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nusca 02-25-2009 01:02 PM

it is my 3rd day without a single drink, even that I am having a heavy work load and beeing really stressed out.
But thank you for replying ananda and pixy1! I will keep trying... Mornings are a lot better beeing sober!

allport 02-25-2009 01:05 PM

Who won mule of the year 08 or don't you want to talk about it??

TheWonkydonkey 02-25-2009 01:16 PM

That ******* Eeyore won it, he launched a smear campaign against me.

Supposedly you are innocent until proven guilty in this country...

But sh*t sticks

Especially to fur...

allport 02-25-2009 02:32 PM

LOL welcome back wonky!!

Pixy1 02-25-2009 03:11 PM

Gosh that was hard work :ExeJump::Squat::SteprobL: That was me this evening

I could see the gym from the swimming pool ;)

TheWonkydonkey 02-25-2009 03:17 PM


Pixy1 02-25-2009 03:21 PM

:lmao you still haven't told me what you mean!!!

Ananda 02-25-2009 03:24 PM

Wonkey...the link is broke.....please repost

lostbutterfly 02-25-2009 03:37 PM

Well done nusca. Wonkey, stop being a drama-queen - glandular fever, sounds like a case of man-flu to me!

My guinea pigs are increasing exponentially - help!!!

Pixy1 02-25-2009 03:42 PM

LB :Val004: your using big words I just don't understand??

TheWonkydonkey 02-26-2009 12:24 AM

LB don't even go there with Man flu

Thats just a sexist term women use to undermine the real suffering men have to endure

Don't be getting all Cell block H on me LB

Oat so simple.... seen them on the TV? Healthy way to start the day?

Its fookin ready brek with bits of shite in it

Its also so fookin hot i've just burnt my mouth

TheWonkydonkey 02-26-2009 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by Pixy1 (Post 2125114)
LB :Val004: your using big words I just don't understand??

They've been shagging pix

Pixy1 02-26-2009 01:15 AM

oh :lmao

Anyway on that note I'm late for work. Catch you all later x

lostbutterfly 02-26-2009 03:24 AM

Morning peeps. Don't come on SR before work, come on during work!

Pix, I think I have two pregnant guinea pigs now. They are looking very rotund. The boy escaped from his cage just before Christmas and in the split second it took us to catch him, he has managed to impregnate his nearest relatives.

I'm hoping they are just fat, but I have a feeling ... well, we'll know in a couple of weeks, I guess!

Ananda 02-26-2009 03:44 AM

Don't come on SR before work, come on during work!
LB....shame on you!!!! These are words i do not need to hear today!!!!! I didn't work last night, and will pay for it today. LB please find a good quote from living sober today. I won't be able to purchase the book till i go to the noon meeting on Saturday...must make that one... How goes the pills hon? waht day are you on now with them? are gonna go and get fit before me.....are we all still doing the marathon walk run stuff this march???? seems we had a plan but it got lost in the dust the last few months. better hang in here with us don't stop are a nut ball so you belong here. Fizzy and CG....I know I know we don't all post 6 times a day, but seems they have been scarce and I'de like to hear more than a brief check in from the two of you. I think for most of us it is when we shut up that we are in the gravest danger of drinking again. We do go on and on about nonsense, but we can give serious help too you know.... better post soon, wonkey is starting to get a big head with all this attention...

gotta go do a damage assessment report for the boss now...i hate this sht:Val004::Val004::Val004:

lostbutterfly 02-26-2009 05:44 AM

I was wondering about fizzy too.

Day 13 nands!!

allport 02-26-2009 06:47 AM

Never been so pleased to be called a nutball Ananda and it happens suprisingly (or not) often. :lmao

Yes Fizzy put us out of our misery and tell us a joke!!!

Ananda 02-26-2009 08:14 AM

Tomarrow then is 2 weeks LB...thats awsome! :You_Rock_Can we have a party??? course no booz or pills...but we don't need that now do we..think we have proven we can dance with lampshades on our heads sober :)

Ananda 02-26-2009 11:07 AM

Hi all...hpe you are all staying sober with me today :)

we are a busy bunch aren't we :ghug

JigOvLife 02-26-2009 11:47 AM

Hi all, day 5, though I've been lurking, not posting.
Not a right lot to say really, I'm still in post binge limbo. Happyish however :c032:

Braved Wakefield today, to get my brothers b'day present. Got him a beginners sports kite. He's 22 tomorrow and working his way up the insurance, career road (to HELLLLL!)
I figured he needs some danger before he gets a Ford Mondeo and a side parting.

I passed a few old drinking haunts and felt the twinges, so had an al fresco coffee at Nero's...dissatisfied and cold I came home before getting into mischief.

No news yet on my tattoo apprenticeship. I'm in the final 4 (outta 30) for the third interview. 3 interviews for a 16 hour a week job! Pretty barmy but these positions are as rare as rocking horse sh1t.

Glad to see the gangs all here...Any news from Timzup?

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