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Upward2Enlightenment 05-24-2014 08:18 PM

It has been a long and somewhat stressful day. I am going to say good night now.

I will be lurking for a bit but wanted to wish you all a safe and sober night / day.

Love you guys. :grouphug:

Dee74 05-24-2014 08:31 PM

Night Up :)


izzy8 05-24-2014 08:57 PM

Gnite Up, and everyone-

Obo- glad you made it safe and sound- thought about us with you and it gave me lots of smiles.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend!

Love y'all

topspin 05-24-2014 09:12 PM

Night Up,

G'nite Izzy

Y'all dream some good ones

I thought I was burned out on cat pictures , but your's and kittenme's have changed my mind.

Kittenme's surprised cat is just still so funny,

..and your's .......just dang cute.....

overwhelmd 05-24-2014 10:14 PM

Walked 18 holes carrying my clubs yesterday, did 9 today. Exhausted, legs killing me, but I feel an energy that was not present in the past several depressing months. I suddenly feel motivated again. Going out tomorrow on my new fishing kayak tomorrow. Can't wait!

SolitaryThinker 05-24-2014 11:39 PM

Great news soli!
I'm alive, tried to take a nap after work around 4 pm and woke up it's 3 am lol and have work in a few hours, this is a new sleep pattern all together
Insanely thirsty too
It's an ungodly hour of the morning to be awake but I'm sober and ok!

freein14 05-25-2014 12:34 AM

Good morning everyone,

ST, thank goodness you've got some sleep at last, hopefully it'll be an easier day at work because of it. Sounds like it might be a good idea to keep yourself a bit more hydrated though.

3777, hope the bbq went well. All day sounds a long time, hope you had a "get out strategy" if needed.

Topspin, thanks for that link, I've had a quick look, but need go back to it later. Really helpful.

Overwhelmd, enjoy your kayaking today. I'd love to give that a go. My nephew could give me a few lessons, it's the rolling under water, bit that I need to practice, because I'm convinced I'll be brilliant at capsizing.

Obosob, great to hear that the flight went well. You sound in a good mind frame to start building some bridges at home. Hope all goes well.

Solli, glad you've had some positive news, hope that your mum is more comfortable now.

Mariah, I'm taking some inspiration from you today, I'm planning some more adventurous gardening. Yep, it's going to require more than just the secateurs.

Hope everyone's day goes well.
See you later, for a cup of peppermint tea, on the garden bench.

freein14 05-25-2014 12:38 AM

UP, sorry to hear yesterday was a stressful one, hope you wake up this morning to a better day.

Upward2Enlightenment 05-25-2014 12:46 AM

Hope so too free. I don't like waking up in the middle of the night. Going to try to get back to sleep. Have a good morning.

Applekat 05-25-2014 04:05 AM

Good morning! Haven't read through posts but logging in to be accountable. Tasting at a brewery then dinner out last night was good. Root beer and then diet soda/water. Enjoyed a giant burger and fries. It was easy. And I had so much fun and laughed a lot. It was a good group of friends to do this with so early on. Drove home without any worries, headed to bed and now I'm working on taking kids out to breakfast!

What a relief. Day 8 here. :)

3777 05-25-2014 04:25 AM

Good morning ! Freein, fun to read your positive support to everyone here. :) yes, I survived BBQ, only once I had to battle to AV but was prepared. Went to the store and bought more diet coke. Now I'm wide awake :) WAY better then smelly and hungover!!

Soli & Up we are all awake at this crazy time. 3:30 am here.

Everyone, safe and sober vibes your way!

Applekat 05-25-2014 04:37 AM

Thank goodness for diet coke right?!

Kids and I are dressed and seated at a breakfast restaurant at 715 on a Sunday morning. Just the three of us.

That simple thing almost brings tears to my eyes.

3777 05-25-2014 04:40 AM

AppleKat, what a wonderful memory for this weekend!

SolitaryThinker 05-25-2014 04:41 AM

That's nice apple :)

freein14 05-25-2014 04:59 AM

3777 and Kat, great to hear you both enjoyed your events alcohol free, that's got to be one in the eye for your gremlin. Yea! Go you!

Panacea 05-25-2014 05:06 AM

Just checking and trying to catch up on the posts over the last 24. Sol - glad to hear hopeful news from you and sending good thoughts your way. Up - sorry to hear about the stress! Some of us seem to have extra helpings of it lately. Applekat - love the visual of you sitting down to breakfast with your kids! What a wonderful way to start your day! Freein - your posts always make me smile with their thoughtfulness. Obo - glad to hear you are doing well! 3777 - glad the BBQ went well! I am drinking tonic water with lemon at most social events. It looks like a drink, tastes like a drink but has none of the consequences. Hello to everyone else as well... I am headed into a productive day (I hope) bit I love pausing for a moment and checking in with you all. It makes me feel like we are on some sort of virtual sobriety bus tour together, where people get on and off, checkin and chat, and learn about each other and the "new" country we are in. It is a silly analogy - but I do love the snippets of wisdom I catch whenever I check in to this thread. xo Pan

Dee74 05-25-2014 05:09 AM

Have a great day everyone :)


Upward2Enlightenment 05-25-2014 05:40 AM

Morning Fools. How is everyone this fine Sunday morning?

There is always good in the bad that happens, although it has been a very frustrating week I have managed to find the good in it all.
Sometimes you can see it clearly, other times you have to look a bit harder......never let the frustration overrule a rational mind.

Have a great day. :)

Upward2Enlightenment 05-25-2014 05:51 AM

Glad to hear that your events went well kat and 3777, proud of both of you for staying strong.
Glad you got sleep ST, take care of yourself.
Pan I like the analogy of the bus trip, never thought of it that way. Good luck with your productive day.
Morning D, guess evening to you. Thanks for all you do.

Dee74 05-25-2014 05:55 AM

Thanks Up. See you later :wave:


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