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Old 04-27-2012, 09:41 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
Terminally Unique
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location:   « USA »                       Recovered with AVRT  (Rational Recovery)  ___________
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Originally Posted by Chakaido View Post
Just looking for advice on how to deal with that thought/feelings of "what the frig?", "who cares", "its not that bad", "its just a bit", or "I'll deal with it later" voice? I've read Rational Recovery and understand it to be the addictive voice. That makes sense.
AVRT has a very specific style and method of dealing with the addictive voice, and it does not involve changing what the AV says, talking back to the AV, debating with the AV, getting rid of the AV, running away from the AV, avoiding triggers, thinking through the drink, or choosing not to drink today. So, for starters, if you want to do things the RR way, forget about all that stuff. You should also read this post:
Originally Posted by Chakaido View Post
We have other tapes in our heads as well and perhaps some of us pushed the play button on the addictive tape at some point?
See this post:

Originally Posted by Chakaido View Post
I know many will say the answer is to address it by "working your program". But can you be more specific about HOW to deal with these thoughts? How do you change that thinking of who cares, to it totally matters in this moment! What are the steps to change it. Be specific not just go to meetings, get a sponsor! Thanks!
AVRT is not about changing your addictive thinking, it is about recognizing that thinking, and then objectifying it as ego-alien ("not you"), thereby neutralizing it. This post may be instructive:

Since you mentioned the present moment, though, you may also want to read this post on the "static time" concept in AVRT, which collapses time into the eternal present moment, allowing you to not have to worry about what will happen tomorrow as it pertains to drinking or using.

I am somewhat concerned about your desire and demand for spoon-fed wisdom, but I gave some specific examples on how to deal with the AV in these posts. There are probably other posts as well, but these are the ones that just came to mind.

All this said, I recommend that you read through the entire AVRT discussion thread in the secular connections forum from the very beginning, as it will clarify some concepts for you, and that you then re-read the RR book with that additional understanding. Feel free to post any AVRT-related questions on that discussion thread.

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