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Dee74 07-27-2015 11:13 PM

Welcome back Mariah :)

obosob 07-27-2015 11:14 PM

Mariah. Get back on board with me.
Freein we leave saturday.
Thanks Adna and Dee.
Day 5.

Stay tuned.

MariahGayle 07-28-2015 07:21 AM

On the bus with you Obo

My Garden is beautiful this year Freein, little frogs jumping out of my flower pots when I water, they definitely love my yard:)

I was let go from my job at the end of the day Thursday, a big relief in a way, as I absolutely hated it, but being unemployed is a weight on my shoulders & I'm just not sure what I'm going to do. We have a big family camp out/raft trip happening this week-end, which my Sis & I are in charge of planning, so I am just taking the week-off to get ready for that & get back on track with a clean & sober life above all things.

Have a good day fools!

Upward2Enlightenment 07-28-2015 08:14 AM

Good to hear that you are getting back on track Mariah. Taking the week off may be a good idea to let you relax and shake off the stress.

Went to court for the divorce today so that is finally over. It feels good to put that behind me.

To be honest, alcohol has never been a problem for me but right now I feel like getting drunk. I know it won't help anything but the urge is still there.

Have a great day everyone.

obosob 07-28-2015 02:44 PM

That is no good up....
I hope that you are ok.
I know that feeling mate.
Don't have a drink...
Makes it all worse.
Cant fix issues with alcohol...

Any silver linings......?

Stsy tuned....

Upward2Enlightenment 07-28-2015 03:34 PM

I'm still good. The urge is still here but not as bad.
Not planning on giving in.

The silver lining is that it's over.

Soliloquy 07-28-2015 08:39 PM

Hello fools. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time. Well I haven't quit drinking as you may have guessed. I'm not off the deep end or anything but I don't feel comfortable posting when I'm not trying my hardest to stay dry. Still I thought I'd check in and let you know that I'm okay.
I finally went to a doctor and had a physical including thorough blood work, ultrasound (I was convinced I had an aortic aneurysm), and bone density test.. When I got the call yesterday that the results were all normal I was in disbelief and made a follow up appointment.Well this amazing, patient, compassionate, doctor went through each and every test result with me and assured me that I am in 100% good health. Such a weight has been lifted. However, during the 2 weeks waiting for results, my anxiety sky rocketed and at one point I considered going to the emergency room because I thought I was about to have a heart attack.
So today at my follow up appointment I finally admitted that I needed help and got a Rx for anxiety meds. I've been doing research and asked for Wellbutrin because is seems to have less side affects. But I also found that it is dangerous to drink alcohol. I am going on vacation next week and I know I will drink. I told dr this and asked if I should wait until I get back to start. She agreed that that's a good idea.
The things I have read about alcohol and Wellbutrin are very scary. I know it's not going to be easy to abstain but I've done it before and now that I believe I am in good physical health I am bound and determined to get in good mental health.
So I will probably be back here in a couple of weeks ready to pick myself up and try again.
I hope everyone is doing well and again I'm sorry to leave you hanging.

obosob 07-28-2015 09:03 PM

Great news Sol.
Sounds like a plan to me.
You sound very well.

Good gutsy brave stuff Up.
I need a bit more of that.
Any silver lining is good.
New chapter mate....

Holding on here and back in the game.
Road trip with the outlaws today....
2 days.
I bring this trouble on myself I'm telling you....

No worries fools.
Obo needs a much sharper social game.....
Walks into set ups like blind freddy....

stay tuned.....

Dee74 07-28-2015 09:41 PM

It's good to see you Sol.

I'm a little sorry to hear you're putting off getting back on the right road, but it's your journey.

Hope to see you again soon :)

Dee74 07-28-2015 09:42 PM

I'm sorry you're struggling as little too UP. If you think you need help, please do look for it. There's no need for you to do this alone.


freein14 07-29-2015 01:03 AM

Mariah, sorry to hear about the job, I'm sure that there's something better on the horizon for you. Your week away sounds like just what you need right now. Rafting sounds like a lot of fun. I recently went stand up paddle boarding, I loved it. I'd like to spend more time on the water.

UP, now the divorce is through, perhaps you'll be able to put more of your energy in to your own well being. I know that feeling of a weight being lifted off your shoulders. This could be a new start for you.

Solil, I'm so happy you posted, you've been missed! I know holidays seem like a bad time to abstain, but if you do decide to give it a go, you'll feel so good about yourself when the holiday is over, it would be a real boast to your sobriety. But like Dee said, it's your journey. Have a great time away.

Obo, good luck with the outlaws!

ST, how are you doing?

freein14 07-30-2015 09:18 AM

It's been a tiring day at work for some reason. It's good to be home with a cup of peppermint tea!
Might do a bit of weeding in the garden to help unwind a bit.
Hope everyone's having a good end to the week.

obosob 07-30-2015 03:28 PM

7 days
A week.
Pretty happy to be sober.
Av is louder as a result of stumble....
I dont wanna call it a relapse......
Because I'm fighting to say to myself that I'm still ok.
Im fine but it hurt alright......

Stay tuned.....

Dee74 07-30-2015 03:48 PM

Just ignore it Obo - starve it out.


rockstonic 07-30-2015 04:09 PM

Hi everyone! Glad to hear from you Mariah and Soli! Sorry to hear that you're both struggling. Glad you had a good trip Adna can't wait to see the pictures! Hi free and Up! Keep fighting Obo!

I'm on a vacation tour of Washington's national parks which is why I've been away. I can tell you now on day 6 of camping that I'm tired of camping and would kill for a hot shower and some wifi. Hanging out in a small pocket of cell service trying to avoid going back to camp, haha. That said it's quite beautiful up here and a welcome break from the hellishly hot southwest.

I'll be back when I return to civilization next week. Wishing everyone the best end to the week and a pleasant, sober weekend. I'm certainly in for the bargain :)

freein14 07-30-2015 10:49 PM

Have a great time Rocks!

Obo, keep going, the AV will leave you alone soon, but it's a crafty beast trying to undermine your resolve. It won't win though, you've come too far for that.

I'm in for the Bargain too.

obosob 07-31-2015 12:39 AM

Day 8
Last day in England.
It's a great place.
Really good if the weather is not bad.

Thanks Dee and freein.

In for the bargain...

Stay tuned.......

MariahGayle 07-31-2015 07:43 AM

Have a good week-end Fools......I have so much to do to get ready for this camp/raft trip today. I have no ambition these days & just feel like being a hermit. Off I go to do this.

freein14 07-31-2015 09:06 AM

Have a great time Mariah. It sounds exhilarating. I could do with something exciting to plan. I'm not bored exactly, just feeling I'm being left behind by life. I was hoping to persuade my partner to join me with a few kayaking lessons, but he's not keen.
I could just go on my own, but I'm trying to find something that we can do together.
Something will turn up.

I've just come home from work, so the weekend has started here. Yippee!

Upward2Enlightenment 07-31-2015 04:33 PM

Good to hear from you soli. We are always here for you.

Stay in the game obo. Remember, the AV is a lier and you are stronger than him.

Sounds like a a wonderful trip rocks. I hope you enjoy yourself.

Mariah, your rafting trip sounds fun. I hope you enjoy yourself too.

Kayaking is fun free but I agree that it is more fun to do things with someone special.

I'm doing ok. Fought off the urge to drink and am winning so far. I'm in for the bargain.

July 31st is a blue moon full moon. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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