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TamTam 12-20-2006 06:31 AM

Dang- I can't catch up- You all are going to make me late again!!

Smyle 12-20-2006 07:01 AM

Good Morning galz....5 more days till santa comes....better clean your chimneys.

(((Ayla)))) I feel your pain...I know that this will be a very hard year for both of us. It still feels like it happened yesterday. Like I just saw her...i am trying to find my lesson in this too. I am not sure what it could possibly be. I am here for you and am hugging you right now....
I do not recommend you take the Butalbital with tylenol is not a narcotic but I can vouch that it is addicting. PM me with what you have tried and I will give you a few ideas.

Ruby....I wish my mom would get that excited to see me when I go home...I gotta deal with that this saturday. I have been preparing mentally and trying to figure out how to stop being hurt by them without becoming one of them.
I just figured after Jayden died she might come around but she did the opposite and just keeps pushing me further away. I just have to do my best and not let it get me down.

I am the depressing one here...but that is my family is toxic !!!

I am very proud of myself and despite all that has happened in the last couple of months ...i have stayed away from drugs and alcohol...So I AM doing my best.

I am gonna finish my shopping today....I cleaned my house REALLY good yesterday...basement is cleaned and the upstairs (madi's Room) is clean...usually I leave hers to her since no one is ever up there but all the kids...She keeps it pretty clean but I dusted and ater I get the last of it and wrap...I AM DONE....
so I have 2 days to chill....can't believe it ...I have never been so relaxed and ahead in my life. especially at the holidays...I mean besides my family drama, but that is nothing new.....

Madi has her last day of school today...half day and her party I will go to that and then we are taking them to Silver Dollar City Friday to see the lights..(it's a theme park with an old time theme..with sheriffs and gold miners..etc..) they decorate this huge tree and have a big parade...they have like 2 million lights up is beautiful. ..and you can ride the rides at night...FUN !!!! and Santa of course...

well i am off to find some gifts....

TamTam...I am really proud of you for getting your go girl !! have I been in your shoes..Pregnant..drugs all around me.(my job)..but didn't have your strenght some days...I flushed pills so many made my heart break...I know exactly how you feel with the holy grail makes me crazy...but each day does get easier...I will have 7 months in 11 days....WOW

Liss...hang in there momma...

hope everyone that has the cold gets better and that you all have a great day. I will check in later...

Much Love,


mikiglen 12-20-2006 07:32 AM

oooooops, sorry, smyle/ayla. i knew the med i mentioned had the barb in it, but here it is not controlled. i was addicted to any kind of pill, but never had a problem with that one, i am so sorry. thanks for correcting me, smyle
i'm disappointed....they moved mikayla's christmas program, so now parents can't attend...that means we won't be going to her party either, as that would mean two trips over there in about an hour and a half.
i wanted to go to both. i have told her teacher to tell her, though, and if she is the least bit disappointed, we will be there.
at least i know noones mommy is going

c'est la vie 12-20-2006 07:49 AM

wow ayla, sounds like you're husband is better at keeping track of everyone than I am. I do hope that you sleep better today. I'm so sad to hear that you're struggling with such painful headaches.

liss, it's great that you were able to talk to your sons. I think kids are so much more understanding than we give them credit for most of the time. I agree with the trouble with custody, but if you really need treatment then don't deny yourself. Take care of yourself or you might lose your kids anyway.

gosh do I have so much to do and yet I've been here twice today!! I hope I get everything done. Beezy, I want to hire you as my maid, nanny, and cook. My house is so NOT clean and I hardly ever make sweet treats. Do you speak French?

mikiglen 12-20-2006 09:19 AM

4, YOU ARE AWESOME! thanks so much for your budgeting help, lol
picked up my money this am...supposed to get more friday, we'll see
spent the target gift card getting miki her last won't arrive til after christmas, but as long as she knows it's coming, she'll be ok. the bad thing is, of course, jon wont' understand and he will be mad. this year, tho, i am not going to worry about him. any other time, i would be trying to get him something else, too. he's just gonna have to be a big boy.
kids are wild today, baby three year old is GOD, loud, running crazy and i am trying to work.
hope everyone else is having a good day :)

codi32574 12-20-2006 09:52 AM

Hey gals..good afternoon!!

Ugh, I was up taking to DH till the wee hours...when he came in I was crying and told him what I found. He was like "where are they"? I said "I flushed them". He walked out of the room, and I left him alone for awhile. When he came back in he was ok, not mad. I asked him if he was still using, and he said no, he hid them a couple of months ago and completely forgot. I believe him because he looked shocked when I first told him. So we stayed up and talked about everything going on. Everything's fine, though he admitted if he'd been the one to find them he definately wouldn't have flushed least he's honest.

I went back to bed after I got the kids off to school today. I was tired and had a huge headache....please don't be sending those through the computer now Ay!! After all, YOU started the plague!!!!!!!

Still feel a little outta sorts, but I think its a mixture of morning sickness and tapering the sub. Just kinda yucky.....but much better than I would have if I'd taken those stupid pills. Thanks for being here for me everyone!!!!! I might've taken them if not for all the support!!! I don't want to let you guys, or myself down...I've come too far for that!!

Gonna go eat....I'm starving...Imagine that!!!!

Love you ALL!!!


janeeyre 12-20-2006 09:57 AM

WHEW! It took me forever to get through all the posts that have piled up since last night.

Ayla, Beezy--don't ever ever ever worry about being "depressing" around here--we love you.
It gave me a chuckle that Ayla's husband keeps up with us all. Too funny!
Brynn, stick around here with us!

Anyone heard from Candy? :(

(I feel like I'm doing this kamikaze post--gotta hurry before everyone else posts more to catch up with!)

It is snowing sideways here this morning--we are having an honest-to-God BLIZZARD. Practically every school in the state is closed today due to the Blizzard Warning except for those in our school district. (WTF?) I had to laugh this morning, because when I finally made it to school to drop the kids off, there were the Channel 7 News cameras set up in front interviewing our principal about the blizzard. I'm thinking the district superintendent is getting an earful/e-mail boxful this morning.

janeeyre 12-20-2006 09:59 AM

(((Codi))), I am really impressed at how well you and your hubby are handling this together. You are both doing so well! I hope you get to feeling better as the day goes on....

c'est la vie 12-20-2006 10:20 AM

I'm a bit envious of the snow. We get lots of rain and only a tad of snow.

codi, it's so cool how you and your hub are working through all this.

gotta run.

NYCGirl 12-20-2006 10:21 AM

Thanks for asking TamTam, i'm still typing but the end is near

Smyle 12-20-2006 10:34 AM

I dont speak french...c'est but I can cuss you out in spanish...LOL...So Cal girl here..

ayla zaire 12-20-2006 10:49 AM

i'm soooo usual...i have to go do 2 tons of dishes, then i'm taking a nap with little loulou...she's tired and cranky, like mommy...thanks for the love all...i'll always remember you are here for me...i need you all

codi...i'm so proud of you...and are both amazing...

love to you all..

codi...i hope your head feels better...i hope i didn't start another plague...yuck...

i really need to get off of my fluffy butt and do something...but i don't wanna...anyone wanna come help me clean my house???

mikiglen 12-20-2006 10:51 AM

so sorry, ayla, but housecleaning is against my religion

ayla zaire 12-20-2006 10:55 AM

your house must look similar to mine, then...i'm allergic to housework myself...i always get a terrible rash...hives...maybe i should join your church...

RubyT 12-20-2006 11:08 AM

I don't wanna help clean, but I'll eat your food and watch!

mikiglen 12-20-2006 11:12 AM

my church is always taking new members.
we worship starbucks and television
we don't believe in cleaning, cooking or doing laundry
it's awesome

codi32574 12-20-2006 11:13 AM

I'm with Ruby on that one!! I can't even get off my lazy butt long enough to let the poor dog in!!

RubyT 12-20-2006 11:21 AM

Yeah, but Codi, you're preggers! My excuse...hmmm, let me see...oh, I just love to eat. Just polised off some green onion and roasted garlic potato chips! Hubby's going to enjoy his welcome home kiss tonight! Not!!
I think I'll go make some dip to go with the rest of the bag...and I think there's a Big Mac in my very near future! Hear that Beezy?? A BIG MAC!!! Yum!

Smyle 12-20-2006 11:32 AM

I am gonna get myself to Indiana and smack your butt Ruby...i have been craving a Big mac all week....but it is TOO far...I am jealous...I guess I will have to make burgers and homemade fries for dinner...cause now I REALLY want one....

Madison's party was fun...she got a nice present from her teacher. I am gonna finish my wrapping....

get some sleep Ayla.....I would clean your house but you have to get me an autograph from Keith....what do you say ???? Deal....

RubyT 12-20-2006 11:43 AM

Well you won't have a hard time catching me! The rate I'm going I'm not going to be able to WALK away from ya, let alone run!!

Well, gals, the boyfriend is winning out over poor ole mom! But I have a promise from tomorrow night until after Christmas, she's all mine. We'll see! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but I DO understand. I was 19 once...I think, it's been so long I forget...

The cheetah was a little wench last night! She can't stand to not be the center of attention. Any one need a last minute gift? I'll even wrap her up real pretty!

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