
Topic Discussion-The Little Things

Old 01-11-2003, 12:22 PM
  # 1 (permalink)  
Morning Glory
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Topic Discussion-The Little Things

The topic today will be "the little things"

If we have PTSD then we are using quite a bit of strength everyday to cope with the major things in our life like family, children, job etc...

I find that it is the little things I can't deal with. I can cope with a very stressful job caring for the needs of about 20 people and the stress of the boss and the governing agency, case workers, doctors, police etc...

These are the things that nearly put me over the top. Please feel free to list yours.

The dryer buzzer.
The gardener's blower
When I order coffee at a fast food and they don't have any and I have to wait for it.
When they ask me if I want cream or sugar at the speaker and then ask me again at the window.
When they grab the entire top of my coffee cup with their grubby money hands when they hand it to me.
(You can see I have coffee issues)
When they ask me to move up and park and they'll bring the food out.....and there is no one behind me waiting. I just want to scream. Why do I have to move up!!!!
When my favorite Zone Out before I go to sleep TV program is not on.
When I just get home from work and I answer the phone and I know it's someone that will keep me on for an hour(especially my boss)
When someone doesn't go when it's their turn at the stop sign.
When someone at McDonald's make the ice cream cone a lot smaller than it is supposed to be.
When someone at my weekend job leaves me their work to do when I know they've sat and watched TV all day.

I handle major issues at work everyday without problem, but the things above just send me over the top. Does anyone else go through anything like this???


Last edited by Morning Glory; 01-11-2003 at 12:24 PM.
Old 01-11-2003, 01:11 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Any electronic noise, tv, stereo etc totally shatters my nerves and ability to cope sanely

Unexpected, uninvited person or by phone...unnerves me, makes me feel my privacy is threatened and boundaries intruded on

the things on your list, MG, don't bother me at all. except the loafer at work, I guess.
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Old 01-11-2003, 03:27 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Just about anything to do with driving or riding!
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Old 01-11-2003, 04:58 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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I have to laugh about this.

A couple years ago I lived in a rural area of Tenn with a large Amish population (light years from CA) There were always horse drawn buggies on the highways and in the parking lots. A trip to town is an all day family event. I watched the horses plop plop plop down the highway while the family rode in the buggy. Then I would watch people in cars race from light to light, and I imagined what this must look like to them, the Amish, that is. How silly we must seem to them, dashing around, cutting in front of each other, sressing over it.

Needless to say I am what my daughter calls a "non-driver" in other words one of those people that drive you all crazy.

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Old 01-13-2003, 03:23 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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If I was asked to move at a fast food place and there was no-one behind me, I would say "I'll just wait here thanks" and if someone came along, then I would move!

Well, I can walk into fire and brimstone, but I can't handle the sound of construction site workers first thing in the morning! I know these umm people wait until exactly 8:00am so they can legally start their machines up (even on a Sunday) and think nothing of turning their radios up and babbling inanely about some girls legs they saw lastnight. "Huh huh huh good onya mate, did ya give her one?" omg this bugs me.



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Old 01-13-2003, 06:18 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Morning Glory
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I would really love to tell them I won't move up at the fast food places, BUT ! They are making my food and the one thing I've learned after working in restaurants is you don't upset the people who are making my food. :p

Old 01-13-2003, 06:41 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Things I have trouble with as a PTSD

Dear MG and Everyone,
As A person with PTSD I have trouble with:
1. Long lines to movies.
2. Crazy drivers.
3. Arogant drivers of Hummers and SUVs, I call Pharoes on the Nile.
4. Shopping for clothes for myself.
5. Waiting for a table in a restaurant.
6. Driving myself and driving with others.
7. People with a bug up their a-- about anything.
8. 4:00 AM panic attacks about the next day's work, usually Mondays.
This is the short list. Any one care to add to it. Some feed back would be nice. Karl
Old 01-13-2003, 07:21 PM
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Oooo, good point I may have to re-think my strategy. One more to add to my list: Don't argue with a crazy person (me), my mother, police officers people!


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Old 01-13-2003, 09:11 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Morning Glory
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Hello Karl,

I don't have a problem driving myself, but I will not get in the car with someone else driving. I was ok until after my car accident and then that was it.

I do have trouble going over bridges. I get intrusive thoughts about losing control and driving off. I know I'm not going to drive off, but panic anyway. This one just started last year. I've always had trouble driving under freshly poured bridges. I get off the freeway and get right back on to avoid that. One year the one I did that with actually fell. That was enough to feed my phobia.

I have my work stress attack before I go to sleep which means I don't go to sleep.

I laughed because my boss said she never gets sick because she works out. I said I smoke and never get sick and never excercise. She said it was because I was mentally healthy.
Old 01-15-2003, 07:51 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
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The Little Things

Originally posted by Morning Glory
Hello Karl,

I don't have a problem driving myself, but I will not get in the car with someone else driving. I was ok until after my car accident and then that was it.
MG, my wife has had that same problem since our auto accident in '93. She was a confessed passenger-seat driver before, but now... Speaking of little things that bug ya... But then ya gotta understand I'm that one who's the world's only perfect driver, who thinks everybody should drive like me!:p

I do have trouble going over bridges..
I knew I woman in Virginia once that had that problem, tho not too bad if she wasn't driving. Wonder where that comes from?...

Ive always had trouble driving under freshly poured bridges. I get off the freeway and get right back on to avoid that. One year the one I did that with actually fell. That was enough to feed my phobia..
I bet it was!

I've sometimes heard people, when invited to church, say "If I ever set foot in a church, it would cave in!"

Well, one day this fella told me this had actually happened to him!

At least he didn't give up--he was telling me this in church!

And no, this time it didn't cave in!:okay:

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Old 01-15-2003, 08:11 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Originally posted by liveweyerd
Needless to say I am what my daughter calls a "non-driver" in other words one of those people that drive you all crazy.

Hey Live, the one's who really drive me crazy are the "non-drivers" who are on the road trying to drive anyway!
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Old 01-15-2003, 11:53 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
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Hey I thought I was the only fear aphobic! I shake when I have to go over a bridge! I fear hen I have t get on the plane! I pray over and over again "please don't let me die,please don't let the plane crash". I do this unti we are well up in the air, then Ithink about "the bomb" that might be in the cargo airia, or the high jacker that might be in a set on the plane... Then as we land, I pra again,please dont let me de, please don't lt the plane cras. After my trip is done, I still feel sick and on my trip, I have panic attacks because I have o get back on that plane to go back home. It's not fun being scard all the time and try to put on a brave face and pretend "I'm cool"! I do the same wth any shots even at the dentist. I know it's all unfounded fear for the most part, but gee! My hair stands up on end when I hear a kid screaming in the store. I want to tell that mother to take the kid home! I jump a mile high when out o the blue my husband comes in and talks loud! Ha, that's a goodpoint about food,but for the most part 'm nice any way. I get shaky when I person think they are trying to be nice, but are actually insulting you with a smile on their face. And my big pet peave is my husband leaving his dirty socks every place and my son's diaper where ever he decided to change it at! I mean diapers go in the trash no matter what, and you do it right away. I'm talking like when he gives myson a bath and leaves the diaper on the floor... I have a ton more,but those I think are my biggest.
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Old 01-15-2003, 12:29 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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The bridges ~ I absolutely panic going across a long bridge. No one in the car is allowed to talk, I have to hold my breath, hang on, and then lean, because I know we are going to go over the side. This is with my husband driving, I cannot drive over one.

And driving on snowy, slippery roads. A couple of snowflakes is way to much. I go into such a panic, that if the roads really are bad, I can't even get the vehicle off the road to stop. "God help me, God help me" over & over...

I was in a car accident late one night, with my sister & a friend who was driving,when I was like 20 and it was July, hotter than heck. After we crashed I climbed out of the car and all I could see was snow everywhere. I thought it was the middle of winter. I started walking for help, until I realized I couldn't walk. The muscles were all ripped in my legs. So I had to scoot back to the car thru the snow. Well, I guess that wasn't that little of a thing!

Also, driving in the city in alot of traffic, just makes my head spin. I can't focus. I never drive in the city when we go. Why can't everyone just pull off and wait for me to go thru!!
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Old 01-17-2003, 12:53 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Unhappy Flying and driving

Dear Everyone, Well it is funny that things we fear are sometimes relatively benign untill something changes it for us. I developed a fear of driving and riding in cars starting after a girlfriend I had was killed in a car along with two others. That was 32 years ago. My fear developed slowly and intensified after I stopped regular substanse abuse. I am in more control of my senses yet I fear losing control.

I was in a plane crash in December 1978. It wasn't actually a crash, the plane broke apart on landing after engine trouble developed after icing up flying when we should have been home waiting for the storms to end. The plane never rolled anywhere on its own again and was scrapped to a dealer in Washington. I have a love of flying that still exists today and I have many powered models and gliders I love to fly when I get a chance. I have flown in terrible weather to see my family in remote parts of Norway after this incident and although I get a little white nuckled in storm conditions I still love to fly. Actually, I love high powered take offs and love the thrill of landing (safely of course). Go figure.

It seems we lose our nerve when the thrill of adventure is squashed by our emotions around risk. What do you think? Karl
Old 01-17-2003, 06:50 PM
  # 15 (permalink)  
Morning Glory
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I can't fly after the plane crash I saw. It didn't even seem to bother me much at the time. I just can't fly now. I used to really enjoy flying before that.

A little plane hit a prop plane and 180 were killed and the bodies were put in the park a block away from my house. I saw the whole thing. I was about 18 years old.

I've never even really talked about it before and it doesn't bother me to talk about it. It's just a wierd thing. It is definitely a control issue though I think. I worry just as much about airplanes flying overhead. Meteors too because I see stuff fall out of the sky all the time. I'm usually outside smoking looking up at the sky and there are more things that fall that most people realize. They usually burn up before they hit the ground, but I've seen some come pretty darn close.

Old 01-18-2003, 01:17 AM
  # 16 (permalink)  
Grace Under Fire
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Fear of heights, can't even get on a
ladder. Elevators, it's going to breakdown
with me on it-plus I'm claustrophobic. Planes-no way. Driving over canals.
Tailgaters on my butt and I can't pull over.
Behind someone on the ATM machine, who
can't figure it out.
Behind someone in grocery line who
pulls out the checkbook after the groceries are sacked and in the cart.
Getting more patient with the last two-
used to drive me up the wall.
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Old 01-18-2003, 06:27 AM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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Hey J, I'm one hose horrible people who check every price while the casheer ringing me out. If the price does not match to what I saw in the sale,then I say something. The over head light flashes while they get someone to check out the price. I have a ton of people waiting behind me and I get the nastiest looks. I get all up set and try to say a joke to ease the tention,but you can tell if they were not civilized people, they would kick my butt. I need to save every penny I can when I shop because I have a big family,plus now I enjoy "the hunt" or the amount of money I save. I fear driving by myself in a place that I am not familare with. And I too hate tail gaters! I'm pretty good at talkling myself out ofmy fears while they happen, but too bad i'm a scardy cat all the time!
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Old 01-19-2003, 01:59 AM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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Zoomer, LOL
I totally understand that, but these
people are just standing there. I
have been this utter impatient person,
and I really have nowhere to go. I'm
usually in my zoned out survival mode now
so nothing has been affecting me lately. I
am now asking and checking prices.
The other day I bought some stuff and
went outside with my things and saw
that she charged me three times for
two things. So I went back inside and
said I want my 2 dollars! (I was nice
and joking about it.) I get home,
take my stuff out, and I have three
things!!! I felt like a horse's beehind, and took it back a few days later.
And I thought she was the airhead.

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Old 01-19-2003, 02:17 AM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Morning Glory
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We're at that age where we can get by with being airheads.

Old 01-19-2003, 05:39 AM
  # 20 (permalink)  
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an air head story---- I was a returning adult student andI hung with other "adults. Onewoman was about 50, nice lady,well groomed and she ws going to school in the program of displaced homemakers. Anyway, se ge to school one day (her husband brings her because she is afraid to drive). She comes up to the table where we are all sitting and having coffee and take off her long coat. Ha, she forgot to put on her skirt! She rushes to put er coat back on, but we all started laughing! Too dam funny, Iv never had an air head moment like that yet! She had to call her husband to bring her skirt to school.
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