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Old 08-07-2018, 10:07 AM
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Screwed up and went on a 2 week binge of about 20 drinks a day while still being sober for work my 5 days each week... Been sober now since Aug 2nd 3:47 am so 5 days 9 hours and 17 minutes..

Been struggling with the worst cravings ever for the last 48 hours, all I want is a damn drink. =\ So bored without it no matter what I do. About to go walk my dogs to distract me for a bit but I can't find ANYTHING else that helps with cravings. Being honest with myself the only reason I haven't caved in is because I have 0 cash and only 15 cents open on credit cards until payday this Friday so I can't even drink no matter how much I want to until then.

Just trying to get over these cravings by then so I don't do something stupid Friday morning when I get paid.
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Old 08-07-2018, 10:21 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Hi SpankedByLife,

Cravings are possibly the most torturous part of being an alcoholic. My first question is -- are you engaged in any kind of program of sobriety at the moment? It seems like you really want to stop, but everything you've said has confirmed the reality: you cannot do it on your own. From the sound of your post, the only reason you are currently sober is because you lack the funds to finance your next binge. Frankly I'm amazed that after such a long binge you are not experiencing debilitating withdrawal.

Do you truly want to put a stop to the vicious cycle once and for all? What are you willing to do to stop drinking?
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Old 08-07-2018, 10:46 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
bona fido dog-lover
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Are you hungry? It might help abate the cravings if your stomach was full.
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Old 08-07-2018, 03:21 PM
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Been struggling with the worst cravings ever for the last 48 hours, all I want is a damn drink. =\ So bored without it no matter what I do. About to go walk my dogs to distract me for a bit but I can't find ANYTHING else that helps with cravings.
I don't think you can replace drinking with nothing and stay least I couldn't. After going to AA daily for 90 days my cravings stopped but I couldn't have done it without support.
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Old 08-07-2018, 03:54 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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In my opinion, no amount of sitting in a room with strangers will help with the initial physical cravings/withdrawal.

So sit down, buckle up and try and not fall off the ride...
-nice food, fluid that gets you atleast slightly exited, something to pass time..... There is of course, also monitored med. Assisted withdrawal
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Old 08-07-2018, 07:11 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Cravings will pass away if they are acknowledged and not acted on. Not acted on means not suppressed (denied) and not indulged. Neither suppression nor expression. Suppression and expression both multiply the stock of cravings that must ultimately be allowed to pass away if one looks to ultimately be free from being captive to a bad habit. If the cravings have been suppressed or indulged for a long time the stock to be freed from is large and it seems unending. Faith that they will pass is important. Patient persistence will be rewarded. Say "at the moment there is craving within this mind body phenomenon. Let me see how long this lasts".. Be happy
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Old 08-08-2018, 01:40 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Grymt View Post
Cravings will pass away if they are acknowledged and not acted on. Not acted on means not suppressed (denied) and not indulged. Neither suppression nor expression. Suppression and expression both multiply the stock of cravings that must ultimately be allowed to pass away if one looks to ultimately be free from being captive to a bad habit. If the cravings have been suppressed or indulged for a long time the stock to be freed from is large and it seems unending. Faith that they will pass is important. Patient persistence will be rewarded. Say "at the moment there is craving within this mind body phenomenon. Let me see how long this lasts".. Be happy
This langage is confusing to me - can you describe in detail more about what, in actual practice, by "neither suppression nor expression"?
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Old 08-08-2018, 04:51 AM
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I found that my cravings only lasted for a few minutes at a time. When they were at their worst, I knew I needed to get out of my own head. Go for a walk, watch a movie, eat something, take a nap, just DON'T give in. In the end, they are only passing feelings, they don't NEED to be acted upon! It WILL get easier as time goes by, I promise you that.
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Old 08-08-2018, 03:47 PM
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Sorry for not replying, for some reason my user CP says there are 0 replies to this topic so being the pathetic drunk I am I thought everyone was sick of me and wanted me to just go away like my family told me to.
Been trying to go to AA for the past few months but it just makes my cravings worse, here its just 3-5 other guys who are very nice but are also on meth which is a line I'll never cross. Went back on my paxil for anxiety the other night, my DR said hopefully it'll help with this because of how sleepy it makes me.
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Old 08-08-2018, 04:23 PM
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There are some good tips here SBL (CarolD's tips for cravings)

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Old 08-08-2018, 04:29 PM
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I don’t crave the alcohol. I crave the feeling of socially being accepted. Everyone I know drinks. I can’t just unplug from my whole life. I still am learning to experience fun. Fun because it’s truly fun, not because it’s fun at someone else’s expense. And I’ve mentioned being tired of feeling every single thing. Yep. Tired of that.
In my first go around, yes, I had withdrawals. I, like others, did whatever it took to keep my mind busy to not give in. It is a tremendous overwhelming feeling. Hang in there. I tell myself now that I can’t have it, it makes me sick. I love slushees now! I ate grapes a whole lot first go round. Red seedless grapes (didn’t wanna gain weight). I’m being careful to not replace one addiction with yet another. Keep posting, I believe in you.
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Old 08-08-2018, 08:59 PM
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The main thing with me is its not even about being social. I have social anxiety disorder and take Paxil for it. I just turned 36 on july 23rd. I just go to work then come home, play video games and watch anime like a 16 year old, lol. I also take care of my 2 german shepherds, 1 cat and 2 ferrets. I'm happy with this life. I know I'll probably be a single loser forever since every girl I've ever been with cheated on me so I just give up on that... I honestly just drink to make what I do a little bit more fun and thats it. I just hit 7 days sober and I actually won $100 on a lottery ticket today and managed not to buy alcohol but I'm so damn bored. I know if I go buy some vodka now I'll just end up drinking it to make the same video games\ music videos more fun and thats it. =\ Sorry for the rant but its the truth. I've been going to meetings lately like people here suggested but I really dont think they're for me, I end up leaving them wanting to drink more than ever before. I'm so lost. Everyone I know just tells me to "grow up already"
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Old 08-08-2018, 11:24 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Grymt :

Cravings will pass away if they are acknowledged and not acted on. Not acted on means not suppressed (denied) and not indulged. Neither suppression nor expression. Suppression and expression both multiply the stock of cravings that must ultimately be allowed to pass away if one looks to ultimately be free from being captive to a bad habit. If the cravings have been suppressed or indulged for a long time the stock to be freed from is large and it seems unending. Faith that they will pass is important. Patient persistence will be rewarded. Say "at the moment there is craving within this mind body phenomenon. Let me see how long this lasts".. Be happy

Originally Posted by Briansy View Post
This langage is confusing to me - can you describe in detail more about what, in actual practice, by "neither suppression nor expression"?

By Suppression I mean to swallow the craving or internalize it by doing something that in essence denies its existence. This pushes it back in only to have to be dealt with at another time. If the habit is to deny it then that habit can act fast and one continually is suppressing it without being aware of doing so hence the cravings multiply.

By Expression I mean to act out on it. For example drink or eat or in some way indulge the feeling directly. Feed the feeling in the hope of sating it. This also denies the truth of the feeling.

Neither Suppression or Expression is a middle path: equanimous awareness of the feeling.

If you are feeling intense cravings it can mean that you are doing things just right as when you are simply acknowledging the feeling or being aware of it, meanwhile continue to do what needs to be done on a daily basis, the stock of stored up cravings start to peel off. This may be somewhat alarming and here faith and patience is needed. It will pass like all things that in the world that are impermanent. Cheers.
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Old 08-09-2018, 07:16 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Further to the above: The more equanimous you are with the craving the more intense it feels. This is because you are no longer denying it so the old stock of cravings start to rise up into awareness and peel off. This is wrongly thought off as things are getting worse. They are not. In fact they are getting better.

It is also important that the rational things that you do while the cravings intensify and pass away are good. In other words moral. Things that are renouncing in nature. Don't lie, steal, kill, indulge in sexual misconduct or take any kind of intoxicant. Do positive, life affirming, giving things. This will facilitate the process. Be Happy.
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Old 08-09-2018, 07:28 PM
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Early sobriety is hard, but you just have to dig your heels in and not drink. No matter what.
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Old 08-09-2018, 08:46 PM
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AA is free. Have you done something stupid? Or been busy getting a plan in place?
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