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Introvrtd1 03-14-2022 06:05 PM

Grateful for the evening….G’night all. Hope everyone sleeps well. :inbed

Alysheba 03-14-2022 07:25 PM

Heard from our dear Least. I'm not sure if she was able to make it to the doctor or not. She's feeling a tiny bit better but still in a lot of pain. I hope that is ok that I passed that on. I know she would be posting if she could. Get well soon, Least! 💗
Grateful to send healing prayers to you.
Grateful for my mom these days. I'm just trying to keep my nose clean and do what I can do. Acceptance. She can be kind and funny sometimes, trying to enjoy those times and keep the other ones to a minimum. Grateful that how I react shows a lot about me. Grateful my patience is slowly getting better.
Have Pleasant Dreams and a wonderful evening. :candle:

Fearlessat50 03-14-2022 08:10 PM

Introvert, hope you sleep well too
Aly, so glad you shared that about least. I pm’d her too and just realize I have a pm from her today I haven’t read yet. I hope the pain is under control. Sounds like such an awful ordeal
Grateful for our family in the computer
Grateful to help a coworker today. She was experiencing a lot of anxiety and I’m glad I could help her feel better
Grateful to connect with sonny boy tonight though it didn’t end well. Glad I stuck to my guns about the issue. Hopefully he’ll realize I’m just trying to be a good parent and if I had given in, that would not be teaching him anything valuable
Grategul everything passes
Grateful for Yellowstone

Astro 03-15-2022 05:49 AM

Thank you, Aly. Least, we miss you and we're praying for your healing and comfort always.
Grateful I finally finished up a job yesterday that kept getting delayed.
Grateful my brother stopped by for a visit.
Grateful for a variety of work activities this week to keep things interesting.
Grateful for the Japanese noodle dish I cooked up last night.

Fearlessat50 03-15-2022 06:53 PM

Astro, the noodle dish sounds delish! It made me remember I have an Asian noodle salad dish left over from last night. I will have it for lunch tomorrow. Glad you got to see your bro
Grateful to see least on the morning thread after surgery. Keeping you in my thoughts least!
Grateful Mr F finished final touches on the gazebo and set up all the patio furniture. So glad we went for the larger gazebo. Our furniture takes up a lot of space and fits perfectly under the gazebo
Grateful for a hot bath in the big tub. With the privacy and view out the windows, it feels like being in a hot tub
Grateful the patio cushion stuffing is fine. I was worried but it is ok and we are going to use the other cover set which was an extra set we got for free with the set
Grateful to hear the birds singing
Grateful my finger is better. I got bit by a spider couple days ago. It must have been a whopper. My finger was all red and swollen itchy and throbbing. Kept me up at night. Been putting antibiotic ointment on it. I can’t complain. Nothing at all like least’s ordeal. But still just glad it’s better anyway
Grateful to celebrate 28 years of dating with MR F. We celebrate the first date, the day we got engaged which is Dec 7, in addition to our wedding day which is coming up to 25 years.
Grateful to allow myself some flexibility and eat some enchiladas and tortilla chips. I’ll go back on the health wagon tomorrow. I think I’ve also gained some weight. Clothes feel a bit snug. Wont dare step on the scale though. I know it’ll just be wrong. Lol
Grateful to find a creative solution to a work problem which will save me lots of time and may be even impress my boss 😊
Grateful to plan an early or on time bed tonight. Staying up too late watching Yellowstone and not getting enough sleep
Grateful for you

AutumnTree 03-15-2022 08:04 PM

Least it sounds like you had to have surgery or something and I hope you're ok! Sending you love and hopes for a speedy healing.
Grateful for glasses that help me see. Grateful to take a long walk with my dogs now that it's warmer out. Grateful for a peaceful evening.
BTW Fearless - 28 years!!! Incredible! Mazel tov!

Bekindalways 03-15-2022 09:30 PM

Good evening all,

I was off internet for a night and then didn't post yesterday; however, I still wrote out some gratitudes thinking of you all so here is three nights worth of gratitude:March 13
  • seeing a palo verde in its natural form
  • figuring out how to buy Cien Anos de Soledad on iTunes
  • finding an ancient bottle of Doctor Bonners for my shower
  • finding my bike pants that I had lost
  • getting the last campsite available
  • a good map of the area
  • a really fun bike ride
March 14

I’m grateful for
  • a good bike ride
  • a bacon cheese burger for lunch
  • picking my meds up from the pharmacy
  • the wonderful audiobook I’m listening to for the zillionth time
March 15
  • getting myself out for a walk in the morning
  • 25 minutes of yoga
  • emailing a woman in Ukraine that my friend knew and hearing back from her (very hopeful)
  • a fun dinner party
May you all be well.

Astro 03-16-2022 05:45 AM

BKA - It sounds like you're having a great adventure. And the bacon cheeseburger......nom nom nom!

Fearless - Your outdoor space sounds perfectly relaxing. I had some Mexican too last night, just finger foods, it was sinfully delicious! And yes congrats on your upcoming 28 years.

Grateful that I'm getting through a particularly busy work week just fine, one step at a time as we do it in recovery.
Grateful for God and sobriety.
Grateful to have a nice phone conversation with my son yesterday.

Alysheba 03-16-2022 08:44 AM

Congrats, Fearless, on knowing Mr. F for so long. How heartwarming. So grateful for you! :hug:
Grateful for the GP! :grouphug:

CFDuane 03-16-2022 07:22 PM

I love sober recovery forums just so you can type and post what your grateful for while you go through what you need to go through. One of the best things I can say...
I am grateful that I can be grateful.
That means not taking things for granted and understanding and reminding myself of the hard and difficult times that I have gone through. I am grateful to everyone who has no idea who I am or where I have been who just says a simple I am there with you!

Astro 03-17-2022 06:26 AM

Good to see you here, CFDuane!

Grateful for the new coworker I got to work with last night and the conversations we had over a 5 hour shift.
Grateful for the reubens I picked up for my wife and I to share for dinner.
Grateful that I have reliable transportation, and even though the fuel prices are so crazy high I won't complain, at least I can get to my jobs.

Bekindalways 03-17-2022 07:48 PM

Astro I read "Reubens" and pictured you hauling home a couple of paintings of naked chubby people painted hundreds of years ago

I'm grateful for
- being a bit sore from bike riding
- my sister having a funny story about Alaska and Russia
- being in on a discussion about a friend's estate (she is 80 and want me to help in the event of her death)
- recognizing that my role in the above is not legal so I may well have nothing to do with it
-this chance to experiment with my life and how I'm living it
- figuring out the propane gauge on my van as well as finding a hidden key under it

Peace to all

Fearlessat50 03-17-2022 08:14 PM

Those are some nice grats BKA
Good to see you CFduane
Hope you and your mom are ok Aly
Least, thinking of you
Grateful Mr F got the gazebo lights and out them up today. Grateful they weren’t as expensive as I thought
Grateful for a nice team meeting
Grateful for a great therapy session
Grateful to be enjoying my new zen space under the gazebo with the fire pit going
Grateful to acknowledge some stress and anxiety and recognize that because of my history and things I’ve been through, I tend to think about the worst case scenario in every situation. Grateful to stop myself and just be in the moment and go with the flow. Grateful to be sober and striving for the best version of myself
Grateful for all of you

Astro 03-18-2022 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by Bekindalways (Post 7779890)
Astro I read "Reubens" and pictured you hauling home a couple of paintings of naked chubby people painted hundreds of years ago

:lmao now that's funny!! :lmao

Fearless, I think we all have "gazebo envy", it sounds relaxing and lovely.

Grateful that I've gotten to know some of my co-workers a little better this week working evening shifts.
Grateful for working around a friendly crowd of party-goers.
Grateful that green beer hasn't interested me for a looooong time.

Alysheba 03-18-2022 10:11 AM

Thank you, Fearless! :hug: We're ok. I just have to find things besides errands and caretaking to fill some of my time. It's hard though because I'm so tired from all the stuff I'm doing. Grateful I hope that things will come together.
Love to the GP! :grouphug:

Introvrtd1 03-18-2022 05:10 PM

Grateful for another day in God’s good grace. Today was a good day. :grouphug: :afro: :abcf: We had some thunderstorm rain but that’s ok.

:e044: Going to bed soon. G’night everyone. :inbed

Bekindalways 03-18-2022 08:30 PM

Good evening all.

I had a good day

I'm grateful for
-a good long bike ride
-lots of phone calls from friends, family and someone I will meet tomorrow
-being in a position to see how schools and treatment of children has improved
-being able to make a push for these improvements
- sitting with a couple of octogenarian ladies and howling with laughter

Peace to all.

Alysheba 03-19-2022 04:32 PM

Pleasant Dreams everyone. :grouphug: :inbed :dance: :VGRearth:

AutumnTree 03-19-2022 09:07 PM

Grateful for some beautiful weather today and the chance to walk the dogs and admire spring in my neighborhood. Grateful to when a few overtime hours. Grateful for AAA since I blow out tires on Philly streets regularly! Grateful for a peaceful evening.

Fearlessat50 03-19-2022 09:35 PM

Pleasant dreams to you too, Aly.
Hi everyone else
Grateful for good friends who came over for dinner
Grateful the bbq pork chops and Brussels sprouts sweet potatoes turned out delish
Grateful for the raspberry crumble cookies from Costco. They are addicting. Glad I am running and hiking tomorrow
Grateful to be sitting In the living room with my Charlie while the boys watch a movie

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