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Dee74 05-04-2016 09:13 PM

Class of March 2016 Support Part 13
last part here:


clearlyheaded 05-04-2016 09:15 PM

Yay! First post!

immri 05-04-2016 09:17 PM

Ah you beat me!! :)

Hope your headaches go away soon keets, it's horrible being in pain

clearlyheaded 05-04-2016 09:23 PM

Boy you guys have been busy today! Had a lot of fun reading, so thank you. Sounds like there are a lot of good spirits, which is great to see.

Tonight has been better than last. My pain is starting to lift. I took my first pain meds since 5:30 this morning tonight at 9:30. I think being under the constant fog of the meds and not getting good solid stretches of sleep were wearing on me. I slept today from 9 this morning until 3 this afternoon. It felt great. Hopefully tonight's sleep comes easily.

Day 13 is coming to a close. That means I hit two weeks when I wake up in the morning! Longest sober stretch ever.

CaseyW 05-04-2016 09:26 PM

Got a phone call that kept me awake a bit longer. Nothing bad. Just an old friend. Clicked on SR out of habit while I was on the phone so thought I might as well check in one last time. Really going to bed after this.

Anyways, sorry you're having bad headaches, Keets, but glad you checked in. Congrats on a huge 37 days sober!

Also glad to hear from you, clearlyheaded. I know it's hard for you to type long in here right now but we'd love to hear from you anything you can tell us about how you're doing. (EDIT: And now I see you were typing more at the same time I was. Glad to hear the pain is lifting a little. Take all the sleep you can. I'm sure your body needs it. And that's awesome about this being your longest sober stretch ever. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.)

Thanks for the spacious new home, Dee74. We'll try to keep this one full of good recovery just like the last one.

Goodnight all! Sweet dreams!

Pelagic263 05-04-2016 10:51 PM

Hi everyone, I want to apologize for whatever I wrote yesterday. I don't know what it was and I don't really want to know right now, but I hope it wasn't offensive.

This space is for healing and I want to respect that. I'm so proud of the courage you all exhibit in your lives and in the fight against addiction. In the past week I haven't put up much of a fight so my presence here can't be too helpful right now. I'll be back when I have it pulled together again--I hope that means today, but geez I went off the rails. In the meantime I'll be rooting for all of you. Keep it going because you guys rock!

Fabela 05-04-2016 11:50 PM

Pelagic, you will always be my sober twin, no matter what happens. :hug:

CH, hope you are sound asleep by now.

I should have commented on all of you, but waking up to a million new posts is a bit overwhelming. I can at least answer Casey's question about our holiday: it's Ascension Day, and a public holiday in Norway. This is actually quite strange, we're not a very Christian folk, we Norwegians, so instead of celebrating or praying or going to church, this day is known as the big work-in-the-yard-day.

I'll be cleaning and baking today too, but I'll make sure that I stop by SR every now and then to check up on you. It's weird, but I haven't had one single craving since I got back on track. It's as if my body knows that alcohol is out of the question.

Just one more thing, Casey. Why bother with 30 pages? You can change the settings to display more posts per page, my thread only got to 21 pages. And congratulations on day 54! :hug:

ManInTheArena 05-05-2016 12:27 AM

Wow. I missed a lot of posts! If it weren't for a little insomnia I think I'd get so far behind I'd never catch up! It's a little after 3am and I'm pretty much wide awake. I can usually count on a little CNN to put me back asleep but even that's not working.

Keets!! 37 days = bang up job!

Pelagic. Pfft, whatever - we all have good days and bad days. If you need a place to come to when you're cranky and irritable, this is a better spot than some alternatives.

Fabela, I hope you enjoy yard work!

There were about 650 in my graduating class (1978). I did a little of everything. Played a couple of sports, dated a few cheerleaders, got decent enough grades smoked a lot of pot and drank as much as I could afford. The pot smoking became not so much fun in college and I have not smoked in about 30 years. It was in high school, though, that I learned how much drinking seemed to help with my shyness/introversion. I'm not painfully shy, but a few drinks always helped. As I look back now, I had a problem even back then. I really loved to drink and quickly discovered the extra kick from hard liquor.

I did, for the most part, enjoy high school. I had good teachers and good friends. I made a few bad choices but that's life.

Here's to hopefully getting a little sleep before the alarm goes off!

Dee74 05-05-2016 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by Pelagic263 (Post 5938957)
Hi everyone, I want to apologize for whatever I wrote yesterday. I don't know what it was and I don't really want to know right now, but I hope it wasn't offensive.

This space is for healing and I want to respect that. I'm so proud of the courage you all exhibit in your lives and in the fight against addiction. In the past week I haven't put up much of a fight so my presence here can't be too helpful right now. I'll be back when I have it pulled together again--I hope that means today, but geez I went off the rails. In the meantime I'll be rooting for all of you. Keep it going because you guys rock!

Pelagic this place is not just for those who've 'got it right''s very much for those struggling too.

It's very noble to fall on our sword so as not to harm anyone else here,. but unless we have an alternation to SR lined up we may just be doing our AV's bidding.

If you need to join a fresh group here, I do recommend that and I recommend the May group. There's no requirement for you to stop posting in this group though :)

Nows the time you need support more than ever. I really hope you reconsider.


Kayak63sc 05-05-2016 02:13 AM

hello everyone still sober had a great weekend with my kids. I decided to stay away cuz it seem like I was causing more trouble than good

Fabela 05-05-2016 02:17 AM

Did you cause trouble, Kayak? I haven't noticed anything.

Dee74 05-05-2016 03:36 AM

Caught up

edited highlights

Welcome back Ladybug!

MITA I might be biased but I think the Oz rock music of the 70s and early 80s was amongst the best in the world.

hang in there clearlyheaded

That must be a great feeling Bobbieka :)

I have a full life off SR too Bobbieka - it can be a challenge to maintain a balance and give enough to both, but I do my best...

Today was not fun stuff tho - doctors appointments and such kept me offline.

You're sounding great Fabela

I'm sure your sober vacation will be great applekat :)

congrats on day 4 rah - and congrats on day 53 Casey - to me it looks like you're doing everything right, man.

You're not the first person to fall off the edge of the world's done and over, and you're back...No sense in beating yourself up :)

I'm glad you're still checking in too thirteenth :)

Like I said to Pelagic being noble is ...noble - but not if it's to your detriment.

I really hope you'll make the full leap sometime soon too - it never gets any better out there, man.

samantha14 05-05-2016 03:41 AM

Good morning!

It's day seven for me if I'm counting my days right. :)

Last night was a rough night for me. I didn't drink but I sure wanted to. Stress for me, especially work stress, has a breaking point - and yesterday was it. I actually have the weekend off this week and I am going to use it to get back into my heathy eating and exercise routine. Whenever I start eating junk and not exercising I know that something bad is coming down the pipes. I have registered for my first 5K on May 28th and I am feeling pretty excited about it!

In high school I was the straight A student who got pregnant and got kicked out (I went to a Christian high school where you had to sign a morality contract and believe it or not - pregnancy at 16 was considered a violation of that I eventually went to another school that had parenting classes and a daycare - which was pretty progressive back in 1993 - and my graduating class was around 750 people.

Well that's enough rambling for now. I will attempt to catch up today/tomorrow. Have a great sober day today!

Fabela 05-05-2016 03:45 AM

My graduation class was 27 students... and I was just as weird as the rest of them. We majored in music and were considered freaks by the rest of the school. :)

I'm about to put my cinnamon rolls into the oven. They look and smell great!

samantha14 05-05-2016 03:51 AM

Cinnamon rolls sound amazing!!

ManInTheArena 05-05-2016 03:53 AM

Managed a little bit of sleep but back up now - that line "the struggle for the legal tender" comes to mind.

Dee, I still listen to that Skyhooks album. I was really into the New York punk bands of that era but the Oz stuff is pretty good, too.

Have a great day everyone!

Fabela 05-05-2016 03:54 AM

Sam, I wish you could be here for the real thing. This is the best recipe I've ever tasted! Well, I haven't tasted the recipe, paper doesn't taste that good, although it's fiber, but the rolls are out of this world. :)

Charlie needs a bath. It's going to be interesting, since I have no idea how he will react.

rah555 05-05-2016 03:55 AM

Good morning! Start of day 5 for me! I am on a business trip. I saw my daughter and my grand daughter tonight. We went to was good to see them. My other daughter is coming to see me tonight. I was a bit tempted to order a cocktail at dinner last night but I quickly stopped that thinking. Building muscles :)

Hope you all are well! Saw some posts about high school. Socially I didn't like high school at all. I went to a catholic high school in the next town over from where I lived. I hated that. It separated me from the friends I made in middle school and I just didn't fit in with the catholic school kids. I just never really found my place which is probably I did some of the things I did and made some if the decisions I did when I was younger.

The theme of not feeling like I fit in or not feeling connected seems to be a theme for me. I am even struggling with this now with my job. Two years ago I took a job in a corporate office. Nice office building. I have a nice office. But no one else does what I do or is involved in what I do at all so I don't have much face to face interaction with people in the office. My days are spent in my office with the door shut talking on the phone/participating in meetings with people all over the country. The job has its perks but I think not having face to face interaction with people I associate with is having a negative impact on me. I feel like I'm in a spot because taking another job that would be more satisfying socially would mean I'd have to move to another state that is more expensive than the current state I live in. For retirement prep my current state is great. Decisions, decisions

immri 05-05-2016 04:10 AM

So fascinating to hear what everyone was like in highschool. Like I said I was the rebellious kid, well really the rebellious artsy kid I think, art was the only thing I had any passion for. Zero extra curriculars, hated sports (especially teams haha, yuck people..I was such a brat!!), I got fairly good grades in my exams miraculously but I hated being told what to do so I was a horrid student. It's funny because now as an adult I'm in some ways the complete opposite, basically a career student spending every free moment studying, I work for a bit and then can't keep away and go back to school. I can't believe how ambitious I became when I started doing well at uni, it was so unlike me. And I hate parties, bars, clubs, even big social events.

A lot of this was why I had such a hard time trying to redefine who I am when I first tried to stop drinking actually, because since I was 13 I was the bad kid, the one who had the best (worst) stories, it was even a joke growing up amongst my friends that id be dead in a few years, and that was my whole identity. So hard to change something like that.

Thankfully even though I haven't been sober that entire time, the last several years I've been seen and see myself as something very different to all that. Just realised how glad I am for that actually, it's made it much easier to get alcohol completely out of my life this time. I couldn't do that before, I was around it all the time even if I wasn't drinking.

Ok I'm rambling but this made me think :)

Autumnlover19 05-05-2016 04:23 AM

Good morning everyone!

Checking in on day 6,7, or 8? Not sure. Anyway it's nice to wake up sober that's for sure :)

I played sports in high school, softball, skiing, track. I started drinking at 14 :( but that was rare and I didn't care for it. My friends drank all the time and I took care of them.

Then I had a sad break-up at 16 and became a rebellious partier. My parents were ultra strict, and I hated it. I drank a lot of cheap vodka and Gatorade and smoked a lot of pot. My graduating class had about 80. I think I was well-liked, I had friends from several different groups, making me pretty well-rounded. I was a straight B student and I did no studying. I was depressed in high school though and couldn't wait to be done. Mostly, I couldn't wait to get out of my parents house.

Have a good day everyone!

beerbgone 05-05-2016 05:20 AM

Good morning everybody. I'm feeling great this morning and I hope you are too. Had a really good nights sleep!

On with another sober day!!!

Fabela 05-05-2016 05:26 AM

Glad to hear that, BBG! I'm feeling great too, even though the whole house is in a state of chaos. SIL and BIL are coming tomorrow, and DS' confirmation is on Saturday and there's lots to do.

Applekat 05-05-2016 05:30 AM

Very stressed today. Little sleep. Will need to get up at 4 this morning for flight. Checking in, staying accountable. Day 67. Staying positive. Ready to have a fabulous SOBER vacation. Please God.

Fabela 05-05-2016 05:39 AM

You can do this, Apple. You're already doing it. Vacation sounds wonderful!

Mish 05-05-2016 05:56 AM

Day 67 little Apple. We are proud of you and will be with you in spirit on your vacation.
Heading to bed now. Sweet dreams for those sleeping and happy days for the awake ones. xxx

Bobbieka 05-05-2016 06:28 AM

Checking in with my favorite people! Picking up my husband in 4 hours!
Have a great day everyone!

Good Morning, Good Evening, and Good Night! (depending on where you are!)

Fabela 05-05-2016 06:57 AM

Have a great day, Bobbie! Enjoy your husband! :D

Fabela 05-05-2016 07:18 AM

Darn it! The feeling is still here! I'm close to... perky! I might even watch Kimmy again! :funjump:

LoftyIdeals 05-05-2016 07:40 AM

Hey Marchers! I’m back! DW and I have settled down and agreed to counseling, which starts next week. So, I can cautiously and safely post here, which my recovery needs. Day 9 today for me.

I’ve been lurking, and it was hard to do as this is such a lively group. I thank MITA, Casey, and Bobbieka for your kinds comments, and to all for understanding my hiatus. Sorry if I missed anyone. When reading Bobbiekas comments (just in case), I thought for sure I was her favorite, but the record was quickly set straight. LOL. Anyway, it’s good to post again, as I need to do that for my recovery.

Glad you feel good BBG! I do to, and also had a great sleep last night. Makes all the diff in the world, huh?

I took that test, and came back ENTP-T, “the debater”. Oh, so true. I’ve taken it many times over the years since college, and the NT have always rung true for me. In fact, I was amazed at how many of us are N – intuitive, but I guess our lives experiences have developed our intuitions, huh?

While lurking, I couldn’t help but notice the prevailing positivity of this group! I really like that, and am glad to be a part of it. It really helps. That’s why I can’t just lurk; I need to participate for my own recovery.

I also have noticed over my years at SR how articulate and expressive most are on this site. There are a lot of great writers on SR, and many artists of various sorts, I’ve noticed.

As far as high school personality goes, I was identified as a band geek of sorts and was first chair trumpet from 7th to 12th grade. Marched for a year, but had concert and stage band throughout. My parents rewarded me with a sterling silver Bach Strad b flat trumpet in high school which I cherished. I went on to play in concert band in college as well as jazz ensemble, but by then my drinking and pot use was interfering with my creative ability to improvise, so jazz only lasted a semester. I also worked at a steakhouse – the cafeteria style type – through high school, and worked my way from busboy to asst manager. I liked that job, and learned to cook while there. Also developed tastes for different foods.
Was never any good at sports, but I did ride a lot of motocross; bicycle until I was 14 and then motorcycle. Loved it.

Life came tumbling down for me starting in my 2nd semester freshman year of college. I won’t bore with details, but in the end, I was kicked out of my family’s home and never lived at home again, because of my smart/hurtful mouth. I then lived in my college town year-round, and persevered in school on the 5-1/2 yr plan, taking lesser loads and some semesters off to work. I worked 20-40 hrs/wk for all but my freshman year. I was evening shift mgr for a private pizzeria. Enjoyed that work. Also worked for the college.

Many poor decisions and bad behavior led to me selling my $1600 trumpet for $250 in my sophomore year. I still refer to that as the day I sold my soul. Music has never been back in my life to any significant degree as an artist since then. I also developed a coke habit that year that landed me in a 30 day rehab, and started my first sober stint, which lasted for 1.5 yrs. Then I returned to pot, which had been a daily habit prior, since age 15, and after pot came back booze. Never really did much more than that afterward. I also had other experiences in high school that I won’t dwell on here. Lets just say I was the problem child of the 4 children in our household.

Anyway, the fact that I survived alive, and have been blessed in so many ways since then is entire proof of the existence of a loving and forgiving God. I don’t deserve the life I have now. And I’m determined to not just thumb my nose at it and throw it away. It’s not perfect, mind you, but so much more than I deserve.

Glad to be back among the writing. Peace to all. Glad also to be among the sober. It’s been an anxious week with many words I wish had not been uttered, but today is a new and sober day, and for that I am grateful.

Surrender2win 05-05-2016 07:43 AM

Have you ever felt like jumping off a bridge? Yep, it's that kinda day. I would never do that, of course, but I sure would like to right now. You know it's going to be a tough one, especially when looking at your precious dog makes you want to scream. :(

HALT... Not hungry... I am angry... not lonely (as a matter of fact, I'd love to be alone right now), and I'm not tired. Working on the angry part... trying to stay calm and breathe. I know I'll get through it.... sober. Thanks for letting me vent.

Hope you all have a better day than I am having today. I'm hoping that Day #4 gets better as the day goes on. Trying to stay positive.

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