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ayla zaire 12-19-2006 07:57 PM

omg...your name is barbara??? so is beezy...we were just talking about all of the strange similarities we have...

i'm so glad you posted...we've missed you!!!

don't worry, we understand how busy you are and we can barely keep up here ourselves...this thread is booming!!!

i hope you have a wonderful christmas and get your paper done....good luck...

here are some macaroons even ayla can make....except i burned about half of them this year...but in theory, i can make them...and they are pretty, yummy and surprisingly easy, and jane, you already have one of the ingrediants...unless you ate all of the sweetened condensed milk...maybe you have sympathy cravings for codi....hmmm...


bag shredded coconut
can sweetened condensed milk
chocolate chips
teaspoon of vanilla (last time i used a touch of almond extract instead...but only use a is powerful)

mix coconut, milk, and vanilla...(i like to make a double batch)
spoon teaspoon sized lumps on cookie sheet
bake at 350 degrees until lightly browned...not black...allow to cool a little before you put them on a cooling rack or tray so they don't fall apart...

sometimes i add almonds...chopped...mmm...

meanwhile, put chocolate in a ziploc freezer bag...boil some water and remove from heat...plop the ziploc in the hot water and let melt...snip a small hole in corner and drizzle prettily onto cooled cookies....sometimes i make a puddle of chocolate on waxed paper and place cookie on it and then drizzle on top...chill....mmmm....

these sound too good to be true, but no one will believe they are that easy...and they look so pretty...they, and my stuffed mushrooms and deviled eggs are the only things i pride myself on making that are very good...

ayla zaire 12-19-2006 08:40 PM

good night, my beautiful friends...sleep tight and have sweet to you all....

brynn38 12-19-2006 08:41 PM

Well I must be an odd ball...seems like everyone has gone to bed. I just got through reading through this thread and It does sound like you all are truly a bunch of amazing women. I have posted before although not sure if it was here or not(I'm getting sleepy...not making sense).Anyway, since I have joined sr this month it has been a wonderful blessing to me. I have felt soooo alone for so long. I have two sons, but I have pretty much stayed away from any of my friends from partying days and have yet to make new ones. It seems like it's not as easy to make close friends to go do girl things with or talk girl stuff now that I'm 38 AND sober. I just don't know anymore. Well, I know I'm typing to myself right now but I guess I just feel like talking and I want to give myself a pat on the back tonight because I finally got out of the house today to do a little bit of shopping.(just getting started on Christmas). I so wish I could afford to give my sons everything they want for Christmas, but I keep reminding myself that Love is more important than anything money can buy. I have managed to save every penny that I have been able to earn this past few weekends at my little booth at the flea market. I sell clothing and accessories...started this by cleaning out my closets. Before my addiction to pain med. I had an addiction to shopping. I guess I can say that I have learned a valuable lesson...many, from the latter, and now I am actually selling my clothes to try to dig myself out of this whole that I've gotten myself into..good thing I have good taste! lol. I now hear my 12 year old snoring, he has a friend sleeping over so I guess I will go to bed and hope that I will be doing the same very soon. My back is aching so bad. Not used to being as busy as I have been today but at least I got some things accomplished. Goodnight to all and I hope everyone rests well tonight......until tomorrow,

brynn38 12-19-2006 08:42 PM

Well I must be an odd ball...seems like everyone has gone to bed. I just got through reading through this thread and It does sound like you all are truly a bunch of amazing women. I have posted before although not sure if it was here or not(I'm getting sleepy...not making sense).Anyway, since I have joined sr this month it has been a wonderful blessing to me. I have felt soooo alone for so long. I have two sons, but I have pretty much stayed away from any of my friends from partying days and have yet to make new ones. It seems like it's not as easy to make close friends to go do girl things with or talk girl stuff now that I'm 38 AND sober. I just don't know anymore. Well, I know I'm typing to myself right now but I guess I just feel like talking and I want to give myself a pat on the back tonight because I finally got out of the house today to do a little bit of shopping.(just getting started on Christmas). I so wish I could afford to give my sons everything they want for Christmas, but I keep reminding myself that Love is more important than anything money can buy. I have managed to save every penny that I have been able to earn this past few weekends at my little booth at the flea market. I sell clothing and accessories...started this by cleaning out my closets. Before my addiction to pain med. I had an addiction to shopping. I guess I can say that I have learned a valuable lesson...many, from the latter, and now I am actually selling my clothes to try to dig myself out of this whole that I've gotten myself into..good thing I have good taste! lol. I now hear my 12 year old snoring, he has a friend sleeping over so I guess I will go to bed and hope that I will be doing the same very soon. My back is aching so bad. Not used to being as busy as I have been today but at least I got some things accomplished. Goodnight to all and I hope everyone rests well tonight......until tomorrow,

ayla zaire 12-19-2006 10:30 PM

hi, are certainly in the right place...and i am so glad you found will find friends here...we are all very good friends and we are always happy to welcome moms who know what we are going through...i, too was addicted to painkillers...i am 30 and i have 3 mom died and i had been flirting with painkillers for years...but after her death i began taking them daily...of course, at first it was a medical reason...and i still occasionally need them...but mostly i was just numbing myself...well, a few months into my daily use, i found sr...i was terrified of being addicted...and even though i was still on a small dose, i was was only a matter of time before i would have been taking them 5 or 6 at a time and doctor shopping...but sr, and my many friends here saved me from all of that actually scares me to think of where i would be now if i had not found this place...or in a few years...i found this place in the begining of my addiction and i am greatful every day...although in truth, like i said, i had been taking painkillers as recreation for many years...just not every i guess i've been working up to this for a long time...

i just want my friends here to know, that you saved me...god,(with a little push from my mother...she promised to send me friends....because she was my only one...)sent you all to me...and i am grateful every day...

i'm sorry i've been so sappy and emotional lately...i want to find my nutty, funny self, but i'm fighting this depression, and fighting to make it through these holidays without her...and it is so hard...i avoided you all for a couple of days, not only because of my headache, but because i don't want to be a downer at christmas...i don't have anywhere to turn, though...i'm sure you are tired of hearing about it, but i miss her so much, and i can't stop crying, and it's not fair, i still need her....i can't help thinking why? what lesson am i supposed to learn from this...and what's the point of going on if i'm always going to feel this way...lost...i know she is here...i still have a relationship with her...the love is still there...but it is's been 6 months but like 4 of those i was high, and when she was sick i held it all in and drifted through it numbly...everyone said how strong i was, but the truth was i was weak...too weak to face what was i set those thoughts aside and went about the business of changing my mother's diapers...and bathing her...and sitting up all night watching her to make sure she was still breathing....and trips to the hospital once or twice a week,and keeping a sanitary home with three kids, therefore never sitting down...because with the chemo her immune system was so low...and blood transfusions...and watching her drink herself into the hospital over and over...and finally having to put her into a nursing home for a couple of month to detox...and when her sodium dropped she couldn't speak and just stared at me with terrified eyes...and the one 48 hour stretch she sat in her chair and didn't move or speak or sleep because her sodium was so low...after some ****ing er doctor sent her home after smirking at her and saying 'did you have a couple of beers, smoke a little weed..."and her just smiling at the ***** with scared eyes because she couldn't talk and smiling was all she could do....and begging her to eat...and having to treat her like a child...having to mother my mother, and 27 different medications...and shots...and shaving her poor head...she had such pretty hair, but neither one of us was one of the most horrific moments of my life....but we kept each other strong...and now i can't find my strength...she was my strength and she is gone...oh, my god cancer ****ing sucks...and i am still trying to comfort my husband and kids...they lost her, too. and mike loved her very much...she was always so proud of him and he never had that kind of love before...and the kids are still so confused...not too long ago an ambulance pulled up in front of my house and sophie looked out and said..."oh, good, nana's home!"...because the last time she saw her she was pulling away in an ambulance...poor little girl...she's only do you explain this to a baby? and she still remembers her, 6 months later...little things around the house will remind a box of tissues...or a little figurine...she'll say "that's nana's!" and aidan says..'nana died, sophie...she can't come home anymore..." and poor chase doesn't talk about it much...but he is so smart and saw so much i hope he doesn't have too many scars...he is so sweet and understanding when i'm sad...god...i'm so sorry to dump all of this on you...

i'm so sorry you guys to bring you down this morning...but i had to get this out and have a cry...and i don't have anyone else to go to in the middle of the night when these thoughts haunt me the most...i'm sorry....

love you

izz4us 12-20-2006 12:24 AM

12-Step Visit From St. Nicholas
T'was the night before Christmas When I went on a bender,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a bartender.
The empties were stacked by the chimney just fine,
In hopes that St. Nick would fill them with wine.
With Mama in her kerchief and I with my booze,
We'd just settled down for a long winter's snooze.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I put down my drink to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I crawled and then stumbled
To open the shutters where I stood and just mumbled.
Then what to my bloodshot eyes should there appear
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

I thought it was DT's and needed help quick!
I didn't know it was only St. Nick.
I poured myself another as the reindeer came
While he shouted and called them by name:

"Now Barfly! Now Wino! Now Boozer and Rummy!
On Drunkard! On Alky! On Dipso and Dummy!"
So up to the housetop St. Nicholas flew
While I pulled the pop-top on another brew.

I trembled with fear when I heard a new sound--
Down the chimney came St. Nick with a bound.
His cheeks were like roses, he grinned like a possum,
His eyes, how they twinkled, his nose had rum-blossoms!

I offered him a drink, step up to the bar,
"Not today," he said, "I am now so-ber."
He had a clear face and a little beer belly,
That shook when he laughed like a bowl
full of jelly.

This was too much, it increased my thirst.
"Hold it!" said St. Nick, "First things first.
You don't have to drink, easy does it,
Now that wasn't too hard, was it?"

He reached in his sack and with a great fuss
He gave me the book "Alcoholics Anonymous."
"Read this 'Big Book' for a life sublime,
Follow the principles one day at a time.

"This is the best present I can give,
Twelve steps -- a new way to live.
The AA program keeps me sober, it's true."
Then giving a nod, up the chimney he flew.

Then I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
"You now have a choice, starting tonight.
So Merry Christmas to all and to all Season's Greetings,
Don't pick up that first drink, and go to AA meetings!"

Click Santa's Sleigh and Go To A Meeting!

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Transitions Daily is not Alcoholics Anonymous and is not intended to be a substitute for real live regular AA meetings.

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RebelNymph 12-20-2006 01:35 AM

Just wanted to say GOOD MORNING! I have a lot of reading to do to catch up. I just wanted to drop in before HB (hubbie) and I leave for work. Yes, I know it's 4:30 am. I noramlly am up by 3:30am...I go to his office 3 days a week and help...but it's an hour or so from the house so we're outta the door really early to beat traffic. But just wanted to say I'm still sober! WOO HOO! And down 11 lbs since last Monday!

(((Codi))) You SOOO totally rock! That was awesome and brave what you did! I am so proud! That took a LOT of strength. Go Girl!

mikiglen 12-20-2006 05:18 AM

good morning
ayla, we love you no matter what your mood is.
hey, is anyone good with budgeting? i'm totally hopeless, and could use just a bit of help budgeting this check i am getting this morning....WISELY
hugs to all moms

curlylocks 12-20-2006 05:21 AM

wow, stay away for less than 24 hours and its hard to catch up.
ayla, i just read your post, and it brought tears to my eyes. cancer does suck but wow was your mom lucky to have you guys, you especially. She can still be your strength -, the holidays are so hard ..................

tam - how are you feeling? i make the same recipe as your brittle but with chopped pecans and i don't bake but cook butter/water/sugar until hard cracK and it makes great pecan toffee! i am going to try your way.

i had a rough night last night - no reason really which is why it was confusing. i just wanted to drink (not one drink- but i knew i wanted to drink til i passed out) i really think if it had been in the house i would have drank some wine (or anything we had)
it seemed like it was all getting easier..... day 17 now and then BAM.
couldn't sleep- i started obsessing. i feel better now (sort of) - maybe i shouldn;t have skipped my meeting monday? well i guess it was another day sober so triumph (this is said with no enthusiasm - just trying to be positive)

well misti your posts did make me feel a little better last night. thank god there are decent kind people out there still. you enjoy your stuff - it was good to hear about the kindness and christmas spirit.

and Codi after you flushed the pills I KNEW i couldn't drink last night so thanks for being brave.... i swear i was like hanging over the computer obsessing over you thowing them out. if i had your phone no. i prob. would have stalked you (i swear not in a scary way) I just happened to log on right in the middle of that and I got scared for you. And it was like you throwing them out made me stronger too. Thank you!!

Rebel you lost 11 lbs at christmas? guess you don't have the horrible sober munchies like i do.

xoxo curly

welcome nyc girl and brynn!

mikiglen 12-20-2006 05:25 AM

curly, that's like me....i think around day 17 is when i had my couple of real bad days
i know i'm day 25 now and feeling better, it will pass
hang in here

4MyGuys 12-20-2006 06:00 AM

Hi ladies! I'm having a heck of a time trying to get on here the last couple days. By the time I read and am ready to respond, one of these little gremlins is at it again. I can't get the mobile one to stay away from the xmas tree. They must make electric tree fences or something to ward off tiny terrors. Totally joking, but our set-up is definitely NOT working.

Ayla, sweet Ayla. You have such a heart. Thank you for sharing it with us so freeley and openly. Your mom truly was blessed to have such a gift for a daughter. I can only imagine the sorrow you feel. As you have lovingly reminded me before, this is always a safe place to unload whatever emotions we're dealing with.

Codi, that must have been hard. Way to go, tough mama! I just had this horrific image of myself on a desperate day lapping out of a toilet bowl like a dog if someone had poured wine into it. It just sounded so gross that I had to share it.

Tam, that recipe sounds too easy. Gotta try it.

Brynn, welcome to the thread!!

Rebel, have a good day at the office. I think you're in/near Frederick Co.? My DH's fam is all in Baltimore. We accidentally drove the wrong way into Fred Co. last year. Is there a lot of farmland there? I wish I lived on a farm...Atlanta 'burbs are so busy.

Misti, I'm a budgeter by trade. Let me know if you still want a little assistance. I'd be happy to help. And what an AWESOME school to come through for you guys like that.

Good morning to all mommies! I have to tend to the little ones and shall return in a bit...

c'est la vie 12-20-2006 06:03 AM

codi WTG on flushing the pills. If you believe in odd circumstance then maybe you'll believe that is why you are pregnant. Who knows. Are you going to ask your hub?

jane, I've been really pigging out lately too. I know the stress of the season is upon me, but I was doing well for a while (I thought) and now I just eat everything and go buy more. I think I would stop before resorting to condensed milk - blech!

brynn, don't feel too bad about posting to yourself. I do that every morning. It gets a bit lonely so now I try to come on in the afternoon when everyone is here. The good thing is that you'll get answers anyway no matter when you post.

ayla I'm so sorry that you're feelings are so raw, but it seems like it's normal to have those memories (good and bad) surface at holidays. I hope you're able to talk to someone and don't go hide in any holes. Please stay with us.

I can't believe all the yummy recipes. I hope I remember to look on thread ^ when I finally get time to cook. We'll probably be on thread 10 by then!!

speaking of thread 10...I might not be able to check in much when I'm gone so I'll probably lose track of how everyone is doing. Please know that my thoughts are with you over the holidays. It's surprising how much a group of women that I've never even met can mean so much to me. Take good care of yourselves!!!! (and I'll be back tomorrow to remind of of the same! lol)

Lollipop 12-20-2006 06:05 AM

((((((Mommies))))))) Good Morning!

Ayla- I love ya sweets, thanks for the pm! I hope your doing better today!

Tam- I am also fighting the nasty cold thing, bronchitis and fluid in the lung on top of it, it sucks. I hope your feeling better. Thanks for the words of encouragement!

4My- Thank you as well for the pm. I love all of you!!! It is wonderful to know I have such great friends!

Welcome all new Mommies that I missed!!!!

Well ladies, heres the scoop.....I am feeling less depressed today. I have just been pushing myself to keep going. I sat down with the boys and was honest with them about a tight Christmas this year, I told them that maybe we could go shopping or do something very special during the break but that it would most likely be after christmas. They were so cool. They both said all they really want is new undies and gloves for when it snows. They told me that they love me and it is going to be ok.
I will not be checking myself in anywhere for a couple of reasons, 1-I cant afford it and 2-If I do, the boys would have to stay with their Dad while Im in and I dont know how that would fly with the courts if he decides to fight me for custody. Instead, I am keeping busy and trying to put on the happy face for the sake of the kids. Mom and I are going grocery shopping for the stuff we need for our baking and I am going to make a ton of buckeyes, my kids love them!
Yesterday, I went to the grocery and cleaned for an elderly man who is a lifelong friend of the family. I took Ry with me and he raked leaves for him. He paid me 50$ and then slipped me an extra 20$ for Christmas. He paid Ry 15$ So I will be able to get a few things for the kids. Also, my brother always takes the boys to my biological Dads on Christmas Eve where they do pretty good and then dad usually sends a 50$ in a card for me. They are going early this year and If I get the money, I am going to hit the stores Christmas eve and pick up a couple more things for the kids. All in all, things arent a total bust. :)

On the hubby end.......he finally got most of his clothes. No more "stopping by to grab something" I picked up some boxes yesterday and later I am going to start boxing things of his up. I just feel like I need to move on because this being in limbo is not helping me, never knowing when he was going to be here or not etc. it just wasnt helping things. Anyhoo, thats the latest on this end.....
I hope all is well for everone!!!!! I will check in later!!!
Much Love!!!!

ayla zaire 12-20-2006 06:07 AM

ok, i didn't sleep at all last night...i knew this was was like 5:30 and i still was not asleep, so i just got back up...

wow, what a depressing post to wake you all up with...sorry...i had a rough night, too...((((curly))))

i better sleep tonight...this sucks royally...

codi...i'm so proud of hubby and i were sitting here last night rooting for you to flush!! he is into you all like we are a soap's cute...he asks about you all every day, by'how's codi...she have any morning sickness?" or "how's beezy...she make any cookies for me?" or "did ruby's daughter make it home yet?" i love that he is interested in you all, it's cool to share you with him...

love you guys...

ayla zaire 12-20-2006 06:10 AM

holy cow....we all posted at once...gotta go back and catch up...but thanks y'all for being here for me...i love you...

scootinbabe 12-20-2006 06:10 AM

whoa--the thread's a'hoppin again...

morning all!

can't stay just wanted to pop in and say HELLO and THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME!!

i'm off to see the kids pageant at school today--gotta dash...

Krys_wyo 12-20-2006 06:18 AM

I know this is a mommys thread but my best friends daughter just had her second grandbaby saturday night at 10;29.......Mommy and baby Khiana Marie are great she was 6 lbs 15.2 ounces 20 inches, my friend has been sober since august 23rd and it is hard right now cause she wants to go see her daughter and grandbabys, big sister Rylie will be 4 in febuary, but they live in amarillo and thats 900 miles away and she wont have enough money after christmas...(hehehe so she thinks nothing like a gas gift card for x-mas) anyhow just wanted to post a piccy and brag a little.

RubyT 12-20-2006 06:18 AM

Mommies....have I told y'all lately how special you are to me?!

Codi, I am so proud of you for flushing those pills. You've come a long way, baby!! Keep moving in the right direction and we're with you every step of the way!

Ayla, you are so kind and supportive to us all, please don't shy away when the going gets rough. Let us do for you what you do for us on a daily basis!

Liss, it sounds like things are looking up for you. What sweet little guys you have to be so understanding!!

I'm already forgetting the other posts I've read this morning...

Oh, the eating thing...uh yeah, that's me right now! Finally said screw it, enjoy the holidays, the diet can wait til 2007!! Man, I love to eat!!!

Ok so I was the psycho mom when my daughter got home yesterday. Running out to the driveway, smiling, crying, hugging, kissing....she is so beautiful and sweet. As for the new boyfriend...she has my persmission to marry him! lol Good kid and he obviously adores her!

Things are a little strained with the hubby right now. I get so crazy over the holidays and I know living with me is not always a walk in the park. But shouldn't he be used to it by now?!?!

I'm out of cigarettes...more later!

TamTam 12-20-2006 06:24 AM

Good morning!!

(((((((Ayla))))))) My dad dies in Aug 04 from cancer so this is my 3rd without him. I cried all the time- any little reminder. It's OK!!! There is nothing wrong with you. I travelled back and forth from Ga. to Ca. at least once a month when he was sick. It horrible taking over the parent role for a parent and having to watch them fade away. Don't let anyone tell you how you should be grieving. Like I said before, I even gave in and let DH get a fake tree that first year because I just didn't care. I will call you later on today and check on you. xoxo

Welcome Brynn- glad to have you.

NYC- paper done???

How are all my other girls this morning?

Isn't it awesome how we touch each other's lives? Codi, look how many people you helped last night- that we know of!

Obviously I feel tons better today- DH is out of town and it would have been so easy to drink last night after the kids went to bed when there wasn't anyone around to keep me accountable!! Can't do that tho- get my 30 day chip at AA today! I'm even going to admit I'm an alcoholic. You either are or you aren't- like being pregnant. If you want to pluck an olive out of someone's martini there is an issue!!!

Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day!

xoxo T

ayla zaire 12-20-2006 06:27 AM

glad i'm not the only smoker here...

thanks all for your sweet make me feel better..

krys!!! what a beautiful baby...and believe it or not i have a niece named khiana....we all have so much in common...

ruby...i'm so glad you like her boyfriend....when my hubby gets frustrated with me i knew who i was when you married me...yes i'm a pain in the arse...but you chose me, so get used to it....we are so funny...we bicker friends just laugh at us...because one minute we are fighting and the next it's's for dinner? love you!! we're goofy...

my goodness...can't keep up this morn...but i'm gonna try...i'm loopy from no sleep....and i don't wanna i'll sit here and hang with my mamas...

thanks are so cool...i'm so proud you are getting that chip!!! you're making it!!!!

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