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CNY46ER 12-08-2014 05:39 AM

I am in. Started the 100 push up challenge. Did 60 last night.

MidnightBlue 12-08-2014 05:41 AM

Hi, JT!

I am a little bit late, but I am in!

Though I am mostly stick to healthy nutrition and workouts, but I need healthier emotional/mental habits!

So, starting today I will watch my negative thoughts and nasty talk I am giving myself. And I will turn it into positive thoughts and challenges.

Best wishes to all!

JT0626 12-08-2014 05:43 AM

Originally Posted by MidnightBlue (Post 5064276)
Hi, JT!

I am a little bit late, but I am in!

Though I am mostly stick to healthy nutrition and workouts, but I need healthier emotional/mental habits!

So, starting today I will watch my negative thoughts and nasty talk I am giving myself. And I will turn it into positive thoughts and challenges.

Best wishes to all!

Excellent!!!! :You_Rock_

jessie65 12-08-2014 05:44 AM

Wow, I love this thread. :)

My sobriety has always kind of depended on healthy living. If I slack on my healthy habits I often say the heck with it, and drink. If I put the time & energy into exercising and eating right I usually don't want to mess it up by drinking.
So, I'm in, my sobriety depends on it.
Today is day 16 for me sober, and most of those days I have been eating healthy, walked 3+ miles daily, took my vitamins (and my Shakeology, lol, love that stuff!). I also try to drink about 64 oz. of water daily. I have about 25 lbs. to lose, thanks to alcohol and unhealthy eating.

Great thread!
Have a healthy day everybody! :)

CNY46ER 12-08-2014 09:17 AM

This is the diet I am begining as well. Bulletproof coffee is amazing.

The Bulletproof Diet: simplistic, invalid and unscientific - Telegraph

JT0626 12-08-2014 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by CNY46ER (Post 5064611)
This is the diet I am begining as well. Bulletproof coffee is amazing.

The Bulletproof Diet: simplistic, invalid and unscientific - Telegraph

Sigh.....I hate coffee. But he talks about interesting things though!

classypants19 12-08-2014 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by Jsbodhi (Post 5050583)
I'll join too.
I plan to drink a ton of water, eat healthy, do yoga and meditate, I'm getting really bad anxiety.
I also want to lose some weight and drinking has not allowed that to happen. I'm hoping some of it drops off like others. Though the bloat is gone from my face, stomach and neck.
My eyes are also clear today, not foggy like they have been. My eyes used to look foggy only one day after drinking, now it's taking longer.

Just noticed this thread and am going join too, but wanted to relate about the eye fogginess. Mine has gone away after a few days of no drinking, amazing. Maybe blood pressure has gone down!? I'm on day 3, again, but this time 100% committed.

classypants19 12-08-2014 09:34 AM

I'm in. Taking my toddler out for some mum/tot quality time without being hangover and cranky. Here's to a new me and mum.

JT0626 12-08-2014 11:37 AM

Bumping up!

anattaboy 12-09-2014 03:29 AM

JT , I'm there with you. Yesterday I ate all day and didn't walk. Came across a good walking article that gave some great tips like changing speeds, doing it consistently, stay hydrated, yada yada....... and there it is...."TAKE ONE DAY OFF FOR REST". The caps are my emphasis but you know where I'm going with this...So mondays are my off day now. The eating part I'm not so worried about. I'm 193 at 5'10 so my BMI is a bit high but I'm more concerned with cardio health and flexibility since the mild yoga has challenged most of me.

So today will be 1.25 mile at least--maybe at a bit slower pace--before noon. I will holler.

JT0626 12-09-2014 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by anattaboy (Post 5066081)
JT , I'm there with you. Yesterday I ate all day and didn't walk. Came across a good walking article that gave some great tips like changing speeds, doing it consistently, stay hydrated, yada yada....... and there it is...."TAKE ONE DAY OFF FOR REST". The caps are my emphasis but you know where I'm going with this...So mondays are my off day now. The eating part I'm not so worried about. I'm 193 at 5'10 so my BMI is a bit high but I'm more concerned with cardio health and flexibility since the mild yoga has challenged most of me.

So today will be 1.25 mile at least--maybe at a bit slower pace--before noon. I will holler.

I Hear you! Nothing wrong with a day of rest. Tonight I plan on hopping on my treadmill. Still logging my calories in on MFP, still drinking my water.

Rock on, healthy friends!

HeadLump 12-09-2014 10:20 AM

Still eating tons of fruit and vegetables here and cutting right back on sugar. Day 5 for me - 85 to go! :)

anattaboy 12-09-2014 01:15 PM

1.5 miles in 29:38--a little slower pace today. Pulse monitor stayed 140 and under. I like that better than 152 or so at 3.6mph. Anyhoo, glad to be doing close to 30 mins. of aerobic something.

Deniselarkin 12-09-2014 03:33 PM

I am eating clean, and controlled.

JT0626 12-10-2014 04:48 AM

I stayed within my calories but I didn't get on the treadmill. Exercising has been hard for me, I just can't get motivated. I will get myself together though!

Nic233 12-10-2014 05:38 AM

I'm very late but would love to join this thread if I can.. I've put on weight through drinking so much wine and really need another focus now I've give. Up the drink !! I've got a cruise around Asia in April so would love to lose my weight and be the healthiest I can be for my trip!! I'll be hitting the gym tomorrow after work!!!

CNY46ER 12-10-2014 05:42 AM

Bulletproof coffee this morning. 25 burpees and meditation also. Good day so far.

Alphabet 12-10-2014 05:54 AM

Well, I took my vitamins and my Prozac! Starting to feel better on my new medication. Today I need to call around to see if I can get in touch with a therapist to see regularly and a psychiatrist. Steps toward better mental health and then on to really kick the physical into gear :)

phoebe64 12-10-2014 09:42 AM

Well, I have been inconsistent. I think I am dealing with depression and I have such a hard time getting myself to do anything consistently. But, today, I have just exercised and earlier, I made my kale salad. it will feed me for a couple of days, depending on what my husband thinks of it. It is so delicious to me, right now! Put some roasted butternut in it, sunflower seeds, and re-hydrated dried cranberries(to get rid of some of the added sugar in them). I have a small slice of Trader Joe's goat cheese covered in cranberries with it. Sort of like dessert. And a huge glass of water.

I have also had two productive days tidying up around the house, changing all the beds, laundering all the sheets, etc... So, while I never got to exercise yesterday, I was very active. Enough so that my back got sore. So I rested rather than worked out.

phoebe64 12-10-2014 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by jessie65 (Post 5064285)
Wow, I love this thread. :)

My sobriety has always kind of depended on healthy living. If I slack on my healthy habits I often say the heck with it, and drink. If I put the time & energy into exercising and eating right I usually don't want to mess it up by drinking.
So, I'm in, my sobriety depends on it.
Today is day 16 for me sober, and most of those days I have been eating healthy, walked 3+ miles daily, took my vitamins (and my Shakeology, lol, love that stuff!). I also try to drink about 64 oz. of water daily. I have about 25 lbs. to lose, thanks to alcohol and unhealthy eating.

Great thread!
Have a healthy day everybody! :)

I a very similar to this. All or nothing, so to speak. All in, or all out.

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