
The stupid cycle

Old 12-02-2011, 05:20 AM
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The stupid cycle

Hello. So here I am again, feeling like a failure. I want to keep drikin but it seems like I can't. I made it 9 days this last time and now off the wagon everyday. Stupid. I know its gettin bad, I got into a fight, drunk of course, the night before thanks giving, well I challanged a man but he brought 3 other people. Didn't go well for me. My girlfriend is so loving to me and I don't deserve it. I need some advise on how to quit drikin for good. It is so hard.
geno1982 is offline  
Old 12-02-2011, 05:57 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 617

Welcome Back! Don't feel like a failure! You only fail when you quit trying!!

I, too, tried to quit drinking for several years (I've had been drinking steadily worse and worse for 26 years) - each time I would only make it about 3 days and then I'd be drunk again.

What changed for me was when I made the committment to NOT DRINK NO MATTER WHAT!!!

The only drink I had control over was the first one. After that - all bets were off.

Sure - being sober can be hard (especially in the beginning):

Remember: Being drunk is hard. Being sober is hard. Choose your hard!!

When you choose being sober you will be rewarded for all your hard work - imagine your wonderful life and all the potential that is there!!! Think about who you want to be and how you want your life to be - then take the first step and make it happen!

Keep coming back to SR - this is a awesome place!! And get more support in person if needed. You CAN do this!
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Old 12-02-2011, 06:08 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Hi Geno. My posts from when I first started coming here are similar ... lots of attempts, and lots of failure... I couldn't ever believe I could actually quit and there was so much shame and guilt. Just to get into double figures would've been a small miracle! By the looks, we're the same age too - and it's hard when so many in the age group are drinking but not alcoholics (the old "Why can't I be normal and drink like a normal person"... of course these days that's the last thing I want - to drink like ANY kind of person, normal or otherwise!).

I needed support before I could quit. I got that from the doctor and a counsellor. Many get it through AA or other support programs. I needed to forgive myself and stop feeling shame, because that was a huge trigger. I needed to stop deliberately hurting myself - stop getting in the car and thinking the whole time "I shouldn't be doing this... I shouldn't be doing this" while driving to the pub. In short I needed to just stop.

I can't imagine quitting without the help of the doctor. The meds helped but mostly the fact that someone I respected had actual faith in me, and didn't think I was a scum bag the way I saw myself - this is what got me over the line on those horrid early nights when the old familiar "well, I have only been sober a couple of nights, I can just start again tomorrow" song started to play.

Be prepared for hard times, be prepared for it to really, really suck. But it has to hurt to get better. If it were easy to quit there'd be no alcoholics and you wouldn't be here. I'd recommend chatting to your GP before quitting, you may need medical help or supervision (withdrawal can be very dangerous), and having that extra support might just be the extra something you need.
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