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TamTam 12-20-2006 09:06 PM

Sweet dreams mommies-

xoxo T

scootinbabe 12-20-2006 09:07 PM

too funny! i gotta ask santa for some boots too!

4MyGuys 12-20-2006 09:12 PM

(that's off the top of my head) Scoot, Jane, C'est, Beezy, Ayla, Curly, Tam, Brynn, Ruby, Miki, Codi -

DH seems to be very jealous of my time with y'all! Gotta get off for now. I'll begin planning our weekend getaway! See you bright and early!

codi32574 12-20-2006 09:20 PM

Gosh..Ya leave for 3 hours and vacation is planned without ya!!!

Just kidding! Ay...I'm all up for the feb plan, I won't be big, fat, huge then....and I won't be taking my hubby anywhere!!! not that I don't love him..but give me a break, I see him every day of my life....I actually "see" my best mommies...umm..never!!

I probably live 6 hrs tops from Ayla...but I'd be willing to pay WHATEVER to get us all together at the same long as you guys don't pull a fast one on me and do it in the summer (est. due date July 4th..weird huh)....unless you all want to deliver this baby...although I can't think of any midwives I'd rather have!!!!!!

Uh, I'm getting a little emotional thinking of actually SEEING you gals!! I live for all of are my matter how good or bad a day I have, you are all in my minds CONSTANTLY! I love you all!! (You really don't know how much you all mean to me)


scootinbabe 12-20-2006 09:31 PM

hi! popping back after folding 1 load of laundry and wrapping two more presents. i have officially turned into a pumpkin and need to take myself to bed.

aw **{codi}} isn't it nice to have all these long-distance aunties for your little bean!

sleep well xxoo

ayla zaire 12-20-2006 09:33 PM

i feel the same way, codi...i don't know what i would do without you...i just love you all so much..

codi32574 12-20-2006 09:41 PM

Ay, I just sent you a nice long, talk your ear off PM and it was deleted!! Sometimes I hate computers!!!!!!

Anyway, I'll try again in a minute (my inbox was full...whatever that means)

mikiglen 12-20-2006 09:44 PM

*claps for online shopping*
<---is ebay addict :)
didn't i check in today? i think i did, maybe just not this evening, oops...been busy and i did post in my thread.
hugs to all mommies and sweet dreams

mikiglen 12-20-2006 09:45 PM

i did,tam, even congratulated you, lol
ok, NOW to try to finally sleep
i have the aylas

c'est la vie 12-20-2006 11:59 PM

good morning. So sorry I missed last night's conversation. Actually I'm always sorry about that. God I hate feeling like such an outsider. It's number one on the list with my therapist. Do I intentionally find ways of separating myself or am I bound to be different in all cases? I think that's why I prefer to be a loner. It hurts less. I'm just not good at trying to have women friends. I get so jealous when I see other women getting along so well and I'm not a part of it and then it gets in the way of me trying to be a part of something that I don't feel a part of. does that make any sense? Does anyone out there feel as insecure in friendships as I do? I feel the same way about the moms at school who seem to be such good friends and I'm just there on the fringe.

sorry for the sob post. I don't mean to bring the mood down, but I thought posting here was fairly safe. maybe I'll check in this afternoon and feel jolly.

RubyT 12-21-2006 04:37 AM

C'est, you don't bring us down!!! Heck, you brought us all together!! Did you, in your wildest imagination, think when you started this thread it would become what it has?!

I think, in a way, I know how you feel. I have a bit of a problem being the outsider with the "cheer moms". Either they have only one child and are completely devoted to her and doing all kind of crafty things (I don't have a crafty bone in my body!) or they're very well to do and discussing their ski trips to Vail or sunning in Cuncun right after Christmas. I use to think it was because I was the token drunk, but I guess not.... The flip side to that is I have 5 wonderful women in my life that are the best friends you would ever want! Three of them I started first grade with!! So yeah, a couple of life longers there!! And of those of them looks EXACTLY like Jane...weird, huh?

I woke up this morning and laid there thinking of everything I have to do and started feeling overwhelmed...still have presents to wrap, food I need to start preparing...yikes!! The cheetah is cheering tonight, but I may sit this one out since big sis is home to go watch her. After this game we're done with practice, games, and competitions until Jan. 9!!! Yay!!!! Cheer mom needs a break!!!

So what do I do when I have so much to do? Grap a cup of coffee and log on! Ha Ha. I just can't start my day without the mommies!

Love you all!!!

TamTam 12-21-2006 04:54 AM

You all are the last thing I do before I go to bed and the first thing I do when I get up. I'm like Codi- I'm always wondering what's going on with you guys. When I have to log off to go somewhere I get in the car and think... who can I call to keep the connection going??? I might have to put the mommies in my cell phone! Anyone have Verizon?

Misti- I know you were here yesterday, but you weren't on as much as usual last night. Just making sure the little angles and boss hadn't pushed you over the edge without us knowing!! Just checking on you, honey!!!!!!!!

Last night after playing my son came is, sat down and said "Mama I love you". I said, "You do? Why?" "Because you're funny, smart and beautiful"!!!! THAT makes all of the emotional rollercoater of this whole process worth it!

Ruby- I have lots to do also, but I'm not stressing about it this year. I will get some last minute shopping done today. BTW- nice job avoiding the boots and bill situation... :)

I can get wherever we want to go. I was researching cabins last summer- there are some really good ones out there for good deals.

xoxo love you- T

RubyT 12-21-2006 05:01 AM

Hey Tam..I'm a Verizon customer...a very GOOD one, too!! lol

TamTam 12-21-2006 05:05 AM

Originally Posted by c'est la vie (Post 1144392)
good morning. So sorry I missed last night's conversation. Actually I'm always sorry about that .

(((Cest))) Could it be because you are :sleeping:???

I have a really good friend from each stage of my life- each place I have lived. Maybe it's because we aren't superficial. We go for quality not quantity?

What do you miss most about the U.S.? What food?

xoxo T

TamTam 12-21-2006 05:08 AM

Cool, Ruby!

Any Verizoners pm me your number and I'll call you- or your home phone, too. We have unlimited long distance.

codi32574 12-21-2006 05:35 AM

Good morning all!!

Ugh, when did this morning sickness creep up on me? The last 2 days I've felt so crappy, already hugging the toilet this morning!! Have to go to Eli's Preschool Pageant this am, and DH took the day off to go to. I'm sure its gonna be interesting. If you knew my son...he's exactly the type to go up there and start picking his nose or something! Should be filled with lots of precious moments!! (especially If I throw up while sitting in the audience...maybe I should bring a barf bucket)

((C'est)) I know I feel the exact same way a lot of time. I've never had a lot of girlfriends for the same reason...and now with my family treating me like an outsider..I guess its easier a lot of the time not to try to have any friendships because then I can't get hurt. Except for you gals, I really only have 1 close friend, and she's moving to New York in January...guess I'll be on REALLY bugging all of you then!!

Kay, gotta go get ready (in between the trips to the toilet). Love you gals!!


TamTam 12-21-2006 05:43 AM

My initial thought on going away is like-- okay we can't drink, WHAT are we going to da? How warped am I?!?!? Then I really thought about it, and I can't imagine a better weekend away. I can see us being goofy and laughing, laughing, crying, laughing...

I'm off to therapy- let's see what she'll find wrong with me today!..

RubyT 12-21-2006 05:44 AM

Ok so I've been really apprehensive about this party we're going to Saturday night. So afraid I'm going to get caught up in the holiday spirit and Christmas cheer! Thankfully, the rational me is doing more of the thinking these days! I have the most horrendous picture of myself...standing on a bar stool, makeup smeared, eyes little slits, singing into a beer bottle. It is so awful and embarrassing!! I keep taking it out and looking at it as a reminder of that person I can't stand! I think I will slip it into my purse and take it with me on Saturday. I really do hate this!!! Back to the why can't I just be normal mentality and I hate that too!!!!

TamTam 12-21-2006 05:44 AM

Hang in there, (((Codi))), you know there is a pot of gold at the end of the pukebow.............

janeeyre 12-21-2006 05:50 AM

morning, gals--

((((c'est)))and ((((everyone))))
Did you have much morning sickness before, Codi?

We are so buried it's not even funny. Even the postal service is closed! Oh, and the beagle literally disappears in the snow. Too funny.
Everyone is home today,so I won't be on much.


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