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tootsl1 01-05-2014 02:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Carlos, happy anniversary sweetheart,

courage2 01-05-2014 05:09 PM

Congratulations, Carlos! :a122:

Dee74 01-05-2014 05:22 PM

congrats Carlos :)


dorothyparker 01-05-2014 06:05 PM

Congratulations Carlos.

I haven't been posting much because I feel torn between the under and over 1 year. LOL But I know you so much and can be comfortable and open. I guess I,ll stick here for a little while longer and I should get to know the other people on the over 1 year thread.

DG, regarding breaking up, I found the longer I waited, the harder it was to really letting go, the harder it was on the other person too. I guess the right timing would be when you sense he's also wondering about the relationship. Doesn't he sense too that things aren't quite perfect?

Toots, you must be going crazy trying to get everything done.

Matthew, that dog is so so cute, looks a bit like Molly but in white.

Elsewhere, what a dream life, to ride your own horse in the woods. That was my childhood dream, having a horse. I went to many horseback riding classes and too many horseback riding camps but never did end up with one...Was it fun? He must have been happy to be taken for a ride.

Well, I hope everyone is happy to be returning to a normal life. I am. :)


Elseware 01-05-2014 06:39 PM

DP, I ride pretty often because I live on a ranch. I do love my horses. Once in a while something weird happens. I almost got dumped yesterday when a crazy donkey jumped out of the brush and spooked my horse and me both. I was LUCKY I stayed on. I don't know where that crazy donkey even came from.....! It was surreal. But my horses are a great comfort to me. I always, no matter what, have to take care of them and it helps keep me accountable.

tootsl1 01-05-2014 09:27 PM

Elsewhere, I too envy you, and like Dotty, my passion as a youngster was horses. I was going to be the first woman to win the Grand National! I certainly was going to work with horses in some capacity I had no doubts on my future. Then at 14 I developed terrible allergies, and to horses worst of all, I came out in lumpy rashes and my breathing was badly affected. My first major disappointment in life, and suddenly I had to consider a new career path.

Dotty, Molly is similar to WWGs dog. Except his has more poodle in it, as you can see from the coat. I wanted a labradoodle as they don't moult, I ended up with a labadabadoodle who moults permanently! Sometimes I'm amazed she has any hair left on her!!
Ouch folks it stupid o'clock I could t sleep, but I really must try again, I already frighten small children, if I don't get more beauty sleep the volume of their screams will scare the elderly as well!!

Gilmer 01-06-2014 02:58 AM

Congratulations, Carlos! Have a marvelous time on St. Croix!

I like all the snow in your dog's pic, Matthew! We just got two inches down here last week--plus a good bit of freezing rain yesterday. Very treacherous walking! It's warm now, though.

MidnightBlue 01-06-2014 05:05 AM

Hi, Undies.

Still recovering from my emotional turmoil, messed up with my nutrition. Funny, there are so many ways to mess up - I don't drink alcohol, don't eat sweets and salty snacks, and there are still a lot of temptations...

Cleaning the house which is the absolute mess, and feel like shooting myself out of misery.


It's my Orthodox Christmas eve today. I am planning to have some cocoa and watching more stupid moovies.

We have very long official holidays - till January 9. And I am honestly scared when they are over, because I don't feel emotionally recovered in any way, and there will be more issues to face and find a way to deal with them. I know - it's called a life and to live the life on life's terms... I am just not sure what its terms are - it seems to constantly changing them.

It's a start of my life. A real start - with most of my past issues sorted out. I am, extremely grateful to sobriety because it would hardly happen if I didn't get sober. But on the other hand I am afraid...

At our last session before the New Year my therapist told me: " A lot of people can't handle issues the life throws to them. You are among those who can". I trust my therapist, but sometimes (actually very often) I don't believe I can handle life. I believe that I am constantly running from it inventing one dream after another, and traveling through this "dreams tunnel" which protects me from a real world which I still don't dare to face.

Ok, enough rant for today.

Carlos - Huge congrats on 7 months!

My best wishes to all the Undies.

See you)

Gilmer 01-06-2014 05:25 AM

Talking about your struggles obviously does you a lot of good, MB, because you always come through trials well. Sounds like the sessions with the therapist are really turning out to be a worthwhile thing.

DrakeCKC 01-06-2014 05:52 AM

It is a bit cold here today. But really, it does do that in the Midwest US now and then. :yup:

I had my last drink 9 months ago this evening after a long day of slamming cocktails one after another and then passing out in the local concert hall at a performance. Last thing I remember was not the music but that I was going to come back the next time with a gun and shoot myself in the middle of the concert to show the world how much I hated it.

Glad that is behind me. So I celebrate both today as the day I decided to make a change and the 7th as the first fully sober day. Hey, why not make it a two day event?

THANKS! to my Undies for all the support! :ring

Gilmer 01-06-2014 05:54 AM

Congratulations, Drake!

IWLSAST 01-06-2014 06:04 AM

WooHoo, congrasts on 9 months clean and sober, DRAKE!!! Rock on with that sober song you are now singing!!!

Hey, thanks everyone for the 7 month well wishes. Busy morning as I am finishing up my packing. My next post to you Undies will be from the island. Where, when, how, etc wifi will work from there still a bit sketchy. My guess is that it will be fine.

Cary on, and HEY, HEY...don't drink...okay?

Carlos xx

Gilmer 01-06-2014 06:12 AM

Bon voyage!

dorothyparker 01-06-2014 08:11 AM

Bon voyage Carlos.

Congratulations Drake.

Babs1234 01-06-2014 08:42 AM

Congratulations Drake on 9moths and to you IWL for 7 months.
I hope to make the mile stones the two of you have made.
Hello to everyone else. Just glad to be here and sober ta boot. !!!:c007:

courage2 01-06-2014 08:48 AM

Congratulations, Drake, on 9 months! :You_Rock_

Safe travels, Carlos!

stevie88 01-06-2014 11:13 AM

Congrats on 9 months Drake.

tanja 01-06-2014 12:08 PM

Congratulations Carlos on 7 months of sobriety:c011: You have been such a wonderful and kind support to us all here! You deserve a wonderful vacation:)

Congratulations Drake on 9 months of sobriety:You_Rock_

soberjim 01-06-2014 12:17 PM

Congratulations Drake! 9 months...excellent.
Carlos....7 months...congratulations as well...


Elseware 01-06-2014 12:43 PM

Midnightblue, I don't think I could have said it any better. That's exactly how I feel. Life just keeps coming at you. Sometimes I wish I could just stop and breath for a minute......then step back in......

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