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Dee74 06-07-2013 12:06 AM

I'm basically a Cadbury's man Venus - or Kit Kat :)


venuscat 06-07-2013 12:13 AM

mmmmmmmmmmmmm Kit Kat :slomo:

V xx

Dee74 06-07-2013 12:38 AM



melissa6381 06-07-2013 12:48 AM

Thanks to Dee, V and Wehav for your input and advice- you guys are awesome.

Liss, amazing about your Aunt. Sending her good thoughts.

Drinking a fruit smoothie, rocking out to music, and working on my craft business tonight.

life is good. =)

liss74 06-07-2013 12:49 AM

Certainly does but goes quick Ahhhhhhh need to get out more now I'm thinking of the new flake mmmmmmmmmmmm thanks lol

liss74 06-07-2013 12:50 AM

Originally Posted by melissa6381 (Post 4002918)
Thanks to Dee, V and Wehav for your input and advice- you guys are awesome.

Liss, amazing about your Aunt. Sending her good thoughts.

Drinking a fruit smoothie, rocking out to music, and working on my craft business tonight.

life is good. =)

That sounds awesome I need a hobby I'm so bored now I want a smoothie lol and new flake and MUSIC !!!!!

liss74 06-07-2013 12:51 AM

Must text hubby new flake and smoothie lol

liss74 06-07-2013 12:54 AM

Think I want to learn how to make clothes even nit lol I don't know what I like after years of just drinking hmmmm

Easyrider 06-07-2013 03:52 AM

I've eaten so much chocolate lately. I have a massive bar of cadbury's. nom.

I was worried I might get diabetes yesterday. :P

ub3 06-07-2013 07:09 AM

thankyou for all your support Jesus wept this is very well hard earned im day 5 today and im scared and feel very disconnected went to two meetings yesterdsay felt a little better and picked up a newcomers keytag so humilliating but ive got no choice

SereneEdition 06-07-2013 08:59 AM

UB Congrats on Day 5. Get through this day by day, and you'll never have to do it again. You can do this!

Sticking close to AA & doing multiple meetings a day sounds like a great idea when you're not feeling at your best and unsure what will make it better.

Are you feeling well enough to make some mixes/work with music yet? Listening to the mixes they seemed to come from a place of beauty & happiness - perhaps reconnecting with an activity like that might help with re balancing?

SereneEdition 06-07-2013 09:30 AM

Venus - No pods here. Yeah, I have something to look for now : ) - I'm new to chocolate.
EZ - hee hee. I hear Cadbury is awesome too. I hear that the version that we have in the states can't compare to the original. Keep up the good work!

Gosh, I woke up this morning, not feeling great, and my first thought was 'I'm hung over!'
my second thought was 'wait, I didn't drink. I can't be hungover'
third thought: 'Wow I can't believe I felt this every morning for 10 years!"

Turns out, when I eat chocolate two nights in a row, I get a little headache :) Not at ALL like I had with drinking, but it was a surreal experience.

Re-invigorated for my health kick now!

I've lost count of my smoke free and soda free days - so I'm just going to simplify by putting my quit anniversary for smoking to coincide with my sober date, with soda one week after. 9 days till I hit another anniversary!!!!

upandup 06-07-2013 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by ub3 (Post 4003289)
thankyou for all your support Jesus wept this is very well hard earned im day 5 today and im scared and feel very disconnected went to two meetings yesterdsay felt a little better and picked up a newcomers keytag so humilliating but ive got no choice

Congrats on five days and getting support ub! Instead of feeling humiliated, maybe look at it A. as a badge of honor that you've made it this far and B. that it lets others know you need extra support? People at your meetings have alllll been trembling through day five, and in some cases have had many, many day fives. Hang in there

venuscat 06-07-2013 05:16 PM

hi guys,

think Serene and upandup said it all ub3......

We are proud of you. Please don't feel humiliated....this is a really big battle, and the fight is hard. Like Serene said, waking up for years and years sick and took me a long time to be able to be the sober person I want to be.

Hang in there. Huge hugs!!!!

Love to everyone,

V xx

liss74 06-07-2013 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by ub3 (Post 4003289)
thankyou for all your support Jesus wept this is very well hard earned im day 5 today and im scared and feel very disconnected went to two meetings yesterdsay felt a little better and picked up a newcomers keytag so humilliating but ive got no choice

Daaaay 5 soooo good meetings help so much keep doin what u r doing it works if you work it x

liss74 06-07-2013 05:34 PM

Baaaad sleep daughter was sick all night so tired at my sons footy game today may b tired but not sick hungover tired !!!!!

wehav2day 06-07-2013 07:19 PM

ub, you can do this! the worst day sober is better than the best day drunk, hands down. I know you feel bad now, but if you stay sober you will NEVER have to go through this again. have you seen the "24 hour hang with the winners" thread? I sign in every day along with a LOT of people. it's great. if you need support in addition to this thread, they are very cool too. and great job hitting meetings. a newcomer's keychain is a badge of honor, not shame. it means you manned up and went back. we're pulling for ya!

to join in on the all important chocolate discussion, umm yes please! :-) serene, it's totally true that American Cadbury isn't nearly as good. they were bought by Hershey's and mucked up their recipe. but if you go to a British grocery or a store with a good international section, you can find the real deal. it will say made in the U.K. on the label, not Hershey, Pennsylvania. Not dogging on Hershey's, it's great in a s'more. but if you want Cadbury, it just isn't the same. Not to be a chocolate snob or anything!! :-)

melissa6381 06-08-2013 03:52 AM

Originally Posted by liss74 (Post 4002928)
Think I want to learn how to make clothes even nit lol I don't know what I like after years of just drinking hmmmm

Lisa I taught myself to do both using YouTube videos. I also learned guitar, pretty sure you could learn anything on there and the lessons are free!

venuscat 06-08-2013 03:55 AM

That is impressive Mel!!! And super-inspirational.... ♥

There are so many things I would like to learn... thank you for the info :)

V xx

ub3 06-08-2013 06:39 AM

day six have spoken to my neigbour and buried the hatchet with him because i attacted him last week so i apologised today and he was cool about it thank god i can move on from this horrible nightmare

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