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andyh 11-15-2021 05:44 AM

nice to see you Manta - welcome back to the path :)

Kaily - is this Alfie at the vet?

Mags1 11-15-2021 06:17 AM

Hi MantaLady good to see you, wondered how you were. :wave:

Canadian Koala 11-15-2021 06:22 AM

Another sober weekend success!
Have a good week friends ☼

Kaily 11-15-2021 06:23 AM

Welcome back, Manta.

Ha ha Andy, if only. He had to be muzzled and held down just to listen to his heart. He doesn't take any chances. :abct:

All ok with my Dad today, thanks.

Beautiful colours on our walk today.

Alysheba 11-15-2021 08:29 AM

Suze, thinking of you. :hug:
Grateful for all of you so much! :grouphug:

saoutchik 11-15-2021 10:07 AM

Great to see you MantaLady! Stick around.

I'm glad shopping with your dad wasn't too much of an ordeal Kaily.

Plenty to do around Liverpool Street Reid, good choice. Saoutchik Towers is about a mile north of there.

Alysheba 11-15-2021 12:14 PM

Just got back from seeing my mom at the nursing home/rehab place. She's in better spirits today, thank goodness.
Thank you all for your support and kindness while going through this extremely stressful time. I know she's in a lot of pain, but it was really nice to see her in better spirits.
After I finish my laundry, I may do a little shopping with one of my sisters. :hug:
Take care all.
Love and peace to all of you. :grouphug:

Willow00 11-15-2021 12:54 PM

Hi everyone :wavey:

Nice to see you Manta :hug: ❤️

Aly I’m so glad your Mom is in better spirits ❤️ That must be such a relief for you :hug:

Andy the look on that dog’s face! :scared: :lmao:

Kaily that comment about Alfie made me smile “he doesn’t take any chances” :lmao
Lovely photo :)

least 11-15-2021 03:31 PM

:( Sitting at my desk feeling my left foot get numb and then wake up and then get numb again. :( It comes in waves. My procedure is 9 days off and I can't wait. I hope the doctor does the same magic he did 7 yrs ago. This pain is wearing me down. :(

Willow00 11-15-2021 03:53 PM

(((Least))) :hug: I hope the procedure brings you relief ❤️

Mags1 11-15-2021 07:47 PM

Hiya Weekenders:wave:

Still dark here. The trees seem to be shedding their leaves pretty fast and the roads, paths and gardens are carpeted in them.

Least, we’re getting nearer every day to the 24th. I hope it is effective as last time you had it and stop that awful pain. :hug:

Aly, pleased your mom was feeling better in herself. It is unsettling when we have to rely on strangers in hospitals and rehab centers, albeit how nice they are. She would’ve been pleased to see your friendly face. :hug:

At physio this morning. She gave me some exercises for my wrist which I’ve been doing as best as I can. Not much movement but hopefully with time there will be. :dunno:

least 11-15-2021 08:26 PM

Hope the physio wasn't too strenuous on you. :hug:

Yes, I'm counting down the days.

Got two appts tomorrow. The PT and a lady from the area agency on aging to do an assessment for the Passport program. Don't know what it does but she'll explain it.

Billie will be so excited to meet a new friend and an old friend. She already likes the PT and now she'll get to meet someone else. :) She loves having company. :) She can be a very social dog when people are around. And she likes everyone she meets. :)

Mags1 11-15-2021 09:37 PM

Least, the passport program sounds promising. Hopefully you’ll get more assistance at home while you’re not fully mobile. :hug:

Kaily 11-15-2021 10:05 PM

Hope the physio goes well, Mags.

Aly, are they able to operate on your Mums hip? I'm glad to read that she is a bit more settled now.

Willow, poor Alfie is so full of self preservation that he makes things very difficult for himself. He had a horrific experience with a horrible vet (no longer practising) some years ago so I get it. Very distressing though. I hate seeing him so scared.

On that note we are back to the vet today. Getting the bus at 7am. No breakfast for him as he has to be sedated so none for Daisy either. Can't give one without the other. :worried:

Mags1 11-15-2021 10:18 PM

Kaily, I hope the journey to and from the vets is quieter than last time. :hug:

saoutchik 11-15-2021 11:25 PM

Good luck Alfie!

Willow00 11-16-2021 12:26 AM

I hope all goes well for Alfie Kaily ❤️

Dee74 11-16-2021 12:26 AM

Me too Kaily :)


Kaily 11-16-2021 05:09 AM

Thank you.

We are home. X-rays were inconclusive so he is still limping and on painkillers and restricted walks.

Here is one of his quieter moments on the bus. Lets just say he didn't like it if anyone sat anywhere near us. :no:

Mags1 11-16-2021 05:38 AM

Obviously Alfie is practicing social distancing. x

Kaily 11-16-2021 05:52 AM

Distancing yes, social no. :rolleyes2

MLD51 11-16-2021 06:18 AM

Hey gang,
Just getting caught up here. I hope everyone (including doggos) who is in pain gets relief.

Good to see you, Manta. Stick around!

I changed my avatar pic. This is a pic I took in Belize in January of 2019, on the beach at sunrise right in front of the little cabin I stayed in both times I went there. I'd like to return. Someday I will. I loved it there.

I'm very busy these days, which is good, I guess. Better that, than bored! But it's wearing me down a bit. I'm looking forward to my little trip to Arizona in January. It should be relaxing.

least 11-16-2021 07:57 AM

I hope Alfie is doing better since seeing the vet. :hug:

Feet are so numb and painful this morning. Only 8 days til my procedure. :) Can't wait...

least 11-16-2021 02:39 PM

A little ray of sunshine. :) I'd been frustrated with Survey Junkie cause I couldn't redeem my earnings/points to my paypal account. Just wouldn't go thru. So I got creative and went to SJ on Chrome instead of firefox. Voila! It worked! I now have my earnings on my paypal card. :)

My computer is running really slow today. Takes forever for pages to load. It's not just the browser, cause both firefox and chrome were slow.

Sorry that Alfie didn't get a firm diagnosis. At least he's home and has pain meds if it gets bad. :hug:

Bro just came and is feeding Billie and will take her out for potty. Bless his loving heart. :hug:

Mags1 11-16-2021 07:24 PM

Marty, I remember you going to Belize, how time flies. It’ll be good for you to get away again. Things will seem much clearer when you return. Sometimes we just need some space from our surroundings.

I saw a fox yesterday morning. It was still dark and I’d gone out to the wheelie bin and called to my cat and made the fox jump. I didn’t see it until then. They are so timid. We’re getting a lot of sightings at night in the village, the poor things are looking for food.

Physio went ok yesterday, uneventful really. :e044: I’ve just got the same exercises to do at home.

Kaily 11-16-2021 10:21 PM

Marty that is a lovely picture. A cabin on the beach, how idyllic.

Least, glad you got your earnings sorted out. Not long now for your medical procedure.

Mags my house backs onto a school playing field so I see foxes there regularly. In the summer they bring out their cubs to play, often with a football left by the kids, very sweet. I do worry how they manage though and I am sometimes guilty of throwing food over to them. I hate to think they are hungry.

saoutchik 11-16-2021 11:49 PM

Handsome creatures foxes, I don't understand the desire to hunt them.

One week to go Least, I hope it is better than last week.

I'm sorry Alfie didn't get a diagnosis but maybe that's a good thing because whatever he has is not severe enough to show up on a x-ray. Hopefully rest will work.

Good work doing the physio Mags.

I meant to say over the weekend, congratulations to Ireland VMan, a great win.

Robbie64 11-17-2021 12:45 AM

Morning Weekenders :)

Least, sorry to read that you are still in pain. Roll on next week for your procedure :hug:

Mags, do you feel like you are making progress with the physio? I remember you posting a while ago that it could be slow progress. Are you able to wiggle your fingers or better still, bend them?

Kaily, hopefully Alfie will be better soon and you can start taking him and Daisy out for longer morning walks.

Least, I was having computer problems too yesterday, my laptop packed in! It's only 4 years old but I've had nothing but trouble with it from day 1. It kept running slow or freezing up and was generally a nightmare to use. I bought a new one last night as a replacement, I'm looking forward to it being delivered tomorrow.

MantaLady 11-17-2021 02:53 AM

Morning Everyone. Just for today, I have only one goal and that is to stay sober x

Cityboy 11-17-2021 03:10 AM

Robbie, computer trouble is such an inconvenience. I hope you get it straightened out.

We have a few grey foxes around, but rarely see them. I have a picture on my computer I'll look for. They are a species that can often adapt to life in an urban interface.

Saou, I had a customer who owned a fox hunting preserve once. She said that they didn't actually run foxes though. They would squirt fox urine on a rag and drag it around a while, then release the hounds. It was all on horseback. Sounded like quite a production. I imagine it is all about the horses, the hounds, and the socializing.

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