
Day 7...

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Old 02-12-2015, 03:20 PM
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Day 7...

End of day 7. Not such a good day in some ways. My illness is doing its best to make me forget. Not only that, but I'm overeating again after losing 100 lbs. People in the rooms keep telling me to stop being so hard on myself. I just want to get to a place where I don't feel the need to use a substance or behaviour to change the way I feel. Please God, help me...
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Old 02-12-2015, 03:30 PM
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PurpleKnight's Avatar
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100 lbs? . . . that's not all in the last 7 days I hope?

7 Days is still early days, Sobriety is going to be a longer term project than a week, we're talking months, and once that takes hold, then other areas can be built on that foundation.

So I agree, don't be so hard on yourself, a few extra calories here and there are a small price to pay for continued longterm Sobriety, that battle is something for another day!!

Keep pushing through!!
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Old 02-12-2015, 03:34 PM
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Remember that if its not in the house
we can't eat it or drink it. 100 lbs is nothing
to sneeze over. Many have problems
with food, even me.

We do those unhealthy habits because there
is something or some sort of issue within us
that we may not want to face or deal with.

Sitting down with a worksheet and write
what is causing you to want to reach for
unhealthy foods that would cause more
harm than good.

Same thing with drinking. We all had or have
problems either with people, places or things
we are struggling with and think by numbing
it we wont have to deal with it or face it.

Many of us want to be totally perfect in all
we do and actually we don't need to be. All
we need to do strive for progress and not

Strive to work thru our issues using a guideline
in recovery to move forward slowly and steady
as you build a strong solid foundation in recovery.

Day 7 is one more day without poison in
your system affecting your mind and body.
But nothing to sneeze at either. Your progressing
in the right direction with caution.
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Old 02-12-2015, 07:15 PM
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it takes time, Sarah.
in my sober years, there have been many times when i've found myself wishing i were at the point where...or that i thought i should be at the point see? somewhere else from where i was at.

it's turned out best to not expect to be at a certain point in this journey but to actually work with/from where i'm at.

congratulations on your week. that is awesome! and it's wonderful to read your posts that show your open-mindedness and progress over the short time you've been here and the many steps you're taking.

just keep going, frustrations and all.
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Old 02-12-2015, 10:35 PM
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Like others have said, all this takes time - 7 days os great Sarah. Gove yourself a pat on the back

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Old 02-13-2015, 02:41 AM
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a solid week with not alcohol is an awesome achievement for an alcoholic. you should be proud!

Do you have a sponsor? Face to face working the steps will really help.

Great job. Its worth it
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Old 02-13-2015, 02:47 AM
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Originally Posted by sarahlou87 View Post
End of day 7. Not such a good day in some ways. My illness is doing its best to make me forget. Not only that, but I'm overeating again after losing 100 lbs. People in the rooms keep telling me to stop being so hard on myself. I just want to get to a place where I don't feel the need to use a substance or behaviour to change the way I feel. Please God, help me...

When I first started going to AA, the slogans struck me as simplistic and small compared to all the things that I felt needed to change. I am now five years down the road and I appreciate them more than ever. So... One day at a time, friend. Just making it through a week is a huge accomplishment. You can move a mountain if necessary, but only one shovelful at a time. And though the things you face seem monumental - trust me, you are doing just fine. And I want to congratulate you on the insight of the second to the last sentence in your post above - it is the heart of the problem of addiction, and what the 12 steps are all about.

Hang in there, you are exactly where you should be on day seven.

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Old 02-13-2015, 04:16 AM
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ask some people about a gratitude list and a god box

be gentle with you and treat yourself with more kindness, like you would with a friend
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