
Morning Gratitude part 132

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Old 05-23-2024, 03:05 AM
  # 41 (permalink)  
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NL, nothing like picking fresh fruit from your own yard
Fear, sounds like a great plan for your son and the spring cleaning
Turs, I hope you have a nice trip
Hev, I love farmers' markets
Listae, congrats on 100 days
Grateful the big tree that came down in our yard yesterday during a storm did not hit anything but other trees
Grateful for the fresh smell to the air after the storm
Grateful the temps dropped to a more reasonable temperature after the storm..getting my theme here?
Grateful to be able to eat dinner outside
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Old 05-23-2024, 03:06 AM
  # 42 (permalink)  
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Old 05-23-2024, 03:24 AM
  # 43 (permalink)  
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Fearless, I have never tried Temu but coincidentally after I left here yesterday (Or….WAS It a coincidence…dah! Dah! Dah! [dramatic music sound [) I had an SNL clip pop up on my feed about Xiemu, a fictional company with cheap products. I thought it was pretty funny. Oh and in the parallel lives department we are also exploring summer rules. Mainly me trying to set boundaries around not being the maid and cook for them.
Turs, I am glad some people reached out to you on the anniversary of Mr. T’s passing. I realize I didn’t even acknowledge it yesterday in my haste to preserve keyboard battery. Heard something yesterday that your post reminded me of, and I’ll probably botch it but it was something like grief at first is a room you don’t know you are in, and then it’s a room you realize you are in but can’t leave, and eventually some day becomes a room you visit to remember the person you lost. Seems like that description skips over quite a bit of the journey but I liked it overall.
Hev, I had the same thought about the dog that passed
listae, here’s to your beautiful 100 SOBER DAYS
Alpine, really glad the damage from the tree was not bad.
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Old 05-23-2024, 03:33 AM
  # 44 (permalink)  
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- I will get to see old friends tonight at an end of school gathering some friends decided to have
- I have therapy today
- for lots of leftovers
- for the end of the school year
- for nearing the end of this seemingly eternal week
- for coffee
- for the GP
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Old 05-23-2024, 04:49 AM
  # 45 (permalink)  
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Listae, grate for you making the triple digit club!
Hev, agree about Alpines meme. I’m that dorky too. And sleep is GREAT, how wonderful it’s been good for you.
Turs, best wishes for a wonderful, mind healing trip
Fear, I’m glad dog passed. My dog failed the advanced. She took off out of the unleashed circle of trotting owners and stuck her head between a police officers legs while he was training a German shepherd
NL, things will turn around. Weird, but I’m glad your son might fail a couple classes, because he will learn the natural consequences of his inaction. Sometimes that’s the best teacher? He will understand in the fall when his peers move on, and he needs to take a WHole year or semester off.
Purps, glad you got some gardening in. It snowed and was bitter cold last few days here. I’ve lost about $500 in plants.
Aly, glad you like the neuro guy. Sounds very nice, and helps that he’s not too bad to look at.
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Old 05-23-2024, 04:54 AM
  # 46 (permalink)  
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to see deer in our woods and not loose dogs. What a change since neighbors are walking their dogs. YAY!
able to sleep last night after a ping at 10pm woke me up from a text. It was my MIL. 🙁. I texted her back at 0520 this morning.
an interview tomorrow, should be better job for work life balance
that said looking is out in the open, boss and director sat me down and to,d me they weren’t changing my crazy schedule
hubby doing a lot of things that I ask, and some of the things he promises to do and doesn’t deliver —there are natural consequences for
for calmly ripping out 4 hours of work on my quilt last night.

for all of you, really ♥️🤓😁
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Old 05-23-2024, 06:53 AM
  # 47 (permalink)  
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Listae, congrats on 100 days. Yay!
hev, lol. Omg, I reread my post yesterday and could see how it looked like that 😂 I should have said he graduated from the assessment 😊
Numblady, I’ll have to check out that SNL clip. Sounds hilarious. About the parallel lives, I am glad we are on this journey together ❤️
Free, sorry your dog did not pass. That visual made me lmao though 🤣
Hi Aly and everyone else
Grateful even though I talked to sonny boy about summer and didn’t get everything that I wanted to say out, he at least didn’t blow up and said he got it and I didn’t need to say more. He seems to be choosing to get a job over doing stuff around the house. But we shall see. It he doesn’t get a job by summer break I’m looking forward to the spring cleaning list getting done
Grateful to learn that teen hood is a special type of mental illness that is usually temporary and most will outgrow it.
Grateful to learn while boundaries are always important, these mentally I’ll people need a lot of compassion and kindness for what they are going through emotionally
Grateful for a good in person meeting yesterday with client
Grateful to watch what I eat. Between the client dinner, client breakfast, then lunch and lots of stress eating, I’m feeling clothes are tighter
Grateful for all of you
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Old 05-23-2024, 06:55 AM
  # 48 (permalink)  
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Listae, congratulations on your 100 days!
So good to see you all. Just a quick grat and I have a couple of things to get done today.
Grateful for grocery delivery! Grateful I woke up early. Grateful that the things I need to do today, I can do.
Grateful for all of you and your posts and seeing you all here.
Have a great day and take care!
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Old 05-23-2024, 09:37 AM
  # 49 (permalink)  
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Turs I too am sorry I did not mention the anniversary of Mr. T's passing. Sending you virtual hugs as you remember him.
listae congrats on 100 days, now 101!
Alpine sorry you lost a big tree but glad property and people were not harmed.
Fearless and NL we used to have our children read before they were allowed to have any screen time in the summer. Of course that was when they were younger probably not when they were teens.
Free good luck on the job interview!
Aly, Purps and anyone else hello!

Grateful for:
My team won semis even though I lost my doubles court.
We finished a yard project this morning.
I like my new therapist. She is helping me deal with some performance anxiety, beating myself up when I lose in tennis, worry, anxiety, body image issues, feeling feelings after decades of numbing myself. It is like I am getting to know the real me and I am a bit of a mess. This will take some time. Need to give myself some grace.
For my sobriety.
For all of you.
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Old 05-23-2024, 10:29 AM
  # 50 (permalink)  
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Alpine - The meme is me.
Free - How great that the dogs are getting walked now.
Fearless - Where might SB work? (that he wouldn't hate)
Grateful it's cooler today.
Grateful I don't feel like a sausage in my capris.
Grateful for a gorgeous sunset last night.
Grateful for our lovely & funny group.
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Old 05-24-2024, 03:01 AM
  # 51 (permalink)  
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Free, I could be off but I am sensing you are down. (Or maybe I am projecting). Regardless, thinking of you with the crazy schedule—and not having husband do the house stuff needed sometimes.
Fearless, yes, maybe I can have more compassion for the teenage predicament/illness. I caught my SB doing something he really shouldn’t be last night. Still have to figure out punishment. It’s exhausting.
Hi Aly, you doing ok yourself? And hooray for your grocery delivery!
CBS, that is awesome about your therapist. I had mine yesterday too and felt a lot better than before I went in.
Hi Hev—and all others!

- for a good therapy session yesterday. Really needed it. Feeling so low on parenting and right now not feeling great about work, which is usually my solace, along with bf (most of the time).
- for 2 nice parties and that none of my mental energy was spent worrying about where I would get a drink. Unless you count me deciding that I wanted some sparkling water in addition to my flat water. I mean, maybe I did spend energy also in the sense that I noticed the first party would be the kind where I would have been panicked about being able to find a drink if i was still in my drinking days.
- that I can be there for my kids, imperfectly though I may do it. Some of the kids at school are being so cruel to my daughter. It just breaks my heart for her and I want to go yell at them all, which I realize would probably not help her standing in the middle school crowd . But still.
- for at least attempting to view some struggles I am now having at work as a gift. (I think something happened where they were going to make me interim CEO but changed their mind—and my boss had some kind of pointed words for me about this project that got off the rails…not exactly my fault and not necessarily even on the rails to begin with but I think she expected more leadership from me than I gave it). It hurts but also I’ve poured so much of my worth into work—and maybe that’s not how I need to go forward into the rest of my life.
- to be up so early. May be a zombie later but I’m awake now.
- for all of you.
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Old 05-24-2024, 03:13 AM
  # 52 (permalink)  
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Hev, me too..especially where we used to live because the neighbors were quite close. Now we have a fair amount of space between us. And feeling like sausage in me either
Free, I hope the interview went well
Fear, hang in there, you have a lot going on.
CB, how is the ankle after all of that tennis? Don't you have a trip coming up too with some hiking?
NL, oh my gosh, from reading what you post I think you are an amazing parent, you are juggling so much but are still there for them..and your job..and your BF...and
.your job. Can you take any "you" time to recharge
Grateful it was not too humid yesterday
Grateful for walking over 5 miles,.riding my bike 10 miles and doing yard management after the big storm
Grateful to have salads for lunch and dinner..Don't want to look like a sausage

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Old 05-24-2024, 03:16 AM
  # 53 (permalink)  
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Old 05-24-2024, 04:34 AM
  # 54 (permalink)  
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Grateful for wonderful disc golfing weather yesterday afternoon.

Grateful for another day sober.
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Old 05-24-2024, 06:29 AM
  # 55 (permalink)  
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FBL, glad you did some disc golfing in nice weather
Numblady, parallel lives - work is my my solace too 😊 Sorry SB did something that you have to confront. Yep, it’s exhausting. You are a great mom!
CBS, we did the reading time and homework too when he was younger. What tends to work now, though not consistently is breaking up screen time by suggesting a ping pong game or trampoline jump or walk the dog. I need to remember to do these things regularly.
Aly, have a good day!
Alpine, yes to that meme. Glad you are being so active
Hev, at this age (SB is 15), he needs a work permit and can only work part time. There are life guard and swim instructor jobs, camp counselor jobs. We will see
Grateful to be getting ready for a hike
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Old 05-24-2024, 07:26 AM
  # 56 (permalink)  
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NL, you are always so kind. I know you and Fearless have your hands full raising teenagers. Sending many good vibes your way, both of you. Fearless, I love the way you put that being a teenager is a special kind of mental illness and I think there is a lot of validity to that. Thankfully most of them outgrow it.
Fear, have a nice hike, be safe.
Hev, glad your clothes are fitting better.
I haven't seen Purps in a few days. Hope all is well with her.
Alpine, so glad you're keeping busy. Love the meme, my friend.
Hi Free, good luck with the job search.
CBS, glad your heel didn't seem to bother you when you're playing tennis.
Turs, glad you're able to be away with family now. Listae, always glad to see you.
It is sunny but has gotten quite windy and a bit chilly outside, which is a nice change. Grateful our groceries came yesterday late afternoon and we're all stocked up again. Of course, like Alpine's meme, I always forget at least one or two or more things.
Grateful my pants are feeling looser these days. I think I can go out and buy a few pairs of shorts and pants in a size or two smaller. I've been slowly losing some weight. We have a Ross within 5 min walking distance, I should go over and try on some jeans and shorts for summer.
Grateful so very much for all of you and our recovery group.
Have a great day all. Love and peace to anyone struggling or suffering in any way.
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Old 05-24-2024, 07:54 AM
  # 57 (permalink)  
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NL - I'm sorry your daughter is going through that situation. I hoped that generation of kids would rise above the desire to be mean. Why some enjoy intentionally hurting others - I just don't get it.
Alpine - Great that you always keep up with your exercise.
FBL - Glad you had fun in the lovely weather!
Aly - I can never, ever find the right fit in jeans. I'm petite & they always hang waaaay down.
Fearless - I hope it works out for SB to have a great summer, regardless of job situation.
Love to everyone. Grateful & in a hurry.
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Old 05-24-2024, 09:03 AM
  # 58 (permalink)  
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Good morning grat pack. It is just barely still morning here.
Fearless enjoy your hike!
Alpine my ankle, foot is still sore. Hopefully I can handle hiking next week. Must take a bigger tennis break. It is real hard for me.
NL glad you had a good therapy session.
Hev glad you don't feel like a sausage ;0)
Aly glad you feel like you can manage your day today.
Hello to all others. Turs, Purps, listae, Peke, Zen, FBL, Free hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.

Grateful for my garden. It is looking really happy after some recent rain.
Grateful for my sobriety. But the recovery work still continues as I still get to know the new sober self. I have been sober almost 3.5 years but since I drank for decades I have a lot of adjustments and learning to do still.
Grateful for my upcoming anniversary trip. Going to Asheville for our 40th.
Grateful the tennis season is over. We lost in the finals. I was a cheerleader due to injuries. Going to take a mental and physical break from league tennis for the summer.
Grateful my husband is in negotiations with someone over selling his building that he uses for his custom furniture business. Kind of bittersweet. But if it goes through we will have done well with investment and have some money to put away as he retires.
Grateful for SR and the GP.

Here is the progression of a recent yard project. We got rid of a non native holly that was shading my veggie garden and always dropping berries and leaves on the driveway. My husband built the sculpture with up cycled clay pipes that were salvaged from a drainage and waterproofing project we did years ago on the front of our house.

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Old 05-24-2024, 10:32 AM
  # 59 (permalink)  
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Fearless at Fifty

I’m grateful for green grass.
I’m grateful for spring baby birds.
I’m grateful for fresh fish that melts in your mouth.
I’m grateful for AA meetings.
I’m grateful for my peace of mind.
I’m grateful for getting my **** together.
I’m grateful that I have the courage to attend a conference today.
I’m grateful for cool breezes.
I’m grateful for public parks.
I’m grateful for old trees that give me a seat to think.
I’m grateful for loving friends.
I’m grateful for 102 days of sobriety.
I’m grateful to be Sober and I’m grateful to be working to stay Sober!
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Old 05-25-2024, 02:25 AM
  # 60 (permalink)  
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Oh no Free….that sucks about losing your plants! I’ll keep saying it, but I dunno how y’all do it in any climate colder than it gets here. This is the farthest north I’m willing to go, that’s for sure…..and I’m adjusting to the lower Midwest!

Aly so sweet of you to check in on me Seems getting up at 3:30 during the week still doesn’t give me enough morning time! Then by evening I’m falling asleep before I get a chance to make a grat list….Grateful for you all keeping the threads and grats going!

Grateful for a three day weekend without dreading and fighting sobriety
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