
Withdrawal - When does the damage subside?

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Old 02-17-2018, 11:18 PM
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Withdrawal - When does the damage subside?

My friends always knew me as the one who “liked a drink” but nobody guessed how much I drank.

Every day I drank a couple of glasses of wine before work. Over the last few months I took to taking a bottle of pop - three quarters Vodka - to get me through the working day. Once home I could easily drink a couple of bottles of wine.

This sounds unbelievable but I swear this is how much I’ve been drinking. When staying with family over Christmas I made sure to pack a few bottles of wine in case what was on offer wasn’t enough. I took bottles of pop/vodka on shopping trips. It almost became a frantic “game” to find alcohol when out with family on day trips.

I have been desperate to quit for so long. I’ve eaten into my few savings. I love food but barely had any appetite. My belly is distended.

The thing is, all that drink gave me a “buzz” it didn’t get me drunk as I built up such a tolerance.

Two weeks ago I gave myself a fright. I drank even more than usual and my body had enough. I was desperately sick. My kidneys and liver ached. For two days every time I lay down on either side I had reflux and was sick again. It was painful as there was no food in me - just water.

I gave up there and then. I expected sweats and shakes and more sickness along with cravings. Surprisingly the worst I’ve had was some dizziness and confusion and pangs of longing when I see people drinking on TV.

I never really drank anything but alcohol other than some water in bed at night. Now I’m drinking tonnes of water as well as tea and vegetable juice.

What I want to know is if I keep eating and drinking healthy will my belly go down? I still have the occasional dull ache in my kidneys and pangs in my liver - inclyding my back. I drink that much water that my urine will be clearer during the day but when I go first thing in the morning it is deep orange.

I will go to the doctor in a month but this has to be a last resort due to the fact that everybody knows everybody here and the nature of my job.

Also, I’m disgusted with the attitude of some of my friends. I’ve told them I’m doing “dry February” and their reactions are disappointing. I wouldn’t mind but they have done the dry month thing themselves!
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Old 02-18-2018, 12:57 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2012
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I would not wait on going to the docs or looking at it as a last resort. I would schedule an appointment soon and be honest with them about the issues you are experiencing and your drinking.
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Old 02-18-2018, 02:51 AM
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Hi PC, your consultation with the doctor would stay completely confidential. If you really don't want to be seen, go to a nearby town. Don't be afraid, doctors have seen and heard it all, and prefer it when patients just tell them the truth.
The doc will schedule some tests.
You're doing great, congratulations. Remember that at some point you may feel the cravings return. Plan to be ready and and go the tea!
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Old 02-18-2018, 06:25 AM
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If you are having physical symptoms as a result of your drinking, go to a Dr. now, don't wait a month.

Don't let your pride get in the way of your physical health.

A month from now when you finally get to the Doctor, you are going to kick yourself if it's something serious. Especially, if the outcome would have been better if you hadn't waited a month to see your Doctor.
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Old 02-18-2018, 08:05 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2012
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I am not sure why you are waiting for one month to see a doctor? It does not matter that you live in an area where everyone knows you. What matters is that your health is compromised and you are worried about the damage to your physical body.

I hope you get in to a doctor soon.
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Old 02-18-2018, 08:54 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 21
It sounds like you should go to a doctor (or whatever is the analogy to an urgent care walk-in clinic) as a priority. Don't get hung up on people's reactions right now.
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