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liss74 06-06-2013 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by ub3 (Post 4001447)
I just got back from the detox theY threw me off because i was dishonest about how much drugs ive been taking didnt tally up with my **** test absolutly gutted cant beleive i ve gone and messed up my one oppurtunity to get clean and sober dont quite know where to turn i ******* hate my ife right now ...The only reason im clean is through anger at the moment im 4 days away from illict drugs pls GOD HELP ME

That's not good I'm here for you aswell can you go to AA and NA ? Stay strong say the serenity pray over and over x

liss74 06-06-2013 07:53 PM

Hi everyone by sharing my story my aunt reached out for help and I took her to her first AA meeting it was beautiful I'm so happy I could help today thank you god x helping others really makes you feel good lesson here Lis :) hope everyone is ok x

SereneEdition 06-06-2013 07:54 PM

EZ - How did yesterday go? Thinking of you. Know you can do this.

Venus & Liss - You'll know when the time is right. When it isn't, it just isn't & that is more than ok :)

liss74 06-06-2013 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 4001472)
Oh ub3, I am so sorry!!!

OK....we need a new plan. Because you are not going to give up, no way. There's still NA, AA....and you have all of us.

Sending you love and prayers,

Venus xx

So much support love your words we need a plan stick with it ub3 x

Dee74 06-06-2013 07:57 PM

Sorry I missed your post UB and I'm sorry it didn't work out.
I understand your feelings, but there's no point in being angry tho.

I think Venus is right - this is a setback but it's not the end.

Like I said before in a previous post, there's other ways to stay sober besides detox and rehab - sometimes we just have to work with what we have.


wehav2day 06-06-2013 08:04 PM

1step, isn't it amazing what exercise and reflection can do for us? you are getting both on your daily hikes. blessing in disguise? we went away for the weekend and hiked in a beautiful forest. can't believe how good I felt!

mv, your post was very intriguing. so happy for you that you are finding all kinds of awesome growth! I too find words important and try to use them carefully. in normal life, i'm somewhat reserved when talking about important things because I don't want to be frivolous with words. I tend to worry about how they will be perceived. (don't worry about unimportant things, positively goofy most of the time.) i was that way when i first came to sr. i typically posted supportive or unsubstantial things, and it helped me a lot. after a while though, something wasn't enough. i couldn't put my finger on it. eventually i went back out. then when i came back, i knew i needed to do something (what?) differently. so just to try something new, i started to post more frequently. and show more emotion. and post some downright stream of consciousness stuff. at first i felt guilty about it, because i didn't want my words to have any negative effect. found the opposite, though. people encouraged me to post with feelings, good or bad.

we are all here to help ourselves and each other. if you are feeling something negative, it's okay. better to get it out here than unleash on a loved one. or if you feel bad or good and post about it, it's likely that you will touch one of us and help in a way you don't even realize. or if you feel like not saying anything at all 'cause you just aren't in the mood, that's totally cool too. there i go with the stream of consciousness again... :-) Have a lovely night!

SereneEdition 06-06-2013 08:08 PM


Thanks so much for your brilliant post!

Yes, I empathize quite a lot. Really glad that you took the opportunity to get it down. Understanding that we have quite the shared experience helps me see things in myself that I would otherwise not give full focus too.

Full disclosure - I'm shy as well. Isn't it wonderful to be able to practice words and try out new communication efforts just outside of the comfort zone here on SR :)

(edit: see - I'm slow to post & I'm interrupting the flow of the conversation that everyone is having;)

Hi Everyone! Joining in a minute!

wehav2day 06-06-2013 08:11 PM

ub3, prayers headed your way. your sobriety is hard-earned. no sense giving up now! maybe na or aa meetings can help you either find some peace of mind for a few hours or even lead you to a program that is right for you. will that original detox let you back in if you are truthful about your use? the more days you have sober, the cleaner your test will be. that will speak volumes.

SereneEdition 06-06-2013 08:12 PM

Hi Liss!

So glad you were able to help your aunt by connecting her with the gift of sobriety! What a wonderful act of kindness!

wehav2day 06-06-2013 08:14 PM

that's a great post, liss! so glad your experience is helping your aunt too!

SereneEdition 06-06-2013 08:15 PM


Sorry that you've been on a roller coaster. That's a lot of extra to work through.

Silver lining - Detox got you clean. Better than nothing. What do you need to do to stay clean?

liss74 06-06-2013 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by SereneEdition (Post 4002660)
Hi Liss!

So glad you were able to help your aunt by connecting her with the gift of sobriety! What a wonderful act of kindness!

Thank you I remember how hard it was to walk through those doors I'm so proud of her :)

Dee74 06-06-2013 08:19 PM

Keep speaking out MV - it's voices experiences opinions and points of view like yours, and mine, and everyone else's, that make this place great :)


liss74 06-06-2013 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by wehav2day (Post 4002662)
that's a great post, liss! so glad your experience is helping your aunt too!

Thank you I'm so greatful I am on this journey this site and AA helping without knowing at the time just sharing how I started sobriety WOW :)

SereneEdition 06-06-2013 08:32 PM

1step - Glad to hear that your finding your rhythm.
Joining the June group sounds like a marvelous plan & excited that we'll get to hear how you're doing as well! You have a permanent home with us as always!

Wehav, Liss, Dee - Wonderful to exchange posts with you today with 4 people on list all at the same time :) Confession - I'm continuing to nibble on my chocolate bar from yesterday as I post ;)

liss74 06-06-2013 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by SereneEdition (Post 4002695)
1step - Glad to hear that your finding your rhythm.
Joining the June group sounds like a marvelous plan & excited that we'll get to hear how you're doing as well! You have a permanent home with us as always!

Wehav, Liss, Dee - Wonderful to exchange posts with you today with 4 people on list all at the same time :) Confession - I'm continuing to nibble on my chocolate bar from yesterday as I post ;)

Haha I would have been on a new one :)

SereneEdition 06-06-2013 09:34 PM

It was a large bar ;)

liss74 06-06-2013 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by SereneEdition (Post 4002757)
It was a large bar ;)

Enjoy !!!!

upandup 06-06-2013 10:40 PM

Dang, now I want chocolate... :)

venuscat 06-06-2013 11:39 PM

Dang ~ I just lost my whole post. Big sigh. Start again.....

Mel ~ I don't and can't compare myself with anyone else I know who drinks. I used to. I asked my guy a million times if he was having a drink, had he had a drink....I was always so surprised when he told me it hadn't even entered his mind. He drinks sometimes, or not at all, but it is not part of his thought processes.

I was like Dee, drinking WAS my life.
Everything centred on when I could drink, what I would eat with my wine, and what video I would watch while I got blitzed and pretended that everything was just fine...

I know that you and your fiancee have a very strong loving relationship; perhaps you can talk to him about this, ask him why it is that he is sculling the cooking wine and getting drunk every time you are not home? Maybe it's just a reaction to you not open conversation might help :)

Mvngon ~ yes, the power of words...awesome and terrifying at the same time. I notice that I have learned what 'filter' means. In days gone by, my very un-shy self would have said whatever I wanted. And I hurt people.

Now, I truly care what effect my words have, whether it be verbal or written. So I think before I speak, and before I write. But if we try to edit ourselves TOO much, we would lose the essential honesty, don't you think?

1stepup ~ glad you have a new class to support you, but please know how much you are loved and needed here too...I can hear the healthy happy guy coming back in your voice, and I am so glad!!

liss ~ what a difference a day makes huh? Glad you are feeling better, and how wonderful that you did that with your aunt. I'm sure it meant the world to her! ♥

Now for the really important stuff - CHOCOLATE. Do you have Pods in The States? I am kind of in love with Snickers' Pods. Yum...I just have to have them in the's my new special treat! :)

Aussies? Do you know this divine chocolaty biscuity yuminess?
Turns me into Homer Simpson...mmmmmmmmm pods.

OK...getting silly.

Love to everyone,

V xx

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