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kgirl41 08-21-2018 05:44 PM

Alcohol: Day 129
Junk Food/Sugar/Grains: Day 2
Diet Coke: Day 3

Tonight has been hard. I am eating berries right now but before I got these I REALLY wanted sugar. I realize fruit has sugars but I'm talking about the white stuff. Found in nothing good for you! lol I'm on a mission to beat this addiction to junk food.
Work was very busy today. We had an issue with a software installation and I had to guide my team through the rough waters. It was a long day. After work I had to work at my son's TKD school so I'm sure I am stressed and tired and looking for comfort. Now that I've eaten some berries I feel better. I am going to watch a little Netflix and read a bit. I'm reading This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. I highly recommend this book for all of you. It talks a lot about our subconscious mind and the role it plays in addiction. Very interesting. When I'm done with this book I want to get back to Russel Brands book, I never did finish it and I really want to continue my work on the 12 steps.

Ok that's all I have for tonight. I'm very tired and ready to just chill.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Viperidae 08-21-2018 07:49 PM

Kgirl, no sugar, grains will work. The only grain I eat is oats and no dairy at all. I’m still getting some sugar from fruit. I’m very sensitive to sugar. No booze and that diet will make me ripped in 2 months. And it feels great. It’s tough at the beginning. Then it’s routine. Good going! A lot of people go by the 80/20 rule. 80% perfect diet and 20% not so perfect. I’m an all or nothing type.

Thanks for the encouragement on Europe all.

Daisy - The plan would be hop a plane to Greece from Italy. I’m any event I’d like to go there. I’m still recovering from whatever almost killed me for a month! Thankfully!!

Another day crossed off. I’m happy. A job well done.


Strawberry18 08-21-2018 11:39 PM

Good morni g my liverlys! Still sobor but really struggling with smoking!
Thinking of you all and will post more soon x

Donnyb 08-22-2018 03:27 AM

Hi Peeps! Didn’t post last night. Was so tired as soon as I laid down I fell asleep 😴 Anyway, all is well in my neck of the woods and will post tonight. Have a good day all and so much love sent💜

Daisybelle 08-22-2018 06:19 AM


Good afternoon Aprils

I'm just back from having my xrays done at the dentist's, just got to wait and see what happens next.
I hope you are all well, happy and sober and having a good 'top of the hill' day. I've eaten healthily today so far, no sugar or sweets, hope I can keep it up for the rest of the day. I've noticed that a lot of recovering alcoholics seem to start eating lots of sugary crap when they give up drinking, I'm guessing that it's the body's way of replacing the sugar in alcohol.

Sounds like you had a stressful Tuesday Kelley, but you're doing well with cutting the crap, it's hard to break these habits, but I have no doubt you'll do it. Keep eating the berries, but be kind to yourself too, make sure you get some rest.
I've heard a few people here recommend the 'Naked Mind', I should look and see if I can download it onto my Kindle.

Thank goodness you're on the road to full recovery Viper, that vax knocked you for six, it's great to read your positive posts again, you are sounding so much better.
I like your thoughts of hopping on a plane from Greece to Italy, would your sister go with you? Whatever, just go for it, why not.

Strawberry "Good morni g my liverlys!"that made me laugh, "liverlys" how very apt. I've never smoked thankfully, but I did read somewhere that smoking is even more difficult to give up than alcohol, so if that's the case you're doing really well. Keep on trying, think of the money you'll save apart from the health benefits.

Hope you slept well Donny boy and I'm glad all is good in your world. I look forward to reading your post later.

I'm off now and going to clean my oven, I've been threatening it for weeks. I'll catch up with you all later I hope. Much love.

Thought for the day.....
“Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.”
Bucky Sinister

snitch 08-22-2018 01:50 PM

Hey all
Hope everyone is doing ok??
I am good. Been busy with my little girl and got the zoo tomorrow and circus friday and staying at friend at the weekend so busy busy busy!
My eating has been pretty good and am down 9lbs now! I have been sticking to slimming world and filling up on all the "free" food you're allowed to eat and my sugar cravings are diminishing day by day! I am also doing non dairy again as I think dairy is definitely causing my skin to flare up. Did a week non dairy and it seemed to improve, went back on to it and it flared up pratically overnight! Day 3 today and already it seems better. So am going to give it a month this time. I am actually finding it alot easier than I expected. The hardest thing to quit is my tea as I love it but have been having a weak coffee in the morning with almond milk and I have discovered lemon drizzle green tea! It's delicious!!Not missing cheese or yogurt at all. Plus no cheese helps with weight loss!
Kgirl I love diet coke and can't quit that yet!!!! But I am trying to not drink as much.

Got to get up early tmrw so off to bed.

Nichole how u doing?

Night all

X x

xxxNICHOLExxx 08-22-2018 03:32 PM

Somehow I’m still sober but I can actually say well worth it thought of plenty of times saying screw it but I just keep on going it’s like day 3 or something I don’t know not keeping track of days just happy I’m feel like me I’ve actually been I think a week without my medication which I know some say that’s not the smartest thing to do but I actually feel better I decided to try vegetarian again and getting back into shape and next is tobacco I didn’t realize how addicted I was to it until today ugh o well I’ll kick that habit too
Hope y’all are okay keep on living the good life and remember to enjoy it

Daisybelle 08-22-2018 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by snitch (Post 6991668)
Hey all
Hope everyone is doing ok??
I am good. Been busy with my little girl and got the zoo tomorrow and circus friday and staying at friend at the weekend so busy busy busy!
My eating has been pretty good and am down 9lbs now! I have been sticking to slimming world and filling up on all the "free" food you're allowed to eat and my sugar cravings are diminishing day by day! I am also doing non dairy again as I think dairy is definitely causing my skin to flare up. Did a week non dairy and it seemed to improve, went back on to it and it flared up pratically overnight! Day 3 today and already it seems better. So am going to give it a month this time. I am actually finding it alot easier than I expected. The hardest thing to quit is my tea as I love it but have been having a weak coffee in the morning with almond milk and I have discovered lemon drizzle green tea! It's delicious!!Not missing cheese or yogurt at all. Plus no cheese helps with weight loss!
Kgirl I love diet coke and can't quit that yet!!!! But I am trying to not drink as much.

Got to get up early tmrw so off to bed.

Nichole how u doing?

Night all

X x

Hiya Suze, all is good with me thanks. You've got a lovely couple of days planned for your daughter making happy memories. I love the zoo, I especially love watching the naughty chimps and the orangutans.
9lb weight loss is great and the Slimming World diet is a healthy eating plan, so much better than all those silly fad diets.I'm going to have to try that almond milk, I've heard so much about it. Have a great day tomorrow, I shall look forward to reading about it. Take care. Xxx

Daisybelle 08-22-2018 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by xxxNICHOLExxx (Post 6991726)
Somehow I’m still sober but I can actually say well worth it thought of plenty of times saying screw it but I just keep on going it’s like day 3 or something I don’t know not keeping track of days just happy I’m feel like me I’ve actually been I think a week without my medication which I know some say that’s not the smartest thing to do but I actually feel better I decided to try vegetarian again and getting back into shape and next is tobacco I didn’t realize how addicted I was to it until today ugh o well I’ll kick that habit too
Hope y’all are okay keep on living the good life and remember to enjoy it

That's brilliant Nichole, well done at keep going 😘. Be careful re your medication, don't try and do too much too soon. X

Daisybelle 08-22-2018 04:12 PM

Good evening April's
Just checking in to say good night. I hope you've all had the best of days.
Sleep well. Love to all. Xxx

Viperidae 08-22-2018 05:09 PM

Hi everyone, just checking in. I’m pretty tired and spacey after a long day (for me).

Thanks to each and every one of you for helping me get to this point. I’ll never remember everyone right now, but Dee, my American brother Donny, Strawberry, Nichole!, Daisy, Kgirl, Anna, Snitch, everyone else, thanks so much for being here. 💚⭐️💙💞


Dee74 08-22-2018 05:30 PM

good to hear everyone seems to be doing ok!


kgirl41 08-22-2018 06:52 PM

Vipe - I'm the same way. All or nothing. A little dab of anything and I'm all in. Not sure if that's funny or sad....I guess it is what it is.

Daisy - did you win that battle with your oven today? I cleaned my microwave last Sunday and it looked like a meatball explosion in there. lol Felt good to get it was long overdue.

Strawberry - Smoking is a tough one to break. I wish you well and hope you can rid of it!

Suze - fantastic job on the 9 lbs! That is awesome. I don't do well with "diets" I have eliminated sugar and grains to feel better mostly and because I saw a problem with my eating. If weight loss is a side effect of it I'll take it!! :)
The diet coke is very hard. I want one badly in the afternoon. I drink La Croix at lunch and then in the afternoon I drink a mix of coffee, almond milk and a little Stevia for my new afternoon pick up. It's very yummy and almost seems like a dessert. Enjoy your day with the kiddos :)

Donny - take care I hope you get some rest.

Nichole - congrats on Day 3 or whatever day it is ;) Just happy you are sober.

Hi Dee :)

Today was another long day at the office. I had a meeting with my managers, manager and we were in a disagreement about something. My initial reaction was to get upset because well how dare he not agree with me!?! :) But then I took a deep breath and just tried to listen to his points without judgement...and you know what? He actually made some really good points and we were able to get some good collaboration in! Afterwards he thanked me for challenging him and keeping him honest. He also said he appreciated my passion. This was huge for me you guys! Total break through for me.

ok my daily stats:
Alcohol - Day 130
Junk Food/Sugar/Grains - Day 3
Diet Coke - Day 4

Donnyb 08-22-2018 07:33 PM

Hi everyone!
Vipe, you are sounding good my friend, keep it up!! I’m so happy that we all have each other here. I think of you all often throughout the day, and you help me keep my ship sailing straight.
Mum, I just was eating a Reese’s peanut butter cup when I read your post so ummm yeah, I think I need to watch the sugar! I have been craving sugar and I know I need to derail that. I give myself the excuse that it’s better than alcohol, but still not good. I am getting there though💜
Nichole, keep at it and everyday is going to be easier and better. So proud of you!!💜
Supposed to be a beautiful day here tomorrow, and golfing with my sober friend after work. I have been really tweaking my game while I am out there instead of just drinking and not caring. I am playing better than I ever have and love having that to look forward too. It is not cheap but it is still cheaper than drinking for sure. Once a week out is good enough.
I also hate to be a downer again, but a friend I grew up with just lost his son who was murdered the other night. We have a river walk with a lot of bars near here, and it’s in between our baseball and football stadiums. The bars close at 2:00 am and a guy who was drunk, and got turned away from entering, started harassing people and trying to start a fight with people walking by. He approached my friends son and pushed him for no reason. His son tried to defend himself and this drunk maniac pulled out a knife and stabbed him in his neck, and he died right there. Walking along minding his business and gets killed for no reason at all. Absolutely senseless. The reason I bring it up is because the alcohol was a big factor. I have been in bar fights and here I am, and this quiet young man out walking after having drinks with friends is killed by this drunken animal. So sad and obviously everyone is devastated. They arrested him and i hope he has the rest of his life to sit in a cell and think of what he did. Anyway, just on my mind and needed to share. Sleep well peeps💜

Strawberry18 08-22-2018 10:04 PM

Morning all! Just stood my scales! Down 7 kilos whoop ! I'm starting an egg diet today for 2 weeks to shift the last 7 kilos !!!!
Will write tonight!
Slowly slowly Greeks and Italians are leaving! Just the lovely English now for September !!

Daisybelle 08-22-2018 11:06 PM


Good morning Aprils

I hope you are all okay and had a restful nights sleep, apart from Dee who I hope had a good day.
We have a very grey and cloudy morning here, looks like it's going to pour down. I'm going to drop my mum in town this morning so she can do some more compulsive shopping, then go to my daughter's and feed her cat, after that the day is mine so I'm going to do a bit more de-cluttering and get some more 'stuff' together to take to the charity shop.

Thanks also to you Viper for your ongoing support and kind words. It just wouldn't be the same here without you. x

We all seem to be on a roll Dee, long may it last. Enjoy your evening.

I'm the same way also kelley, by the end of the day it's a struggle to keep my eyes open, but it's a good kind of tired, better any day than being wine tired.
Yes, I finished my oven, it's all sparkly clean now, I don't want to use it lol.
I'm going to buy some of that almond milk today, I'll let you know later what I think.
Wow, you did really well with your debate with your manager's manager, well done, it sounds like you both got your opinions over without any fall out. Give yourself a pat on the back.

G. morning my lovely Donny boy, seems like most of us are having to watch our sugar intake and yes it is better than alcohol, I just don't want to be craving it.
Enjoy your golf, I hope you have a good game and though it might not be cheap it's good to have something to look forward to.
O.M.G that is so tragic, that poor, innocent young man, there is just no excuse. My heart goes out to his family, it's heartbreaking. Alcohol has a lot to answer for.

Morning Strawberry, so glad 'things' are beginning to quieten down for you at work, another few weeks and you'll be able to hopefully relax.
Well done on losing 7 kilo, but an egg diet! Really :yuck:

Anyway I'm off for my morning shower, hope you all have a good, sober day and I'll check in at some point later. I'll leave you with my thought for the day.........

“Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.”

Viperidae 08-23-2018 10:31 AM

Strawberry 7 kilos, that’s awesome! The last time I really tried at sobriety went from 185+ lbs to 150lbs in a few months. I went from puffy and fat faced, to lean. I’m 165 now. With diet I’ll go back down. There’s no way to eat healthy when you drink. You need something to soak up all that booze, and hangover recovery foods, like pizza.

I’m a little tired today but I’m absolutely still healing from alcohol. Is this day 38, 39? I’m definately healing though.

I’ll talk later,


xxxNICHOLExxx 08-23-2018 12:00 PM

Just want to say I’m thinking of y’all for a minute I thought about drinking then I thought to myself why there isn’t a reason life is easier and feels better sober I am worried about the weekend but I think I’ll be good just keep reminding myself why I’m doing this idk there might be hope for me after all

Strawberry18 08-23-2018 12:17 PM

Vipe what is our sobo date ?
Came home an hou early from my babysitting tonight so I'm tucked up in bed ! Ready for zzzzzzzz

Daisybelle 08-23-2018 03:44 PM

Hi Aprils
Just checking in before I go to bed, hope you've all had a good Thursday.

You're doing well Vipes, it wont take you long to get to 150lbs the way you're going. l can just imagine you flashing your six pack in Greece :banana:

Nichole of course there's hope for you, there's just as much hope for you as there is for anyone else, you just need to start believing in yourself. What are you up to this weekend? You could do with a plan to combat the A.V.

Sleep well Strawberry, sweet dreams.

Goodnight all. xxx

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