Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms...

Old 11-20-2015, 05:02 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Sounds like he may still be using--going to his mother's will give him more "freedom" to get access to drugs and use.
Addicts don't like too much attention to what their doing sometimes because it is unwarrented, but often because
they sense their game isn't working, so they distance themselves--the "you don't trust me so I'm moving out" is pretty classic
among addicts--you see it described hundreds of times here and quite often they were using and covering it up.

I strongly suggest you cancel any credit cards, gas cards, and move money out of any accounts he has access to.
His mother will see to his basic needs--protect yourself and trust your gut instinct.

An easy way to cancel the cards is call up the company and say they were lost, and they will issue a new number
on the account. The old ones don't work anymore.

I also think the "gas scam" or selling / pawning things may be where the money is coming from.
He also may have asked for a loan from one of his friend's at the union hall, since he's laid off.
Hopefully, I'm incorrect and he's not using, but if he has food and shelter, he should be OK and he
needs to get it together without endless petty cash from you and pull his weight.

I'm sorry saw. . .so hard to deal with this stuff, but you and kids must come first right now.
I think extra support for you would be really helpful--you're so used to policing him stepping back will be hard.
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Old 11-20-2015, 05:20 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by cynical one View Post
His knees hurt too bad to run a vacuum, dust, and do dishes in his own home, but they are OK when he is moving furniture and boxes for some random does that work?

And, if he has no access to money how is he able to buy gas, coffee, and dinner out?

A very good boundary is "I don't run a flop house, everyone needs to contribute both financially and/or physically to the home, and if they don't- they need to find elsewhere to be a bum".

It sounds like you are contributing 100% to the family finances, the upkeep of the home, and the care of the children and he is contributing 0%. There is no balance at all.

You're kickass and can take care of yourself and your kids on your own...what are you getting out of this?
Your totally right C1, and that is how I see it too. Why is it you can help out a friend moving!!!... but you cant wash your own dirty dishes or do a load of laundry while I'm at work. Honestly I think that he leaves the minute I get home because he cant look me in the eye once I've come home to see the mess that was not only left for me but made larger. Its guilt and in my eyes its ********!!! I have looked past so much and not pushed for him to watch our 4 yr old while I work because he has no patience for him and he shouldn't have to pay the price for his dads problems but to skate on everything else... well enough is enough... I also cant help but think he is voluntarily going to his mothers because the weekend is here and its catch up time for me and he doesn't want to help so out of site out of mind and his mom will expect nothing of him.... I allowed him to keep his bank card only to use at locations not to take out ANY atm withdrawals out at all!! So I could see the purchases and I wanted receipts to know he wasn't getting cash back. I allow to much! way to much!! He thinks that his "recovery" is that he must worry about only him and that is all. That his battle with wanting to use is the only one he should have to face or cope with. He was asleep this morning when we all left. A part of me is sick inside because I see this as a shortcoming on my part. I couldn't be the support he needed.... Needless to say I need to learn to love me again. Then there is the other part of me that is relieved he is going and hopes that he is gone by the time I get home from work. Every time I think I am in the thick of it, it just gets thicker!
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Old 11-20-2015, 05:28 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by incitingsilence View Post
He is a contradiction, I know you see it.

And the buying gas. Is it actually making it into the car? I love the gas scam. You go to station offer to put gas in someone else’s car under the pretense that you need cash. You pay for their gas on card, they give you cash and that is that.

And while you cannot understand you are not naïve. And his actions and words don’t match. And trust was broken, most in recovery get that and know that if they are walking the walk it will be obvious and when they aren’t it will equally as obvious. If he actually is clean, this is also early for you too and you get the same break if you are being insane You will have your own stuff to undo.

Did he leave this morning to go to his moms?

And yes inciting, It all feels like a scam and one thing I can usually trust is my gut.. He is lying to me and I am deteriorating little by little by allowing it to go on. The yelling battles have to stop, I tried last night not to fight but he just pushed and pushed and then when I open up he doesn't address what I said he twists it to what I did and how I invaded his privacy!! WHAT!!??? Like he should be allowed any to begin with!! I hope his mother is armed with some tough love because we are the flies and he is the web! You cant get too close or your @#%*!$!!!
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Old 11-20-2015, 05:45 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye13 View Post
Sounds like he may still be using--going to his mother's will give him more "freedom" to get access to drugs and use.
Addicts don't like too much attention to what their doing sometimes because it is unwarrented, but often because
they sense their game isn't working, so they distance themselves--the "you don't trust me so I'm moving out" is pretty classic
among addicts--you see it described hundreds of times here and quite often they were using and covering it up.

I strongly suggest you cancel any credit cards, gas cards, and move money out of any accounts he has access to.
His mother will see to his basic needs--protect yourself and trust your gut instinct.

An easy way to cancel the cards is call up the company and say they were lost, and they will issue a new number
on the account. The old ones don't work anymore.

I also think the "gas scam" or selling / pawning things may be where the money is coming from.
He also may have asked for a loan from one of his friend's at the union hall, since he's laid off.
Hopefully, I'm incorrect and he's not using, but if he has food and shelter, he should be OK and he
needs to get it together without endless petty cash from you and pull his weight.

I'm sorry saw. . .so hard to deal with this stuff, but you and kids must come first right now.
I think extra support for you would be really helpful--you're so used to policing him stepping back will be hard.
Thank you Hawkeye13, You are right on!!! I have to go with my gut!! He is doing exactly what you said too!! "you don't trust me so I'm leaving" "how can I stay clean in this environment" placing blame on me means he doesn't have to place it on himself.... separating myself is going to be the hard part, not crumbling when he breaks down and cry's... Well I have to keep reminding myself of all the things that need my attention and love. I have a little boy who is turning 5 in 2 weeks and my Big Baby who is getting his license and then we have Christmas! I don't want my kids replacing this giving holiday with loss and pain. I would do anything for my boys and I can only pray that one day they will see that this fight wasn't just for me it was for them!! Thank you again for your words and advice!!! All of you just taking the time to respond to my concerns is so wonderful! so greatly appreciated!!!
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