
Being Healthy

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Old 06-04-2017, 10:29 PM
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Being Healthy

The difference between 1 day sober and 1 week sober is.... unbelievable.

Day 1:
Can't eat.
Can't drink water.
Can't think.
Dry heaving.
Go to hospital.
Sent to detox.

Day 6:
Eating all I damn well please (sorry to those who cannot).
Drinking tons of water.
I can think clearly.
Stomach feels... normal.
The only bed I'll be sleeping in tonight is my own.

I worked all day on my investment spreadsheets. A huge project that I can only work on when sober and healthy. And it is so much fun for me.

Onward to week two. This time the AV is dormant. What can it tell me that I don't already know? "You're a jerk when you're drunk and everyone thinks that's just you... so you might as well drink." Hahahaha. Yeah let's drink and end up in detox again or get a DUI. You're funny, AV. Guess what though. I'm not a jerk sober. I never have been and I never will be. You lose. Go sit in the corner and cry about it. Meanwhile life goes on.

See everyone in the morning.
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Old 06-05-2017, 12:18 AM
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I'm glad to see you're doing well TWTOM

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Old 06-05-2017, 02:04 AM
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I know, it's crazy, isn't it?!? I'm still in early sobriety too....Let's keep going!
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Old 06-05-2017, 05:38 AM
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Glad you are already in a good place. Keep going- sobriety gets better and better as we stay within it and learn how to really live.
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Old 06-05-2017, 06:10 AM
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Another trick the AV plays:

"We're bored, let's get drunk!"

We're not bored. There's so much to do. I am unemployed, so I can work all day on any project of my choosing. Send out resumes, work on some of my endeavors for self-employment, cook, clean, even take a nap. Take a break and watch a video. Even go for a drive. Literally anything.

I can't believe I wasted my 20's giving into the AV.
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Old 06-05-2017, 06:21 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Feeling human again is pretty nice.

my other favorite is when people treat me like a human being. Ya know the types. you meet that new person and right off the bat they just treat you with respect and dignity and like your a human being. Theres no judging going on no nothing.
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Old 06-05-2017, 08:26 AM
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