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stargazer016 01-14-2021 05:53 AM

Sorry to hear about the loss of your father Cauli, but at least you can finally cut the step monster.

Your province really had some draconian measures in place. That is no doubt why your numbers have gotten better.

Happy to hear that your son is doing well. The teens are wonderful years, he says tongue in cheek. Both my college age son and daughter in high school have been going to school virtually the entire year and will likely to continue to do so. The school district has attempted a hybrid model of going a couple days a week, but it coincided with large increases in cases so it got shut down twice. People here are done following guidelines, and continue to travel over holidays, so our numbers are stubbornly high.

Vaccines are very slowly rolling out here, and I should be able to sign up at some point because of my job. We shall see.

Great to hear from ya!

amp123 01-21-2021 06:44 AM

I have two teenagers at home, 18 and 14. We’re in a good place right now but it’s a bit up and down. My 14 year old got a lot of anxiety about returning to school with COVID and ended up getting sick. She got so tense that her stomach closed up and she couldn’t eat, but we got through it with the help of a psychologist and a mindfulness mentor. Her psychologist says she tends towards depression (like me) which worries me. None of us have had COVID for now but it is a bit of a lottery. We are all out in public buildings dealing with people all day so it is the luck of the draw. Hoping that vaccination steps up but there is trouble getting enough doses here. Very slow going.

wishing you all well! Stay safe and remember not to drink today :)

stargazer016 01-22-2021 04:25 AM

We lost 100,000 people in five weeks to Covid, and we expect to lose another 100,000 in a month's time. Hopefully, a stronger push by the government will begin to ease the pain. Even with the vaccines becoming more available, I see myself continuing to wear a mask for probably the rest of this year. And yes, I still have people calling me a fascist for requiring a mask to grocery shop.

One minor drawback of having the family home all the time is that I have no space to noodle on my guitar at all without disturbing someone. Hence, she has been packed away for the duration. I have gotten more involved in indoor plants once again. It is a quieter form of recreation.

Take care all!

Cauliflower 03-25-2021 08:52 PM

Amp, I really hope your daughter is doing better. We forget how hard it must be for the kids. I think my son is fine, he is enjoying going to school every other day, I just don't know how he will adjust to going everyday in the future, if we ever go back to that old system. He started back to playing hockey again. No games at all, but at least the team is back together on the ice.... but they have to wear their masks. I notice half the kids have their masks tucked under their chins, but I think they are safe out there. All the kids are in bubbles at school, can't say for sure how their home life is, but we don't go anywhere! I've been working from home going crazy.

SG, The snow is mostly gone, but it will be about a month or so before we can even think about gardening outside. Ground is still too cold. I cannot keep plants alive, my daughter gave me a few plants, and I killed them all save for one cactus. I even killed a cactus! My bad, they don't like too much water.

I know everything happens for a reason, and everybody we meet is a teacher of some sort. I can't help but think covid is here to remind us of how special our families and relationships are. I know it's hard for everyone loosing jobs, the financial struggles, and the loss of life, but there is a change happening with old structures crumbling. But I am still very tired of it. I dream of travel and dining out, and weddings, and family reunions!

All is well over here on the sober front. It's coming up onto 6 years next month! I still cannot believe it, I am thriving in my sobriety!
Would you believe me if I told you it opened up so much for me, Spiritually speaking. I have shut away many gifts over the years, and I am now embracing them. I love my life!

stargazer016 03-26-2021 05:42 AM

Cauli, glad you dropped by!

My kids are still doing school virtually. My daughter had the option to go back last week but she declined. Less than half of her high school's students chose to go back. My wife is still working from the dining room table. She got her first shot a few weeks ago and getting her second next week. She is contemplating possibly going back into the office maybe a day a week. I am glad that my family has had the opportunity to stay home and ride this out as much as possible, but living in a small house, I feel as though I am constantly tiptoeing around as not to disturb anyone. I can't do any serious cleaning during school and work hours when I am off. I know I should be grateful, and I really am. I feel as though I need a solo vacation somewhere without anyone else. I really miss going to concerts, and don't feel safe venturing out socially at this point. Maybe post pandemic.

I seemed to have gained a bunch of weight over the winter which I hope to work on shedding. I think my sugar addiction is as bad as my alcohol addiction and might be as hard to break. At least I can safely drive while sugared up.

Cauli, cactus are the best. You don't even have to water more than a couple times a month Sept-Feb, then weekly during their growing season.

Amp, I see you have been quite prolific over the winter with your art. How is your family doing? Is your business staying afloat?

It's hard to believe that we are all rolling into six years without a drink next month. Congrats to us. Life is good!

amp123 04-04-2021 11:40 AM

So here we are at 6 years! Who would have said it? Good to hear from you guys!

Here in Spain times are still tough. My business is running at an unsustainable loss so tough decisions will have to be made at the end of this academic year. We’re hoping for an upturn for the coming academic year but it’s all in the air. On the other hand, the art work is going really well. I’m selling paintings all around the world (not too many but even so...) and I’m in the middle of my first exhibition from which 5 of the 33 pieces have sold so far. I’d like to close down my existing business and do the art full time but I’m not there yet. Maybe in a couple of years🙂

My daughter is doing a bit better now. She is still seeing her psychologist and seems to be doing ok. She gets really snappy and short tempered sometimes but she’s 15 so it comes with the territory. We’re on the look out for warning signs but everything seems quiet for now.

i hadn’t felt like or thought much about drinking for literally months, but the other day I had the familiar urge to grab the bottle of wine my wife has (she drinks about half a glass 2 or 3 times a week) and pour myself one. I thought, oh! There you are AV! I hadn’t heard from you in so long I thought something might have happened to you! No such luck 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway. A pleasure to hear from you guys and congrats on the 6 years. Also happy Easter if that is your thing🙂

Take care all!

PS: Good luck with getting into shape Sg! I like that thing that you said, Cauli, about everybody being a teacher. I hadn’t thought of it like that before🙂🙂🙂

Dee74 04-04-2021 04:36 PM

Congrats to all you guys - and congrats on the artwork Amp - hope things ramp up on that, and on the business too.


amp123 04-04-2021 10:35 PM

Thanks Dee. Hope you are keeping well?

Dee74 04-04-2021 11:03 PM

good mate thanks :)


Cauliflower 04-10-2021 07:50 PM

Thanks Dee! It's so awesome to see your familiar face around here! Your dedication to this space simple floors me.

I'm writing a blog post on this sobriety thing, and I actually have a bit of a block! So, I'm reading my old thread / journal to see where my head was 6 years ago. This was not as easy a task as it now seems, right?! We have come a long way. I mean to go from not being able to drive by the wine store without the internal struggle and fight with the AV, to now, being able to sit outside in the warm spring sun with a glass of water and feel perfectly at ease, completely fulfilled and happy. I couldn't even enjoy myself without a glass of wine. Now I'm content with myself, I enjoy myself, I am happy in my own company. When it comes down to it, sobriety shines the light on self love, the purest love of all.

Cauliflower 04-10-2021 09:38 PM

This entry made me laugh out loud!!!!Oct 22 2015:
I don't know when I will ever get used to my 9 year old telling people that I'm an alcoholic and don't drink. It's just pure unfiltered innocence at this age.....most people just smile with that too familiar nervous laugh because they are too shocked or embarrassed and have no idea what to say!

My son will be 15 on Monday and he still brings up the topic... I'm an alcoholic that used to drink a box of wine in one night (In my defense, I never drank a box of wine in one night, maybe in a week, but not one night!). It's not pure unfiltered innocence anymore, entered are the mean teenager years!

stargazer016 04-11-2021 03:36 AM

That's a funny recollection Cauli. It is funny because only folks like us could laugh at something so dire.

After all these years of not drinking, I seem to be going through a sudden spiritual awakening, looking for my true soul and purpose in life. I have no idea where this path will lead, but I hope to find a truer self. Not drinking is amazing, but I feel my growth has stalled and what has served me in the past no longer does so. I will keep you posted.

Amp, you have been amazingly prolific. Your art is so full of life and feeling. I am happy that you have embarked on this path over the past years.

Happy Anniversary month to us! I would have never guessed that I would be here today, six years ago.

OMD 06-12-2021 02:27 AM

Hi all,
Just wanted to stop by with some warm wishes to you all!

I remember this group so fondly. Changed my life.

Take care


amp123 06-12-2021 02:29 AM

Hey all! Just got an email alert that OMD posted and reminded me that I’d been intending to do so. I don’t talk about this group often but when I do it is with great warmth. We weathered a hell of a storm together and many of us didn’t make it!

Hoping you are all well. Enjoy the weekend!!

Dee74 06-12-2021 03:36 AM

Hi guys :)


stargazer016 06-12-2021 05:22 AM

Thanks for dropping by OMD! Glad you are still doing well. I owe my second chance at life to the caring and sharing of this group of folks, and I will always hold everyone here close to my heart.

Amp, I am so happy your art career has taken off! It is inspiring to see someone with such musical and artistic talent bloom into their full potential.

Sobriety has led me on a path of self learning and self discovery which I continue on still. I have learned the beauty of fully living and experiencing each day in the moment, instead of merely slogging through until I could start drinking. The gift of self awareness and positive energy is priceless.

Please drop on by whenever! I love to hear how everyone is doing.

amp123 06-12-2021 01:19 PM

Everyone talked about the amazing personal growth we would find in sobriety. Turned out to be true from what I see!

OMD 11-21-2021 01:02 PM

Hi, was just thinking about this group. Hope you’re all doing well. All good here - hope you all enjoy Thanksgiving or, for Amp, Christmas!

Take care


amp123 11-21-2021 01:18 PM

Hey OMD! Hope you are doing well! I think about all you guys more than you’d probably think. Happy holiday season!!

Dee74 11-21-2021 02:14 PM

hey guys :)


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