
Best way to cut down or stop??

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Old 09-18-2012, 03:01 PM
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Best way to cut down or stop??

Okay, I've come to a point where I need to slow down or stop. I'm not sure I meet the criteria for alcoholism, but I still drink far too much. I'm about an 8 beer a night drinker on average. Sometime more, sometimes less. I feel I've been lucky to this point health wise but I believe my luck will soon run out if I don't slow it down.

Question is should i just stop cold turkey? I've read that might not be safe for some people. Or, should I back down slowly?
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Old 09-18-2012, 03:16 PM
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Ranger, you meet the criteria.
Cut your intake in half for a week or two and then quit cold turkey.
You drink just enough right now where delirium tremens is possible if you quit cold turkey right now without cutting back a little first.
I was drinking on average a six pack a night, 8-10 on weekend nights, I quit cold turkey without a problem.
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Old 09-18-2012, 03:29 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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The best way to cut down or to stop drinking is to stop drinking or drink less.
And l am not trying to be funny.
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Old 09-18-2012, 03:46 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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The best way is to go to meetings. You don't need to do it on your own.


Originally Posted by Ranger05 View Post
Okay, I've come to a point where I need to slow down or stop. I'm not sure I meet the criteria for alcoholism, but I still drink far too much. I'm about an 8 beer a night drinker on average. Sometime more, sometimes less. I feel I've been lucky to this point health wise but I believe my luck will soon run out if I don't slow it down.

Question is should i just stop cold turkey? I've read that might not be safe for some people. Or, should I back down slowly?
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Old 09-18-2012, 03:50 PM
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Penny is right, the day will come when you look back on this time of yours because someone asked you this same question. What is the best way to do this? The only answer you will be able to give will be to just take it off the table, make the decision that drinking is no longer even a possibility for you.

There will have been tools you used to make it easier for you to do this, programs or books or self talk or any number of things, but these are all personal things that sometimes changed day by day.

I know that you can do the same thing, make that vow to quit even anticipating a challenge, but knowing inside that you are more than equal to this task. This makes it possible for you to quit. Keep posting, Ranger, there is a lot of support for you here.
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Old 09-18-2012, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Ranger05 View Post
Question is should i just stop cold turkey? I've read that might not be safe for some people. Or, should I back down slowly?
A supervised detox is always a good choice going forward. And quitting is just the beginning. How will you stay quit? An important question too, and one that requires an honest answer that works for YOU.
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Old 09-18-2012, 10:11 PM
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As you are already way past the moderation point of 2 daily drinks
and are concerned about your health ...I do think amedically supervised
de tox would be the best way to go.

Some drinkers can stop CT without problems ..others do get in unexpected trouble.
There simply is no way to tell in advance what mighthappen.

however we do have a link you might want to read.....

There can be a wonderful sober future for you without alcohol.
I can't think of anything that was not improved when I quit

Welcome back...
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Old 09-18-2012, 10:23 PM
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I quit cold turkey because no way was slowing down going to work for me, although it can for some and in theory it makes perfect sense. But I am an alcoholic, which means I CANNOT CONTROL MY DRINKING. This became painfully obvious to me when I tried to taper.
I must add, very importantly, I quit cold turkey with a doctors supervison. Withdrawal can kill you.
Good luck with quitting with whatever method you choose. Keep posting.
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Old 09-22-2012, 11:49 AM
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Wow! I'm glad I posted this. I had no idea that drinking such a relatively small amount could result in dangerous WD symptoms! Thank's for the advice. I have been backing off slowly and thus far have had no problems. I do have another question though.

Does the amount of "intoxication" on a daily bases have anything to do with whether or not a person will have WD symptoms? I am guessing, but I believe I am probably a very strange alcoholic if I am one at all. What I mean is I don't ever get drunk, never. And I do mean never. I don't enjoy the feeling at all. It scares me to be quite honest. Also, the next day is hell on my stomach. I'm what I call a "buzzed" drinker. And that's why I never exceed 6-8 beers. I can easily drink a 12 pack but that put's me into the very drunk range. So anyways, does that fact make WD symptoms less likely??
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Old 09-22-2012, 12:29 PM
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there is simply no way to give you specific information on your
question that I am aware of.
Too many variables ..and not everyone has the same expereince.

The fact that your stomach is acting up after drinking is
cause for concern. Please see your doctor and be honest.

We can not give medical advice on our site...nor should
you rely on anything except what test can be done
by a professional.
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Old 09-22-2012, 01:11 PM
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I could drink 6-8 beers without being drunk. I actually didn't like being really drunk. But I had developed a high tolerance.
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Old 09-22-2012, 01:24 PM
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I'm totally new to this site, so take or leave my reply.
I had the same questions of cutting back, didn't feel I fit alcoholic as far as having the disease, etc. Anyway, I can't give you advice at all... but one thing I've just found out is that I was drinking for a deeper reason. Reading here, I found out that my drinking is more of a symptom and that when I read about codependency, that is clearly my bigger problem.

While reading more about codependency and learning how to fix that personal issue - I lose all desire to drink. Your drinking or other reasons for drinking may or may not be like mine at all... this is just what helped me see more clearly into my own problem with over drinking. Maybe ask yourself why do you drink? What makes you want to open the first beer?

Anyway, best of luck to you, I hope you can start feeling better and more in control of it soon. This site has so much wisdom, I'm new and it's already helped me a lot. Hope I'm not butting in when I'm not experienced with alcoholism... I read the thread title and thought maybe my recent discovery could help.
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:45 PM
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Well, I went ahead and went cold turkey on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. No WD symptoms as far as I know. Just extreme boredom lol. Tonight will be a challenge. I get off at 11 and for some reason, that always screams beer to me! So I'm guessing I will drink a 6 pack tonight. But hey, last week at this time I had already drank 24, and then had 8 more on wed for a total of 32. I'm on Weight Watchers and counting beers has really brought to life that I do indeed drink too much.
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Old 09-26-2012, 05:02 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Ranger05
I get off at 11 and for some reason, that always screams beer to me! So I'm guessing I will drink a 6 pack tonight.
I know the feeling but the 6-pack isn't necessary. I'm guessing you want to drink it to relax and wind down. Is there nothing else that relaxes you after work?

Incidentally, most people would drink one beer to relax, not six... In any case, have a good evening.
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Old 09-26-2012, 05:12 PM
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I suspect you will find lots of wisdom and insight on this site about how to quit. Probaly much less about how to cut down. Some may have been sucessful but most of us proved over and over again that we were not good at moderation. I know I sure did! Wasted many years thinking I could do it.
Congrats on your decision to consider the matter. Hope you find what works for you.
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Old 09-26-2012, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Ranger05 View Post
I'm on Weight Watchers and counting beers has really brought to life that I do indeed drink too much.
Sobriety isn't a diet program.

I wish you success in whatever it is you seek.
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Old 09-26-2012, 06:22 PM
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Hi Ranger. This is said with love... If you are trying to cut back, I would think that means drinking less each time you drink, not going a few days without drinking then binging. You could also check out some websites/programs that focus on cutting back more than quitting, if that's what you want to do. I'm not saying don't post here too! There's lots of great info here!
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Old 09-26-2012, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by doggonecarl View Post
Sobriety isn't a diet program.

I wish you success in whatever it is you seek.
No, but people quit, or slow down for different reasons. Mine is simply because I want to look better and lose weight. I can not say that beer has ever caused me one bit of trouble in my life up to this point. I really, truly can't. I've never missed work, never had financial problems, marriage problems or health problems, or anything else. At least not that I know of. BUT, I did gain a big beer belly lol. And now that WW has gotten rid of 35 lbs of that, I wanna keep it that way. So that's my reason for wanting to quit. Not as dramatic as many stories I've read on here, but it's the truth.
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Old 09-26-2012, 07:30 PM
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Maybe I should have said Weight Watchers isn't a recovery program. Hey, if you quit drinking for whatever reason, great. You've been wanting to quit, or at least wondering about it, for months. I hope it's motivation enough for you.
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Old 09-26-2012, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by doggonecarl View Post
Maybe I should have said Weight Watchers isn't a recovery program. Hey, if you quit drinking for whatever reason, great. You've been wanting to quit, or at least wondering about it, for months. I hope it's motivation enough for you.
Thanks. Yeah, I just worry about my health. I mean to be honest, if someone or something could assure me that I could drink a 6 pack a day and remain healthy I would continue to drink. And I'm sure millions of people do. Hell, my uncle has drank a case or more a day for over 70 years! AND smoked a pack and a half a day. He's going on 86 and still drinks, still smokes, and still gets along just fine. I don't think I'd be so lucky. Don't wanna find out.
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