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Dee74 08-11-2020 03:29 PM

Sounds great willow :)


Gettingcloser 08-11-2020 03:29 PM

Wow, Willow! What a nice picture. You are so blessed to have the beach to yourself! I live close to Lake Huron in Ontario Canada and some of the beaches are constantly being closed because people are over crowding them and not respecting social distancing.

Bumblebee2 08-12-2020 05:50 AM

You guys! Wow, I am so excited to see everyone! Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Free! So happy your around again. I did some googling, and it seems Coffee Pot Road/Deep Creek is in Colorado? The Deep Creek Lake we went to was in Maryland. A lot closer to me, compared to CO. Keep up the great work. We both know there is no fun in sneak drinking.

John, how are things going for ya?

Willow, that picture is beautiful. I would love to live so close to the beach. I bet the sunrise/sunsets are gorgeous.

Hi Gettingcloser.

I am so excited to see so many back around May 2018! It is a like a party! A very sober party. The best party to go to!

A lot of big things coming up for me. Friday is my 10 year anniversary... my husband and I will probably go out to dinner. In 40 days (September 21) I turn 40. And my girls start school in less then two weeks. First time I will have both my girls in school 5 days a week, I certainly am looking forward to having a little extra free time. But at the same time I cannot believe my babies are in Kindergarten and Second grade. It is truly bitter sweet.

Have a wonderful day everyone. Enjoy every second of it.


Willow00 08-14-2020 03:23 PM

Getting closer, they closed some beaches in Australia too, but I live a long way from big cities, in a relatively remote area, so things are pretty quiet around here.

Happy Anniversary Bumble! I hope you have a wonderful dinner ❤️

Dee74 08-14-2020 04:46 PM

have a great weekend Bumble and everyone :)


Willow00 08-14-2020 06:02 PM

Thanks Dee :) you have a great weekend too :)

Willow00 08-16-2020 03:03 PM

How’re you doing Free and John?

Willow00 08-17-2020 06:47 PM

8 weeks today, yippee :) :) :)

Free2bme888 08-19-2020 07:51 PM

Awesome willow! Hi getting closer!

hi everyone!

doing ok, beating the beast down when thoughts creep into head.

day 4. Having a soda water with lime.

love to all

Dee74 08-19-2020 08:06 PM

Congrats to you all on your milestones :)


Willow00 08-20-2020 12:57 AM

Great work on 4 days Free! That’s fantastic :)
My new favourite is ginger cordial in sparkling water :)

Willow00 08-22-2020 03:52 AM

I just realised I’m on day 60 today :banana:

Dee74 08-22-2020 04:03 PM

Congrats again :)


Willow00 08-22-2020 11:16 PM

Thanks Dee :)

Willow00 08-31-2020 05:40 PM

Hey Free, just wondering how you are? And John?
Also Bumble, haven’t heard from you in awhile, how’s things going?
I know this thread is pretty quiet these days but I still like to pop in now and then and see how things are. It’s where my sober journey started ❤️

Bumblebee2 09-01-2020 06:59 PM

Hi everyone!

Willow! 60 days. Impressive, keep up the fantastic work.

Getting closer, Free and John - if you are around, please say hello! It always makes my day to hear from you guys.

So, I have been busy getting used to a new routine now that the girls are both in school 5 days a week. School started last Monday. Soccer also started - both girls are playing but are on different teams. So we are a week and a half in, and I finally feel like I am getting the swing of it.... and I really enjoy having a structured day - which also includes 2 hours of a quiet house..... amazing.

The girls are car riders, they are trying to keep the buses less crowded. So I drop off and pick them up at school. I am so grateful I am not still drinking and dealing with juggling schedules and driving to school daily.

I am also turning 40 soon. I get botox again next week, the first injections have worn off... and it truly was a confidence booster for me the first time. So, I am excited for that.

This weekend we go camping, just for one night. It will be the first time we sleep in a tent as a family. Should be fun, hopefully no rain.

Well I hope all is doing well and enjoying your day.


Willow00 09-02-2020 02:44 AM

Lovely to hear from you Bumble :hug:

I’m glad you’re getting a confidence boost :)
And the camping sounds great. We recently went camping. I love relaxing around a campfire. One of my favourite things about camping is having a fire :)

I bet the kids are excited about being back at school :)
Our kids are all at school again, they only had one term at home. Although we still haven’t really had much vius where I live. Yet, anyway.

I have been busy the last few weeks with a whole bunch of stuff, mostly working. We’re planning another camping trip soon which I’m looking forward to, maybe in about 3 weeks. We only went for one night last time but hopefully our next trip will be longer.

Bumblebee2 09-09-2020 04:49 AM

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all having a good day.

Camping was a lot of fun. The kids really enjoyed it. We got to do a little bit of fishing, swimming, biking, camp fires. I love campfires too, but I can't stand how the small sticks to my and in my hair. I actually not really the outdoorsy type. I am glad we only slept there one night, the tent was not super comfy and it was chilly. But overall - it was a cool experience. No one was drinking - and there was a fairly large group. I am certain the old me would have been wasted and hung over. Glad that was not the case!

Our school district is one of few that went back full time. A lot are doing it online or hybrid (half and half.) The high school did have 3 cases of COVID and had to shut down for 5 days. But so far, things are going well with my girls at school - I am grateful they are going to school too.

I hope you are all doing good, holler if your reading.


Willow00 09-12-2020 02:17 PM

Hey Bumble :wavey:

I love camping. We’re planning a camping trip for the upcoming long weekend in a few weeks. I can’t wait. We’re going for 2 nights and it will be in a pretty remote location, so no other people, just the Australian bush. Lovely. I love campfires, but I know what you mean about the smoke lol. I don’t mind it during camping trips, but boy is it good to have a shower and wash my hair when we come home! :lmao:

Sunday morning here and feeling a bit flat, so I’m going to get out and do something fun. No idea what yet, but I need to get out of the house. Have a good weekend!

Free2bme888 09-15-2020 06:27 PM

Checking in. Day 4 again.

on a long road trip. Lots of hiking, lots of time to think through things in my head.
It’s to be grateful for, including my realization /again/ that the AV has no power unless I let it.

remembering how happy I was with over a year sobriety.

internet is spotty.

almost made a run to the liquor store , but there isn’t one nearby. Glad for some external helps when the AV rears it’s ugly head.

glad all seems to be well.

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