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Free2bme888 10-18-2020 06:15 PM

Oh my. I think I’ll have to repost those pics. I chose a one day expiration by accident!

Willow00 10-18-2020 09:07 PM

Thanks Dee :)
I could only see the last couple of pictures Free, but it looks like a beautiful part of the world :)

Free2bme888 10-19-2020 01:13 PM


Free2bme888 10-19-2020 01:15 PM

Can anyone see that? Trying to post easily a pic without a third party site. It’s a PIA to use the third party sight.

Dee74 10-19-2020 02:14 PM

You need to remove the ‘blob’ and have something that ends in .jpg or a similar image file Free :)
You can just post here to an album on your profile and direct folks there if third part sites annoy you.


Free2bme888 10-19-2020 03:03 PM

Ok. I’ll try and figure that out. Cell phone is back to that annoying thing where the desktop version is not available.

Dee74 10-19-2020 04:04 PM

keep hitting refresh :)


Willow00 10-19-2020 10:12 PM

I just upload pics to here

then copy and paste the link into my posts

Bumblebee2 11-12-2020 08:56 AM

Hi everyone.

Just checking in. Wondering how you are all doing? I can't complain really. Things are going well overall. Even though I feel the world outside my home is crazy.

Inside my home, things are good. Girls had a fun Halloween, I had a little ghost and a little vampire. The weather was nice.

School is still in person, 5 days a week. Although, I am feeling like that might be switched to remote learning soon with all the COVID cases increasing in the area.

What is new in everyone else's world? Staying strong? I am at 2.5 years, no drink. Never. again. Life is so different now. Easier, yet harder. But better over all.

Have a good one!


Willow00 11-16-2020 12:44 AM

Congratulations on 2.5 years Bumblebee! That’s wonderful :)

Free2bme888 12-21-2020 01:46 PM

Checking in.....

hope all is well and smooth with everyone, or if not, dealing with life without numbing.

Gettingcloser 12-21-2020 03:08 PM

Hey Free,
All good here. I think of where I came from often. I am so grateful to be sober right now. We are heading into another province wide lockdown in Ontario, Canada after Christmas day. I don't know how much more people can take.
How are you?

Dee74 12-21-2020 03:31 PM

Good to see you Free :)

I hope the vaccines available will soon mean lockdowns are not needed GC?


Gettingcloser 12-22-2020 04:25 AM

Hi Dee
Unfortunately the lockdown is a go. It is starting Boxing day at 12am. Winters in Canada are hard enough on people. Once again I am so glad that my sobriety is firmly in place.

Dee74 12-24-2020 02:34 AM

Hope this will be the last one GC. A safe and Happy Christmas to you and all the other Mayans.


Gettingcloser 12-24-2020 04:26 PM

Me too! I really hope that things will be back to normal this time next year....if not sooner. Merry Christmas to you as well!!

Bumblebee2 01-09-2021 05:23 AM

Hello! Hi guys. I cannot believe I haven't posted in here since November. Time needs to slow down.

It is great to see you Gettingcloser and Free! Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you guys had a fantastic holiday. One of my New Year's resolutions is to journal more, and post more here.

Things are doing well in my world. Still sober, getting close to my 3 year mark. Surprisingly, it still becomes easier and easier... if I think back to Christmas 2019 - I remember I was still having urges. The urges have completely disappeared at this point.

I am going to going to get my girls breakfast. My oldest daughter has a basketball game.


Gettingcloser 01-09-2021 05:45 AM

I am working with an alcoholic at work. He is in his middle 30's. He is an electrician, like me and is very good at his job. He pretty much has a solution for everything we encounter. I enjoy working with him because he shares the work and ideas and doesn't try and be the boss.
Unfortunately he has gotten into the habit of drinking at work which the company has a zero tolerance policy. It is a large public utility transmission and distribution company with a public image to uphold. I have been working with him for 3 months and he actually thinks I can't tell. His health is deteriorating and he is struggling in his marriage. As an alcoholic I am very aware of all the signs but the drinking at work has put me in a difficult situation. He is not dangerous or incompetent. I can tell he is now drinking to be normal. I feel that at some point I should pull him aside at talk to him and make him aware that I know he is drinking. I know that it will be a very awkward and difficult conversation. I am almost 3 years sober and it is hard to believe that I am living proof of the success and power of sobriety and yet it is meaningless to him.

Bumblebee2 01-11-2021 04:20 AM

Good morning

I woke early before the family today. It is quiet, except for the dog and hamster. Silence is beautiful.

Gettingcloser. wow. I feel bad for that guy. "Drinking to be normal" is horrible. It is truly scary. That was when I knew I was at the point of no return. What do you plan to do? Personally, if someone approached me 3 years ago as a friend and "living proof" of success - I would appreciate it.

Obviously this guy is sneaking and does not want anyone to know - I was the same way. I often wonder if anyone did know.

Going to start my day and get up my 2nd grader for school. Have a fantastic day, you all deserve it.


Bumblebee2 01-21-2021 04:30 AM

Hi all

I have about 5 minutes before I have to wake up my girls for school, so just wanted to pop on and say hi.

Getting closer - how is your work buddy doing? I have been thinking about him.

Willow - where are ya my friend?

I have been trying to beat the girls wake up time. Which is sometimes hard to do, since my youngest can be an early riser. The days I can do it, it is tremendously helpful for my mental health. Allowing myself to wake up and hear silence is way better then the alternative. Which is my daughter poking me in the face and telling to get out of bed.

My 6 year old just got up. So my silence is over, I must go help find a remote control.

Enjoy your day

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