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Kaily 11-13-2021 10:38 PM

Thanks Sao, I thought so. :)

Alfie and Daisy don't have access to a stick library but they do have a toy box which Daisy empties numerous times a day. :D

Mags1 11-13-2021 10:54 PM


Mags1 11-13-2021 10:54 PM

Kaily, that’s lovely. Daisy’s a bundle of fun. ❤️

saoutchik 11-13-2021 11:02 PM

Morning Weekenders.

Billie looks splendid!

Good to see you Cardoon.

Willow00 11-13-2021 11:11 PM

The stick library and Daisy’s toybox reminded me of this cute funny meme :)

PhoenixJ 11-14-2021 12:16 AM

that ol' hound dog has smarts

PhoenixJ 11-14-2021 12:26 AM

prayers Aly

Cityboy 11-14-2021 05:14 AM

Kaily, daisy looks very determined in emptying the toy box. She's very lucky she found you.

Willow, that's funny. The kids now, when they have kids, will complain about how they only had 15 gigs of high speed per month to burn up playing online games.

Polaroid 11-14-2021 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by Willow00 (Post 7725064)
The stick library and Daisy’s toybox reminded me of this cute funny meme :)

Lol, that's funny. I made a similar meme, with our Standard Poodle, laying on the floor looking sad, with the caption "Is it because I is black?" (she has black fur) (phrase coined by Ali G / Sacha Baron Cohen)

CBS62 11-14-2021 08:07 AM

Least, Billie looks as sweet as I imagined. Thanks for the pic.

I took Sarge to the Vet Friday. He had a good looking over. Everything seems fine except possibly he has some rear end weakness typical in older shepherds. We told the vet about all of his weird behavior. Anyway, he is on anti inflammatory meds and seems a little better today.

I am off to play tennis in bit. I am looking forward to it as I haven't played in weeks because of my bad cold.

Happy Sunday everyone. Nice to be hangover free here now for 332 days.

Enjoyed a nice stroll around this pond after brunch with my SIL yesterday. I do love Fall.

Robbie64 11-14-2021 08:14 AM

a wonderful photo CBS. I love seeing pictures where the leaves are changing to autumnal colours.

least 11-14-2021 08:27 AM

I used to have a toy box for my dogs. Never could get them to put the toys back in the box tho. Daisy is very cute. :)

Polaroid 11-14-2021 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by CBS62 (Post 7725225)
Least, Billie looks as sweet as I imagined. Thanks for the pic.

I took Sarge to the Vet Friday. He had a good looking over. Everything seems fine except possibly he has some rear end weakness typical in older shepherds. We told the vet about all of his weird behavior. Anyway, he is on anti inflammatory meds and seems a little better today.

I am off to play tennis in bit. I am looking forward to it as I haven't played in weeks because of my bad cold.

Happy Sunday everyone. Nice to be hangover free here now for 332 days.

Enjoyed a nice stroll around this pond after brunch with my SIL yesterday. I do love Fall.

Nice photo. Yeah, fall is beautiful, colorful.

Alysheba 11-14-2021 08:49 AM

Prayers to you too, PJ. :hug: Thank you. 💗

Free2bme888 11-14-2021 10:26 AM

I LOVE trees

Here are some pics. They all have strong roots. I’m growing and nourishing mine through SR, podcasts, playing it forward, and glancing at some ugly in the rear view mirror.


The last one here, tells a story. I love hiking or snowshoeing up to it every season….

saoutchik 11-14-2021 01:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Super photos CBS/Free2, thanks.

Glad Sarge is doing OK.

MY local Bagel shop has got Christmas decorations up already, tch! Great bagels though.

Reid82 11-14-2021 02:06 PM

Had a great time in London, got back this evening. Was on the flight with an old drinking comrade. He was the worse for wear coming back today, I certainly don't
miss those days and the time it takes to recover.

saoutchik 11-14-2021 02:12 PM

I'm really pleased London didn't let you down Reid. I bet you'll remember a lot more of the weekend than your old drinking comrade. I don't miss hungover flights, train rides etc one bit.

Reid82 11-14-2021 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by saoutchik (Post 7725366)
I'm really pleased London didn't let you down Reid. I bet you'll remember a lot more of the weekend than your old drinking comrade. I don't miss hungover flights, train rides etc one bit.

Thanks, I stayed close to Liverpool Street Station as I flew into Stansted and got the train down and back. Funnily enough I actually went to London with the same guy about 10 years ago and we
ended up in an Irish bar for the whole time! I could do all the sightseeing needed yesterday (did 18km walking), seems like such a waste back in the day!

least 11-14-2021 04:56 PM

I am a job creator. :) Neighbor was ok with my offer and his son agreed to do it. :) He came over at 5 to feed her and take her out. He's coming back at 9 to take her out for her bedtime potty. Yay! :) Glad that's taken care of. :)

Billie is lying on her purse, after pulling the linings out of the compartments. ;) She pulls them out, I stuff them back in. :)

Not feeling good tonight. My feet and legs hurt and my feet are so numb it's like walking with someone else's feet. Walking feels strange. Tomorrow it'll be 9 days til my procedure. I can hardly wait...

Mags1 11-14-2021 07:08 PM

Great pictures. I love seeing the changes of colours in Autumn, stunning.

Least hoping you won’t be in too much pain before your procedure arrives. :hug:

Reid pleased your London trip went well. So good when you’re sober and present throughout. :)
I wasted a lot of holidays being wasted. Thankfully they’re behind me now.

least 11-14-2021 07:55 PM

I wasted a lot of holidays being wasted. Thankfully they’re behind me now.
Same here. :(

Also delighted that those days are in the past and things are a lot better now. :) I can't believe I've made it this far. :)

Mags1 11-14-2021 08:55 PM

Least , everything’s possible with the right support around us. Methinks.

PhoenixJ 11-14-2021 09:58 PM

Luverlee photos

Thanks Aly

....meant to be summer soon, around 30C. NO!
Wet, cold wind- 13C.

Mags1 11-14-2021 11:26 PM

PJ that’s unusual for your area. Our seasons aren’t what they used to be. The little critters must get confused.

Kaily 11-14-2021 11:38 PM

Beautiful pictures CBS and Free. Amazing colours.

Thanks Least, Billie is very sweet too. I'm glad your young neighbour is helping and earning himself some money too. Maybe he could give her a little walk round the block, i'm sure she would love a sniff about.

Glad you had a good day in London, Reid.

Yes Christmas is being thrust upon us. Every year a house a few doors up from mine goes for a very tacky display. It gets worse every year. It has been up a few weeks already this year. Flashing lights, Santa's snowman's elfs. You name it they have it! I prefer subtle twinkly pretty ..

Last night I dreamt I took up running. I was really good, flying along, literally. :lol:

Taking my Dad shopping today. He still makes me very anxious and triggered. :(

Willow00 11-15-2021 01:44 AM

Beautiful photos everyone, thanks for sharing :)

Dee74 11-15-2021 02:09 AM

I hope your Dad won;t be too much of a pain today Kaily.


Mags1 11-15-2021 03:17 AM

Kaily, I hope the shopping trip with your dad isn’t too much of a trial.

MantaLady 11-15-2021 04:33 AM

Hi Everyone. Hope you are all doing well xx. Recommitting to the sober path, will make sure to post here more often and do my best to get back on track x

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