
Natural Psychiatric Alternatives

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Old 07-24-2010, 12:39 PM
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Lightbulb Natural Psychiatric Alternatives

I have done tons of research throughout the years as to my Anxiety and Depression issues. Although they were made worse by my boozing, they were there, albeit tiny, before I drank.

In 2005 I was thrown on SSRI's by my doctor. I was told there were no side effects/withdrawal effects, trusted him, and hopped on that miserable train. Although it saved my life at the time (I was having panic attacks,) it was no good for the long term.

My personality instantly changed. I had no highs or lows, no excitement, and just general happy apathy for everything. Although I was grateful it wasn't a sad apathy, I was still a Zombie.

Back when the internet was less ad-driven, I was able to squeeze out good information for alternatives to SSRI's.

I just want to save you guys the grief of thinking you have to hop around to a different SSRI every year and have sexual symptoms, lose your personality, and your paycheck.

St. John's Wort was the first thing I tried. It was alright, I guess. It helped a bit with bad thoughts and anxiety. Eventually, I got used to it and it wore off.

About 3 years ago I was lucky enough to find 5-HTP. It was a Godsend.
Apparently 5-HTP (Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, etc.) is a precursor to serotonin, and lets me make my own serotonin instead of trying to recapture and recycle my old serotonin (SSRI's.)

About a year ago I discovered Green Superfoods (Amazing Greens, Green Vibrance, etc.) which is this nasty green stuff. Among other things, it does a good job of cleaning my toxins, giving me probiotics, and other health stuff. The real reason I kept it, is that, it has something in it (who knows what,) that sends my depression and anxiety out the window. Apparently my body is deficient in something that these greens products have.

On a side note, the antioxidants protect my cells.

I also take a regular multivitamin.

Although I disclaim myself, and everybody is different, bla bla bla, it is important to remember that the Pharmaceutical companies and the American Medical Association are in bed with each other. They cover up side effects and withdrawal effects, and they're really there to make money.

I just wanted to let people know that the best studies point to deficiencies in our body causing psych problems, and that, if you find the correct combination of natural stuff, that you may not need these heavy Pharma drugs.


Back on Zoloft/Effexor/Lexapro:

Sexual side effects
Zombie personality
Those "head zaps"
Light headedness (never ever went away!!!)
Tendency to go out and use alcohol.
Crazy weight gain

Now, on 5-HTP, Green foods, Vitamin, EXERCISE:

No sexual side effects
Bright, outgoing personality (aint I modest!)
No head zaps
No light headedness other than occasional residual effects from Zoloft.
Tendency to have fun in the moment
Weight loss, better skin, more energy.

So, guys, I can't give medical advice, but I can tell you to wake up and smell the Prozac. I'm a health insurance broker, and I see OLDER people on more than 20 drugs daily. 20!

There are natural alternatives that are STRONGER, more EFFECTIVE, and SAFER than many of the psych drugs your physicians will throw at ya.

Have a good day!
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Old 07-25-2010, 08:20 AM
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Good post!
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Old 07-25-2010, 09:08 PM
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add some progressive relation and visualization and you should be good to go
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Old 09-03-2010, 06:38 PM
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I find this kind of strange. You say SSRIs saved your life yet you bad mouth them for zombiefying you. They are meds for serious illness, not to make you feel good or bad. For me they have dulled a lot of me, like you say, but then I am suffering from severe anxiety and depression. Feeling nothing is a whole lot better than feeling awful. And as to worrying about your sex life, if you are worried that much about it I'd suggest you aren't that ill.

This is just my opinion, but SSRIs have been a god-sent for me. I agree they are no substitue for real health - good diet, exercise, rest etc. But they are very god to just give a lot of people a rest, and I would say to any one who thinks they need them, at least talk to their doctors.
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Old 09-03-2010, 10:38 PM
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I tried naturalpathic treatments for my bipolar, PTSD, and chronic anxiety disorders but they only aggrevated the problem. Although it has been a long road finding the right combination of medications I am absolutely sure that without medication, the prescription kind, I would not be alive today. My suicidal ideations increased with st. johns wort, 5-htp and several other naturalpathic medications. Please remember a drug is a drug, there are many pharmaceuticals that are made from natural things not all are synthetic. Even Deplin, which is a form of the vitamin Thiamine, is a prescription medication even though it is a vitamin supplement. I do take Vitamin D and it has helped but I also had blood tests done that showed my levels were low. Personally I think that naturalpathic medications can be just as dangerous and have just as many side effects as regular pharmaceutics, at least that has been my experience.

Personally, I feel they may be an option for someone with mild seasonal depression but I would not encourage anyone to just assume these medications will work for them without consulting a doctor first.
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