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Pixy1 02-23-2009 04:02 PM

For someone with no internet your doing well ;)

colagirl 02-23-2009 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Pixy1 (Post 2122169)
For someone with no internet your doing well ;)

Someone with no internet who's supposed to be working!

Pixy1 02-23-2009 11:42 PM

Morning all :ghug

How are we all this morning? I slept so badly last night, all that excersise was supposed to make me sleep!

lostbutterfly 02-24-2009 01:57 AM

Exercising too late at night keeps you awake pixy!

I managed to watch and keep track of Heroes while my son played bongos on the gelatinous boob in the background. See how my serenity knows no bounds, lol!!!

Pixy, I shall quote some Living Sober at you when I get home!!!

LB x

Ananda 02-24-2009 05:55 AM guys......CG...just stay on my A$$'s appreciated :)

LB now i'm counting on you for some good quotes.....

crp...5 minites to work....just wait till you see all the power posting i do this weekend!!!! You'll all be busy doing real life stuff and I'll be here rattling on and on and on

love you know sober really is a good deal most of the time...just the tough spots are tough :ghug

colagirl 02-24-2009 06:00 AM

I know, we'll never get you to shut up now! :lmao

Get off the computer and go to work!!

Have a good day everyone. :)

lostbutterfly 02-24-2009 10:32 AM

Please remind me never to replace my animals when they shuffle off their mortal coil. The guinea pigs look pregnant (again) and the cat's just been sick in two places!

Pixy1 02-24-2009 12:01 PM

Your evenings going well then LB lol

Ananda 02-24-2009 01:19 PM

we can eliminate both problems LB...introduce my dogs to your guini pigs....your's will be gone and i suspect my dogs would choke....

EEEKKKS (least...i don't really mean it ok)

colagirl 02-24-2009 05:33 PM

Horrible nands!! Just horrible. :ghost ok, wtf is THAT thing?

God I really want to drink tonight!! No special reason, just do. I have a lot of things to do though, so I'm going to try to just keep busy.

Pixy1 02-24-2009 11:22 PM

Morning all

CG your doing so well. How did the rest of the evening go? You will wake up so happy today that you didn't pick up. For me it's the best feeling in the world :)

lostbutterfly 02-25-2009 02:03 AM

These animals are going to be the death of me. This is what happens when you adopt unwanted creatures out of drunken compassion.

Who else has watched Comic Relief when they are drunk and landed up giving loads of money away?

Pixy1 02-25-2009 05:28 AM

:dancer5: I can log on this afternoon whaile working.

Not that I have much to say and the pc keeps crashing and going slow but hey it could be worse :)

Just think how much free time we would have if we didn't have all these pets LB,

Ananda 02-25-2009 05:41 AM

Think how much free time we would have if we didn't have SR :lmao

Hey folks...great morning...ok so work is still in the shter...but you know, I just will do what i need to do....and WOW haven't been obsessed with drinking for a number of days!

Fizzy....please check in....we all worry about you when you don't pop in with your helpful words of are sorta a rock around here...Is the family home?

CG....jeez I'm sorry you are having such a tough time....did you try making a list of what it is you are wanting that you "think" (ha ha) alchohol will give you? There are alternative ways to get what you are looking for...they may take a little longer and require a little more work...but it is doable. Really! good to see you so chipper!!!! What a nice way to start the day...grateful that you didn't drink last night! Hope you are adjusting the excersise schedule so you can let the adreinilene or endorphins or whatever calm down before bed time.

LB...I have some bad news...being sober will not decrease your compassion for will soon be taking in every stray that comes your will need a sign on your lodgers! my missing boys! Timmy, Wonkey, Wibbles, and Jiggy (yes you, glad your reading and thanking...but i need your voice to help me stay sober as well!) Keep yourselves safe please and get back here soon....

Really, once we know we are alchoholic (even a little bit) we never ever can go back to how it was before...been there done that didn't work....scarry as hell actually!

I have a cold....the cold tablet seems to work, and i must work a 16 hour day to day anyway....

Living sober talked about doing recovery "cafateria style" ... and it's ok you know, take what looks like something you could use...stay open to trying some different things along the way...just keep plugging along and find out what works for you...oh yeah...I am now 30lbs over my sobering up weight :( But have a "health coach" now...hope that will get me back on track.

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Pixy1 02-25-2009 06:28 AM

Fizzy is ok he popped in last night :)

TheWonkydonkey 02-25-2009 11:11 AM

Evening :)

How you all doing?

Want some wonky advice?

Don't get flu/glandular fever/mono

its shite

Stops you drinking though

Fook all this AA higher power (its god but its not god even though we meet in a church and get all huggy at the end) nonsense

Get some glandular fever on ya... that'll stop the booze

Fook me...drink??? i'd rather stick pins in my eyes

Best thing is, I can't do the "woe is me i've only got x days...I feel shite, please kick me so I can feel so bad about myself I'll slink off and drink again....... .."

I honestly can't remember when I last drank i've been that ill!!!!!!

Err.. this wasn't supposed to be quite as angry as its come out!

I reckon its the drugs, i'm proper off me noggin !

Anyway, sorry for the rant!!


Pixy1 02-25-2009 11:39 AM

We miss the rants wonky :ghug3

TheWonkydonkey 02-25-2009 11:47 AM

I've been giving this a lot of thought

I actually think i'm starting to get an insight into all of this

So much so that I've actually decided to follow my dream and write a self help book

Its entitled

"What the fook is up with you now?"

Alright alright...i'll come back...stop spamming my inbox....


Ananda 02-25-2009 12:31 PM


OK....I'll send your tail back tomarrow (slobery kiss on the nose)

TheWonkydonkey 02-25-2009 12:51 PM

I get a quid every time somebody clicks that url


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