a lot of threads and tend to chip in my two cents if it resonates with me, whether I know the OP or not.

Cbf123 09-24-2015 11:10 PM

Thanks as always, folks. Very much appreciated. Feeling slightly more buoyant today. Also, yesterday was day 6 for me, not day 5! I sort of want to stop counting my days this time around. Even if it just mentally helps me to not give any thought to drinking, I'd like to try it.

Have a wonderful day, Julyers!

Holds1325 09-25-2015 07:48 AM

Good morning all,

Checking in here,

Had a super rough week, seriously almost gave in twice to drinking, thank God my truck is broken down (easily fixable though just need to get some parts this weekend) or else I would've probably relapsed!

Found out some more test results from the doc, thyroid levels are completely normal, however, I have somewhat of a Vitamin D deficiency which explains my mood and can be easily fixed with a supplement and getting outside more (I work in an office with a small window)

Got a parade today with my wife and kids, then possible Bible Study after work.

Hope everyones day is going okay.

Dee74 09-25-2015 02:25 PM

I'm glad you're hanging in there Holds - I'm glad everyone is :)
Have a great sober weekend guys :)


tokidoki 09-25-2015 05:08 PM

Hi All,

Glad to hear some good news.

Hang in there, cbf

About SR: I read a lot more than I write on here. This place has totally *schooled* me, and I mean that in the most positive way. When I first started this journey several months ago, I knew nothing about addiction (even though I have one of course). I think it was first blissful ignorance, since no one close to me(? )has substance abuse issues. Later, it was willful ignorance, not wanting to know.

Anyway, I've learned so much here and haven't even begun to scratch the surface.. I've posted in a few other forums on SR and they're great too. However, one of the things really great about Julyers are that you all committed to sobriety at the same time (yes, even if you've had a slip), and that's a *huge* thing to have in common.

Hang in there, everyone.

Upwardspiral 09-25-2015 07:27 PM

Evening/morning all. Today was a rainy tired feeling day at work but I was in good spirits. Great AA meeting tonight discussing the importance of keeping recovery as the top priority. Easy for us newbies but a challenge as the rewards and interests gained in sobriety threaten to force recovery into the back seat.

The friend with whom I work here at the shop about 80% of the time is having a birthday party tomorrow night. He's a big drinker as are most of his friend network. I'm grateful that he totally understands why I only plan to make an early showing at his shindig.
I don't really feel nervous about it. Mainly I just know that if/when I start to feel bored, antsy or uncomfortable I will unceremoniously take my leave. I will of course be taking along a few cans of fizzy water and some juice to make my own mocktails. I'm curious to see how I feel chatting with people I haven't seen in months with no boozy cloud in my head.

Tooshabby 09-25-2015 10:34 PM

You know one thing I've figured out lately? One of the main reasons alcohol became such a huge problem for me was that after a traumatic event occurred to a close relative, I became incredibly socially anxious. I guess I just lost all my trust in people. So I drank to overcome the social anxiety. But for a long time now I've been pretty fine. I mean, I think most people have some amount of anxiety when they first begin mixing with people they don't know. Not all, sure, but most, I would guess. The thing is, I don't actually need it anymore and, further, I've realised that being drunk actually makes me MORE anxious because I have less control over my faculties (such as they are) and am less able to communicate intelligently. It's like trying to have a conversation with someone after you've just been hit over the head with a baseball bat :e136:

Just bought a book today called 'Blackout; Remembering The Things I Drank To Forget' written by a journalist by the name of Sarah Hepola. Reviews say very funny and "honest to the bone". Hope it's a goodie and helps me a long the way. Will let you know the verdict :-)

Dee74 09-25-2015 10:36 PM

I think you nailed it TS :)


fantail 09-25-2015 11:15 PM

Today was a bad day. Bad at socializing, anxious, impatient with everything, missing California badly, convinced that I'll never resurrect my career, and can't sleep to boot.

The upside is that I'm getting much better at recognizing that bad days are just bad days. Feel like kicking through a wall but I know sooner or later it'll be all butterflies and symphonies again.

Tooshabby 09-25-2015 11:47 PM

I wrote a poem when I was about 12 that expressed that very thought, and for some reason I've remembered it. I'm no poet, as you will see....

There are times in my life
when I can see no end
to a problem that causes despair,
but solace is found in the comforting fact
'twill be another the following year.

I'm not sure if that's pessimistic or optimistic....realistic, I guess.

I actually did punch a hole in the wall once when I was so angry with myself about drinking too much the night before. That really helped (not), as you can imagine.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow, Fantail :-)

Tooshabby 09-26-2015 12:56 AM

I just realised that poem doesn't actually reflect what you were saying, Fantail! Quite the opposite - too hasty on my part.

Anyway, I hope tomorrow is a better day :-)

Dee74 09-26-2015 01:14 AM

There's no night so dark the sun won't shine in the morning :)


KeyofC 09-26-2015 02:40 AM

Hi julyers! I always check on my peeps and seems like everyone is doing good! I'm so happy for y'all! Hope everyone has a safe and calm Saturday! ((Hug))!! Cya! :)

letitgo 09-26-2015 04:18 AM

Heading to the wedding tonight and then off to California for work Monday. I have to go for a few weeks.
I will be with a fellow coworker who is a drinker. Going to tell him straight up i will go out to eat with him but not sitting in a bar only. He was there when i relapsed last summer. Its hard to think about a relationship with a friend and booze. We drank quite a bit together. He will respecty wishes but i was tempted last year at the party. The difference this time is i was not commited. I thought sure its okay to kick back. I went from 0 to 60 in no time. morning was one of the wort hangovers ever.
Ironically i just read the part about Allan Carr and him spending holiday with a friend and sharing champagne. Instead he switched to fruit juice. His friend felt guilty still drinking in front of him. Its a sign lol.

Hope you are all well and i will keep checking in. Onward and upward!!

Dee74 09-26-2015 04:32 AM

Make some mental strategies anyway - even if you never have to use them letitgo. Cover any and every eventuality - be prepared :)


Cbf123 09-26-2015 05:01 AM

Sorry this is a copy and paste of my post from the One Year and Under thread bit it sums up my feelings on the day perfectly.

Good morning, fellow Undies!

It's a sunny, crisp and clear morning here on the banks of the River Mersey, and for the first time in a few days I've got a lightness in my mind and a spring in my step.

With the mini - milestone of 7 days surpassed, I'm starting to feel like my good ol' sober self. For those that don't know me, I have a 4 month old daughter, who is a huge part of my fight for sobriety, and seeing her beaming face at half 5 this morning was all I needed to spur me on to fight the good fight.

Off to work now, and any attempts to persuade me to drink after closing time will be swiftly rebuked. Not today. Not again.

Hope you all have a beautiful Saturday, wherever you call home :-)

I obviously want to extend this to my family here in the July class too :-) x

KeyofC 09-26-2015 05:22 AM

I will pray for you to stay strong in your sobriety Letitgo! ((Hug))!
CBF we are just glad you're here with us! No matter if you copy and paste! :)

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