
Feel sick all the time

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Old 12-24-2021, 05:04 PM
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Feel sick all the time

Okay I just feeling so tired and achy. I'm feeling extra sick since getting my covid-19 booster shot, but I already was feeling poorly a lot of the time. I'm so achy and tired all the time. This isn't new in fact I'm not sure it has anything to do with vaccine. I've been In bed or on the sofa all day for two weeks except going to meetings hanging out with some aa friends. I've actually been fairly social I go to a movie with friends once a week. I'm going skiing tomorrow I'm going to make myself go no matter what and I'm getting out of bed to go. I'm not working now and don't miss it. I have not lost my job its just ints really slow so I'm off until the new year. I've had blood work and everything is fine except for slightly low Potassium levels, which I'm taking a Potassium supplement for now. I'm eating terribly still a lot of time I'm to tired to care. I'm also getting almost no sun light I'm getting up at 4 pm a lot of days going to bed a 3 am or so daily. I'm so frustrated I have no energy to change anything so tired so achy. The doctor can't find anything wrong but I feel positively ancient I'm only 41.

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Old 12-24-2021, 07:05 PM
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Sounds like skiiing will be a great way to get some sun and exercise David, that should help in both areas. Continue to work on your mental health too, your physical well being is very closely related.
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Old 12-24-2021, 07:29 PM
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I'm not going it got canceled the weather is bad it's raining. Im going to my sister's instead. I'm worried I'm gonna relapse soon because I'm kinda isolated myself in that I'm not telling others I been having progressively worse using thoughts and ideas. I thought I could get high and not drink. I know if that happens I will drink. Also thier is booze in my house I live with my parents and they drink. Warning bells are giving off In my head because I'm have thoughts and I'm sleeping all day feeling depressed and have little interest in doing anything. Part of me wants to drink and that scares me. I Also missed a meeting because I couldn't get out of bed in time. I'm just telling on myself I was in fact not going to tell anyone. I have hard time telling people I want to drink because I want to look like I have it all together. It also makes think I'm not doing some right.
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Old 12-24-2021, 09:43 PM
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Glad you shared all that David, it does sound like there are a lot of red flags flying. Thing is though, you get to choose whether you drink or not. All of those things you listed are certainly temptations and/or "excuses" to drink, but you don't have to heed them. Coming here was the right thing to do, re-read what you just wrote and take the appropriate action.
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Old 12-24-2021, 11:59 PM
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You'll get back every bit of effort you put into staying sober David.

If you're too depressed to get out of bed in time, thats probably a good reason to call your therapist if you have one, or see you general doctor specifically about.

There's no need for the slow motion car crash back into addiction - you have tools and knowledge that you've built up over your sober time - don't let your addiction stop you for using them when you need to

You control the course of your future

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