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courage2 01-09-2014 10:07 PM

Carlos, that's beautiful. Thanks for the fantasy vacation.

tootsl1 01-09-2014 11:15 PM

Courage, we had a thread running in cafe central, where we had a imaginary cruise around the world, taking it in turns to post about a country, with photos and points of interest. It was a lovely way to see the world!

Carlos I so envy you! That looks so wonderful! I actually have an open invitation to the BVI's, where my uncles widow runs a boat charter, but it is a little too far from here. As she is originally from Halifax, we will probably meet up there when she visits family.

Elsewhere, thanks for sharing your life experiences. I too like spending time alone. When we first met, hubby found it very difficult to let me loose on his power tools and DIY, but as I explained to him, running a home, I couldn't afford to call out tradesmen to fix every little thing that went wrong. I know my limitations, and anything electrical not immediately obvious doesn't get touched! I like my independence, and sometimes find it difficult to share space. As we will be in rather close quarters in the beginning, I hope the weather is warmed up enough for me to take the long walks i feel I will be needing!

MB, take Graces baby steps hon, you will get there.

FG you must be counting down those days and feeling rightly proud! Too right I will miss Scotland. Not the place of my birth, but definitely the land of my heart.

So much going on here, and I have to move some of our things into storage today, so I have to go get busy, but have a Good Friday everyone, as we gear up for another wonderful sober weekend.

IWLSAST 01-10-2014 05:33 AM

Good Morning Undies,

There might be a bit more pep in my words this morning. I was running a bit scared yesterday, as the day before I "finally" made my way to the 5:30 pm AA meeting in downtown Charlotte Amalie. So many narrow and confusing streets, bad directions aside, I had arrived to find NOBODY there. All locked and bolted up.

That evening and yesterday morning my AV was having a ball between my ears. "Hey, no need to got this. You can handle a month or so without any meetings." Rational me was thinking about getting the F out of here asap.

So, after a great, but apprehensive day of pool hanging, I decided to call the local AA hotline. They put me in touch with Vince (who called me back right away) and he met me at the Post Office and directed me to the meeting in the very church I was at the day before...but around the back...only place I didn't check.

WOOHOO, I must say it again, WOOHOO - St Thomas has a vibrant and thriving AA fellowship and community. Just at that church alone there are 2 meetings EVERY day, 6:30 am and 5:30 pm. I'm told that most, if not all at just that location are well attended.

There was like 20 at the meeting. We read two stories about "rightsizing ourselves", and "still learning after many years." Two unbelievable topics and stories...then the shares following them was the cherry on top!

Moving here was made much more viable!!!

Heck, I could go on and on. A woman that owns a business here with 7 months like me approached me after the meeting, and we are headed for coffee after tonight's meeting. No, not a date...she is happily married to a normie...but I do think she is interested in talking about my sales/marketing background?

Wow, sorry to make this post all about me today. I am pretty pumped about the AA community though, which would be so critical to moving here.

Carlos xx

Gilmer 01-10-2014 05:36 AM

That's great, Carlos!

tanja 01-10-2014 06:33 AM

Good Morning Undies,

DG - Many Belated Congratulations on 3/4 of a year of sobriety:c011::You_Rock_You are simply an amazing person. It is beyond courageous that you have tackled 4 addictions all in less than a year. I think everyone has given you great advice on your relationship with your boyfriend and crush. I know in AA that they don't recommend getting into a new relationship in the first year of sobriety. As Dee pointed out there is no hurry and if he is the great guy you think he is - he will wait for you. Toots gave you excellent advice about opening up a dialogue with your boyfriend.

Toots - Sounds like you have a super busy day planned! I do hope you find some time during the day to take some breaks and relax. How is your Dad doing?

Grace - I can commiserate with you on taking training classes. I just dreaded taking training courses at work and especially those dealing with computers. I think all day training is just too long. I hope your week-end makes up for the long training class.

Carlos -:c029:That picture from your balcony was breathtaking! I am so glad that you found some AA meetings. It's wonderful that they have such a thriving AA community and your feeling pumped up! I couldn't be happier for you.

Led my AA meeting last sunday and attendance was better than it has been. I actually had 12 people attend other than myself. One gentleman picked up a 20 year chip. In his share he talked about a man that was an AA guru - knew the big book up and down and practiced a strong program. Apparently, he killed himself. I don't know the circumstances, but it is hard when you hear stories like this. I am just so grateful to be alive and sober.

Wishing everyone a happy and sober TGIF.

DG0409 01-10-2014 07:57 AM

Carlos- Sounds like you're doing well and you'll fit in just fine!! Or maybe better put, it sounds like it's fitting in with you there. Enjoy!!

tootsl1 01-10-2014 08:34 AM

Hi guys,

Carlos, there is nothing wrong with making a post just about you! It was wonderful, and entertaining, and also gave insight into where you are in your mind that you refused to listen to that AV, but pushed forward, and look at the results! Not only do you have a chance to really chill out on your holiday, but perhaps also make some good friends!

Tanja thanks, I actually had so little sleep last night, that after moving everything into storage ( with the help of my gorgeous step son, who poor lad had raging toothache but still came to help ) I laid down on the sofa, closed my eyes and woke 2 hours later! I have a programme on tv at the moment where dogs are pulling a sled in the arctic, Molly is engrossed!! My darling stepdaughter gave me a voucher for a relaxation therapy, and I have it booked for this evening, and tomorrow will be my last day at work so I have arranged to meet my colleagues at a nearby restaurant for lunch when we finish. I have worked there, happily for very nearly 3 years, and will be sad to leave, but I know whether I come back in 6 months or 2 years, if there is a job they can shoe horn me into my boss will take me back. Which is a lovely thought! We had a very grumpy patient in this week, who I totally defused with my polite helpfulness and he kept telling everyone about how I was always happy and had a lovely smile!! In a way, miserable old bugger that he always is, it was rather nice to have him in on my last week, reminds me of one of my strengths! I will need that through the coming weeks.

I wonder as to the value of that gentlemans share about the man who killed himself? From what you say Tanja is is unknown whether it has any relation to his drinking?? I'm not quite sure what point he was trying to make? But I too am very, very happy that you are alive and sober! :)

Gilmer 01-10-2014 08:39 AM

Toots, that's great that you are getting everything wrapped up. It must feel so imminent now! I'm so glad you got a chance to radiate for the difficult patient. I'm sure you'll have a fantastically fun lunch with your coworkers tomorrow.

Have a wonderful night relaxing tonight!

soberjim 01-10-2014 10:56 AM

Hey toots....lots of changes for you....(and Molly..did I read that are sending her to the Arctic to pull a sled????poor Molly...send her over ..Jimmy keeps asking..she can share the fireplace with

feeling-good 01-10-2014 01:20 PM

Aw, great to read everyone's news! I have a busy weekend planned with my daughter - farmer's market tomorrow and deer farm on Sunday! I'm looking forward to both and then will really be in my final countdown to 1 year!!! :)

BoozeFree 01-10-2014 08:25 PM

Hi undies.
Just checking in agIn. Works been crazy so gonna go try and sleep but will def catch up tomorrow since I have the day off!

Carlos loved the pic!

tootsl1 01-11-2014 12:49 AM

Oh FG, is that the Deer farm in Auchtermuchtie?? , that reminds me I have some Bambi in the freezer to use up before I head across the water!
Have you anything planned for your anniversary? I'll be 10 months on Tuesday. OMG into double figures!
Last day at work today, I loathe farewells, but not for the reason most do. I find it easy to sever my feelings and cauterise the hurt, having had to do it too many times in the past, so I find it uncomfortable all the hugging and promises to keep in touch etc. knowing I can turn away without a backward glance. though this time, it will be easier, with social networks to follow each other. And who knows, I may be back working with these guys in 6 months or 2 years, I've never been in that position before, so it is a bit different.

BF I hope you are managing some sleep, did you ever download that 'stop drinking' sleep app??

SJ, you jest, but mum has plans for Molly to be dragging my dad round in his chair! Thanks for those who have asked after him by the way, he is out of hospital and in a brace for six weeks. Mum is having to do too much for him, I worry for her health. I will see the situation for myself on Monday, though there is nothing I can actually do but worry! She is looking forward to having Molly as a need to get out the house. And knowing my happy little girl, she will be total therapy for them both.

Gilmer, it is definitely getting more real, but with each job done I see even more I hadn't listed!! Oh well!!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Gilmer 01-11-2014 02:33 AM

I really look forward to your travelogue, Toots!

Gilmer 01-11-2014 04:48 AM

Well, it turns out we got a surprise visit from my oldest son this weekend! He showed up last night and demanded that i wake up from a sound sleep and greet him! So I've got a house full of men this weekend, too, just like the holidays (in a good way). My 19-y-o, who just started college, is here till next Sunday, as well as my 16-y-o, who is always here. The three of them are having a video game extravaganza.

Side note: so many parents these days complain about video games. They were wonderful for our family. My oldest son loved building sophisticated LEGO creations when he was young. When the 19-y-o came along, he was fascinated with his big brother's LEGOs, and used to tear them apart when I couldn't get to him fast enough.

Well my oldest son developed an intense hatred for his toddler brother that lasted till he was in high school, when the toddler brother was around twelve--that's when they both discovered that they had video games in common! All hatchets were buried and hurt feelings forgotten! Video games brought peace and community to our family!

Grace2 01-11-2014 06:20 AM

Good morning to all my Undies and a happy Saturday.

I hope everybody is well and I hope my friends from over the pond are managing to keep warm. I've seen your weather conditions on the news and you have my sympathy. Keep the cold over there though, if you don't mind. We get more than our fair share of it here.

You're doing really well with the ciggies Steve. I'm really happy about that. You'll be as big as a house soon with all that food and the excercise.

D.G feel free to ramble as much as you like, better out than in. There are some good listener's here. It's good you recognised the signals of H.A.L.T, at least you are aware. I would say the PAWS episode is definitely stress related from what is going on in your life right now. Decisions, decisions!!
It's hard to end a long term relationship but putting it off only makes it harder. Maybe it would be best to just say what you have to say and get it out in the open. Easier said than done and believe me I know, but once you've said your piece it will be a weight lifted.
Rebound relationships don't generally have a good success rate, but in saying that I met my current partner during the end of my marriage and though we went through a lot of sh1t, without even including the pain I caused him when I was drinking, we are still together 19 years down the line, so there are exceptions to every rule. But at the end of the day you can't afford to let anyone or anything get in the way of your recovery. If your crush is serious about you, he will wait.

Hi Courage, I'm fine thanks for asking, just busy as usual and I'm in the most boring 10 day training course at work. It's all technical stuff so I have to REALLY concentrate and even so, most of it seems to be going straight over my head!
O's mummy came over to the U.K Thurday night so she had him all day yesterday and it was fine, but no way would he stay over with her to sleep. She's got him again today and he has taken his little bag with his overnight clothes but I know he won't stay! The court ruling was that she was supposed to have him from Thursday morning to Sunday night, but for one she didn't arrive Wednesday night as planned and for another after the carry on in November, I think she realises that it is unlikely he will stay overnight. The court hearing to discuss her taking him out of the country ( or not) is in February, but we had to have our statement in last week.

Good to see you back posting Dottie. Glad we can make you smile.
I've read of a few people here being very itchy when they first stopped drinking Dottie. I wonder what that is all about. It didn't happen to me. I didn't suffer from withdrawals as such either. I suffered badly from guilt and self loathing though. Well done to your friend. Glad you got some money at last, you had to wait long enough for it!

Toots, get a pal to prod me when I'm nodding! Ha ha, at one point we were sat in a large circle and I was focusing on the girl facing me and I could see her eyelids drooping and then I could feel mine going too. I had to excuse myself and go and splash my face with cold water!
You must be super busy now, I bet you're meeting yourself coming back. What date do you actually leave?

FeelingGood I forgot you were in Scotland. You must be on countdown now, not long to go to your year. You've done really well.

Gilmer you gave some good advice there about being along and I have to agree.
The court date is at the beginning of Feb, we just had to have our statement in by 6th Jan. Fingers crossed.

Drake, a mayonnaise phobia! She doesn't know what she's missing! Love to Olive.

Thanks Carlos, glad I made you laugh. If I fell asleep in training I would be mortified, I would never be allowed to live it down. I just cannot let it happen!
I'm in for wherever we're going by the way.
That picture from your balcony is stunning, I'm well jel!

Poor you Jim, Keep warm and wrap up well my friend.

I hope you managed to catch up on some sleep B.F and are now feeling all refreshed and raring to go.

Babs I wake up in the night with my mind doing overtime too. I get really annoyed with myself, after all what can I do about anything at stupid o clock in the morning? Nothing! It still happens though.

Thank you for sharing that story Elsewhere. It certainly gave me food for thought.

Midnight, things can only get better for you now. I hope the paperwork bit went smoothly for you.

Carlos, you sounding very happy there and your post was good to read. I'm so glad you found a meeting place. Enjoy! xxx

Thanks Tanja, I'm glad it isn't just me who struggles on training courses. Another 6 days to go yet and it's all as clear as mud!
You're doing really well at your meetings, I love reading about them.

How did your last day in work go Toots, was it emotional? Did they get you a nice leaving present? By the way, your smile would brighten up the darkest day.
I think Mollie will be good for your parents too Toots, she will give them an interest. I hope your mum is okay, I worry about my mum for the same reasons too.

Jim don't be encouraging Toots' Mollie, we don't want an outbreak of puppies on S.R.

Sounds like you're in for a busy week end Gilmer, make the most of it and enjoy. Hurray for video games in your family. xx

Well it was a very wet, dark morning but now the sun seems to be making an appearance. I hope so. I did my usual Saturday thing this morning and had my dad here for a couple of hours. He was 82 last week, bless him. He thinks he's 45 and still working!

Love to you all

Stay safe and sober



The sobriety journey starts with a single step and you have already done that the day you stopped drinking. Whether you're just two steps in or a thousand we are all on the same path and the others we meet on our journey with S.R will help us along the way. I love my journey because all of you are in it. xxx

dorothyparker 01-11-2014 06:25 AM

Elsewhere, that's a lovely inspiring post. I would very much like to find someone again. It's been ages!

Carlos, what an amazing view. It's perfect! And I'm totally in for a reunion minus the golf because I play 108 for a 9 holes and I'm afraid you would wait for me all day shouting after the bloody ball...Ha ha.

In Quebec too, the weather is crazy, it was minus 20 now it's 5 and raining and treacherous for driving. ;( Our poor planet. It was warmer in the Antartica (where it is summer and minus 4) than in Toronto this week !

MB' congratulations, no matter what, you must be really proud of yourself.

BF, are you preoccupied with something that you have trouble sleeping? Are you retaking your exam soon?

Yesterday my friend served stew and only later told me there was red wine in it. I didn't taste it, it's not triggering me but I wished I had known. Now, psychologically, I worry it will open a door to cravings, and to...

OK gang, I wish you all a nice Saturday. Be well and surrounded if you can. xxx.

BoozeFree 01-11-2014 09:40 AM

Toots I forgot about that app! I will go right now and look it up! Btw I fed my dog some Bambi for breakfast! She loves it. I don't like the whole goodbye thing either for same reasons.

Dottie I can't apply to re take my exam till like May or June so I've got awhile. Not really sure why I sometimes have difficulty sleeping.

Grace over here at the beach in CA it's supposed to be 80 by Monday! As you know tho I much prefer the cooler overcast weather.

Feeling much better today. I slept better and got up around 6:45 and went on a great hike with my dog in the hills for a couple hours. I did a little grocery shopping and bought some jalapeņo cheddar bagels yum! Anything with jalapeņos involved is my fav!

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

feeling-good 01-11-2014 11:42 AM

Great day at the farmer's market - got some wonderful chocolate, cheese, oatcakes and haggis!! :)

Toots - yes, that's the deer centre we are going to tomorrow - have been a few times before and love it but haven't been for a while so it should be really good!!

Got to go - watching TV and it is good!

IWLSAST 01-11-2014 12:24 PM

Hi Undies,

Tanja, what a sad story. It kinda leaves me hanging and I can't understand. The old-timers that I have met since my brief foray into AA are some of the most spiritually and emotionally fit folks I have ever met. However, if he went back out drinking, I get it. I've heard those stories of shame leading to a "drinking" end quickly. I ditto your point on being so happy to be alive and sober. Geeze, just 8 months ago I just wanted to die...thought about that as I was taking my very first yoga class ever today.

DG, how are you doing my dear? I am hoping that every day you find additional clarity.

SJ, I hope it is warming up in your neck of the woods. I saw it was to hit 50 in my hometown today.

Toots, how was spa evening? Hope lunch was okay with co-workers? Now, get back to work at packing.

Gilmer, my girls didn't do video, I taught them to be pinball our very own, Jaws/aka Courage.

Gracie, how the heck do you manage to keep up with us the way you do with that busy schedule of yours. Hope you are having a relaxing weekend...back to class on Monday.

BF, don't send any clouds my way, please. I am dying for some jalapenos now, looks like Mexican tonight.

Dotty, I'll set it up so the non-golfers can ride along for support. I get dibs on you in my cart. Bet you have that French accent all going on, right?

FG, haggis sounds nasty...sorry. I think we talked about it here a while back, but I was still pretty alcohol toxic. Refresher course, please?

Hi everyone else. I mush shower and head off to a mtg. I had a dream last night that I relapsed with one beer and woke up freaking out. My first ever drinking dream...hated it.

Carlos xx

tootsl1 01-12-2014 03:03 AM

Sorry Carlos, but I have dibs on Dotty to caddie for me! I hate those drinking dreams. The other night I had a spider nightmare and a drinking dream, so didn't want to go back to sleep!! The spa was ok a floatations tank and waterbed massage, I'd never tried it before. Probable wouldn't bother again, but it was a nice enough experience. Lunch was ok yesterday too, a few couldn't make it so we were a quiet bunch, but it was a nice way to say goodbye. I actually haven't begun packing for coming away, I will wait until I'm back from taking Molly to the folks. I will need to keep occupied so I don't let myself get too upset.

FG, enjoy today, is the haggis for a Burns Supper? We have it a few times a year, I always get a big one and fry it up the next day for breakfast mixed up with the left over neeps and tatties mmmmm

BF, I love jalapeņos too! There is a real difference in the 'heat' of a spicy Mexican dish and a spicy Indian dish, so I am looking forward to a few nice Mexicans, we don't do too many here, and I'm not sure how good they are in comparison. I'm glad you're feeling better and have been out walking. I am procrastinating right now because I have to take Molly out and it is soooo cold, I don't want to get out of bed!
Yes Grace I am having a long lie, it is nearly 11 am !! I have a million things to do but can't leave my warm comfy bed to do them! I hope wee O had a nice time with his mummy, I'm sure he will learn to trust her, but I sure wouldn't want her taking him out of the country.

Dotty, try not to let the stew thing bother you, although I no longer cook with wine,and try to avoid sauces with alcohol, if you have inadvertently consumed it, there is nothing to be done. It has no effect on your sobriety. I'm sure your friend thought as I always did that the alcohol evapourates in cooking, if she thought at all about it before adding it!

Gilmer what a lovely surprise to have all your boys under your roof again! Enjoy them!

Well folks I am going to have to wrap up and force this lardy body outside or I won't get anything done today!

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