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stargazer016 10-12-2019 03:28 AM

Inc, if you happen to roll by here, remind me I have some questions for you about SMART recovery. Is the handbook worth it, if I can't find any meetings nearby? Are you still attending AA/NA?

Take care!

stargazer016 10-27-2019 02:02 AM

Just dropping in to say hello to all.

It's been a very challenging month for me, as my SAD hit me extremely hard this fall and put me into a major depression for the past month. My anti-depressants are finally starting to stabilize my mood a bit. Though I never thought of actually picking up, I certainly had dreams of changing my state of mind. Fortunately, I remember that alcohol only gives me a twenty minute reprieve, then I always fall deeper into the hole. This is really only the second time since we started that I haven't felt strong in my recovery. Getting through this will be a good learning experience for me.

Take care!

stargazer016 11-27-2019 10:05 PM

Thinking of you Inc this Thanksgiving Day. I hope you are doing well!

Hiya Amp!

stargazer016 12-20-2019 08:38 AM

I just wanted to stop by this thread and wish Happy Holidays to all the great folks whom have made this thread so special over the years. Though we have gotten on with our lives and put drinking in the rear view mirror, I like to think back on how far we have all come.

I couldn't have made this journey this far without you folks. Amp, Inc, Cauli, OMD and all the others that have shared their struggles and their accomplishments here over the years. Though the thread has slowly drifted off into dormancy, just know that I am always thinking of our little group here on SR. Feel free to drop a post or just say hi occasionally.

We will always be CASIO!

I hope everyone whom has made this thread so special, as well as any other folks reading this, has a wonderful Christmas enjoyed soberly.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2020.

I truly owe my life to all of you!

Thanks again everyone!

amp123 12-24-2019 09:48 AM

Hey guys. Just logged on and saw a few posts from SG. I stopped.posting and must have got logged off as I stopped receiving notifications some months ago. Just got a bit lazy and let it slide.

Anyway. Thinking of you guys and wanted to wish you happy (and sober) holidays.
​​​​​​Always in my heart!🎄🎄🎄

Dee74 12-24-2019 04:15 PM

always good to hear from you amp - Merry Xmas :)


stargazer016 12-24-2019 07:34 PM

Merry Christmas Amp!

Incontrol15 12-25-2019 06:37 AM

Marry Christmas folks! Thanks for texting SG. Can't count how many times I thought to post but was driving or unable. I suppose there was a time or two when I just didn't have thebl energy. You know...because typing is so darn difficult. Which eventually turned into not having the mental energy to apologize or "explain" my absence. That's even more silly.

Truth be told I've been grinding it hard with work/sales...Nearly every waking moment. Wish I could say the money is following, but I'm still growing on the ability to overcome objections with consistency. I'm a natural people pleaser and been avoiding conflict for decades. I am moving the needle though and I know persistency will pay.

Managing to keep myself clean. I did have a couple hard shelter waters on Thanksgiving. No strong urge, no regrets...just "meh". My only concern was I thought about doing it again last night while at my. Bros house with family again. I passed... Don't want to create a pattern.

Still eating keto and feel amazing on most days. Though I am looking to expand my diet a bit and increase my carb intake to healthy carbs to see what happens.

Peace and love!



Incontrol15 12-25-2019 07:23 AM

SG... Casio... Lol.

​​​​​​Loved your post. I feel the same way but I'm bad at showing it. My brother and I were just talking about that last night... We're both the same way and hardly ever call anyone in the family or reach out on social media. Always been that way.

At the end of the day though you guys changed my life. You guys understood where I was and accepted who I am no matter how ugly that became at times. Unconditional love. I feel a little guilty for taking advantage of it and taking way more than I've given.

stargazer016 12-26-2019 12:23 AM

Great to see you Inc and good to see you are doing well!

I hope the money will get better for you as you move forward. Sales jobs always take time to get rolling.

Since the days got shorter and I began being crazy at work, I have found myself craving carbs and having little interest in produce. The weight I lost in the beginning of the year is back and I know that I need to cut way back on carbs in order to lose it once again. It's frustrating in that it seems to take forever to lose a pound, but I can put one back on in the blink of an eye.

I hope your boys are doing well!

Have to open the store this morning at 5:00am.

Great to see you guys!

stargazer016 12-31-2019 05:34 AM

Hard to believe that this will be our fifth year celebrating New Year's Eve soberly.

Happy New Year Amp, Inc, Dee, and to anyone else passing through!

amp123 01-01-2020 03:19 AM

Happy New Year to all you guys! Spent a sober and happy one here in Spain. Life is pretty good right now. Business is not threatening to make me rich but In no imminent danger either so I can rest easy. I've got really into painting and will have my first exhibition in the spring so that's quite exciting. I look at my work and feel happy with most of it but then when I look at the brilliant work others are producing doubt creeps in. I have no idea whether what I do is any good or not. I am really enjoying the process which is the main thing for me. I got injured and can't run anymore so I've put on some weight. After the Christmas period I'm going to look into fixing my diet. May get some tips.from you guys! Sounds like you are into something.

Not wanting to wax lyrical but this site and you guys saved my life. Nearly 5 years' grace now and may it keep on coming! I felt almost comfortable as a non-drinking person this Christmas. There are moments and moments, but 99% perfect. Can't ask for much more I think!

Much love to all of you and your families for 2020

stargazer016 01-01-2020 08:25 AM

That's great to hear that you are planning an exhibition of your paintings Inc! I am glad that you have found a new passion.

I agree with you in saying that you are almost comfortable as a non drinking person. I always have a couple of quick " I wish I could" type thoughts on the holidays, but they quickly recede.

There is an employee at my store whom to me is obviously going through a difficult time with alcohol. I have caught him slurring words, staggering a bit, red faced, running out to his car for a minute, avoiding management after lunch, and the usual indicators. I have been debating whether to approach him with my story and offer help. I think when the time is right, I will non threateningly offer up some of my story, and see if he is interested. Of course, no one will quit until they are ready to. It's the nature of the beast.

Always happy to experience New Year's Day without a hangover. Looking back, the last decade was dominated by the slow speed car crash that alcoholism caused in my life and the struggle to leave it behind. I too am hoping to find new avenues of joy and enrichment in my life in the decade ahead.

Take care guys!

Incontrol15 01-01-2020 12:18 PM

Wow Amp! That's super cool how you'll be showing off your art. That is amazing. And glad to hear the business isn't making you lose sleep any more.

​​​​​​SG.. I can feel your concern. I'd be the same way. It's tough when there's so little we can do. As one who had to hit bottom first, I like to believe most people have to hit bottom first too. Ultimately there's a lot of truth in the first step is admitting there's a problem.

Hard to believe the 19`s are over. I hope y'all have a great year!

Dee74 01-01-2020 01:58 PM


amp123 01-02-2020 04:21 AM

It's a tough one SG because as you say, people have to be in the right receive that kind of help but I think letting this person know that you are available to talk can't do any harm. I have tried to help 2 people since I got sober. One if still sober after 11 months and has found professional help. The other didn't go so well. It has to be the right moment as we know only too well.

stargazer016 01-02-2020 09:10 AM

Thanks guys!

Off to start my 2020 work year!

amp123 01-03-2020 05:34 AM

Have a good first day SG! My New Year's resolution is that the most important thing to remember to take with me when I go out each day (maybe after keys and wallet) is kindness and a smile! I'll let you know how it goes!🙂

stargazer016 01-03-2020 07:19 AM

Being kind it contagious. It really is something that can be spread from person to person. It's like the butterfly effect. One small thought ends up having huge effects down the line.

Incontrol15 01-05-2020 05:47 PM

I'm going to replace the word "should" with "will" and "must". Heard it from an audiobook I'm listening to for sales. I use should way to much...

I figured if I can pull that off, I should have a great year...

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