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Mags1 11-11-2021 12:04 PM

Least, can you send it in an email to yourself from your phone? Forget that…I just re-read properly what you said. :D

Robbie64 11-11-2021 12:18 PM

Thanks Mags. I'm IN for a sober weekend. This will be my fifth consecutive sober weekend. I'm looking forward to the weekend too as i've got a number of things lined up. Some pleasant (I plan to go for a nice walk along the river front on Saturday morning) and some less so (I'm doing some Christmas shopping on Sunday!).

Willow00 11-11-2021 12:58 PM

I’m in for a sober weekend, thanks Mags for a great tree analogy.
I’m still working at strengthening my root system to withstand the inevitable storms that will come along.

least 11-11-2021 01:01 PM

Mags, I had an email from survey junkie about submitting my verification so I replied to that email and sent attachments of the ID verifications. Hope that will work.

Mags1 11-11-2021 06:38 PM

Ah, fingers crossed it should Least. We’re not having weird energy waves again are we from Mercury. :dunno:

theVman31 11-11-2021 09:58 PM

Thanks for another OP Mags !
I dont post much nowadays but it's always a pleasure to read your OP's :)

I got up at 05h00 and watched some world TV.
It's not very encouraging, what shocked me the most was the situation between belarus and poland...
I think i will stick to watching cartoons with mini Vman !

Kaily 11-11-2021 09:58 PM

Oh not not mischievous Mercury again.

I have an appointment with a dermatologist today. I have this thing on my nose that needs removing. It has been slowly growing from before Covid and I never got to show the GP. When he did see it a few weeks ago he said it needs to go. Apparently it will be burn't off and then I might get a blister. I'm weirdly looking forward to it.
I wish he would burn off a few of my wrinkles too. :rolleyes:

Mags1 11-11-2021 10:58 PM

Hi Vinny :wave:

Kaily, all the best with the dermatologist today. :)

saoutchik 11-11-2021 11:29 PM

Morning Weekenders,

Good luck Kaily.

Fingers crossed least.

London may be getting an Formula 1 race in a few years time which would be exciting although not very environmentally friendly but I guess it would mean one less race elsewhere.

Robbie64 11-12-2021 12:15 AM

Good Morning Weekenders

I wonder if mischievous Mercury might explain why my digital camera started playing up last night. I bought it back in 2009 and it's worked perfectly well without any problems until last night. I had all sorts of problems. The charger started playing up so I gave the connection terminals a good clean then fully charged the battery. Then the camera was switching on then straight back off and without the lens retracting. I did a reset of the camera and (fingers crossed) it's working without a problem. I'm going to take it with me this morning and take a few pictures to make sure it is working OK. It's a Sony Cybershot camera which cost me about £300 in 2009. It's a discontinued model and is probably too old to have serviced but to buy one of the same quality would now cost about £400+ and I can't really afford that.

Sao, where would a F1 track be built in London? Or is there one there already?

Kaily 11-12-2021 01:46 AM

What sort of pictures do you take Robbie?

I would love a good camera and to get into photography. Difficult with the dogs.

AL48 11-12-2021 04:03 AM

Love the pic Mesaman. Cold and rain for today just have to get on with it i suppose Its just the rain during the summer is warm. Tomorrow is a big rugby day over here Ireland v New Zealand in the Autumn internationals and we either give them a good game with a slight chance of winning or they destroy us and its back to the drawing board. There will be no nails left regardless.

Robbie64 11-12-2021 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by Kaily (Post 7724264)
What sort of pictures do you take Robbie?

I would love a good camera and to get into photography. Difficult with the dogs.

Mainly pictures from around town, of the river front, the local village centre etc. Plenty of snowy scenes. I bought the camera with the intention of taking up photography as an alterntive to sitting in the pub but it never really happened. I had intented to visit towns and villages all over the north east to take photographs but it never happened.

My camera now seems to be working OK so hopefully the reset has fixed the problem.

Alysheba 11-12-2021 08:39 AM

Lovely to see all my good friends here.
Grateful for your support and kindness.
Love to you all. :grouphug:

Mags1 11-12-2021 09:01 AM

Robbie I think I recall your winter scenes near your home last year?

Al, enjoy the rugby tomorrow!

Hi Aly, hope you’re feeling ok after your ablation :hug:

Kaily my friend sent me a picture of her rescue dog she has. She’s just 8 months old and looks like Daisy. So cute.Hope your appointment went well. :hug:

Love to all xxxx

Kaily 11-12-2021 09:14 AM

Do please share your pics here Robbie.

That's sweet Mags, what is she calling her?

My Dr was running late so I waited an hour in the waiting room. The procedure only took about 5 minutes, it was a bit sore but not awful. Afterwards he put a huge blob of white cream on to ease the burning and sent me on my way. I had no idea he hadn't rubbed it in or how ridiculous I looked till I got home and looked in the mirror. Neighbours must of thought I had been drinking again! :cool:

Alysheba 11-12-2021 09:15 AM

Thank you, Mags. :hug: :love: The ablation went well. My sister threw a few last minute bombs at me, she took me, but I stayed calm and everything went well. I really like this doctor a lot. There is really no one else I know like him who treats chronic pain without surgery. He can recommend it, but I really don't want another surgery, he knows that and is helping me non surgically. The only thing about the ablation is that it takes a good 4 weeks to really kick in. My right leg is really hurting, I pulled something helping mom up the stairs. I'll be calling her shortly. I hope she is better.
Kaily, nice to see you back. :hug:
Have a great day all. Love and peace to all. :grouphug: 💗☮☪☸

saoutchik 11-12-2021 12:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I am tired, it has probably been a couple of years since I was genuinely under pressure at work and i'm out of practise.

Well done on your respective medical appointments Mags, Kaily, Aly

Originally Posted by Robbie64 (Post 7724251)
Sao, where would a F1 track be built in London? Or is there one there already?

Robbie, I read they were considering building it in the old Royal Docks below (not my photo) It would be good for me as I live about 2 and a half miles to the north west. I have my doubts, an F1 circuit takes up a lot of room and central London, like any other big city is pricey for land use. Fingers crossed.

Alysheba 11-12-2021 12:07 PM

Thank you, Sao! :tyou

Mags1 11-12-2021 03:49 PM

Kaily, she’s called her Pippa. I didn’t realise you were having the procedure done today. Pleased it was over with. Don’t worry about neighbors noticing (that’s if anyone did). I hope the blob of cream had the cooling effect and helped. :hug:

Aly, good that you had the ablation non surgery. I hope the effects soon kick in love and stop your pain. :hug: xx

least 11-12-2021 04:01 PM

Well, my printer isn't printing, tho it's a wifi printer and is properly connected to the wifi. It will make copies but won't print. :mad: I have no idea what's wrong with it and my ex/girls' dad is on vacation now so can't come by to look at it. He can fix anything related to computers. I miss having his expertise handy. He's in FL with his gf's family and don't know when he'll be back.

I managed to complete the license and selfie verification today but still get the message that I can't redeem my points. :dee I clicked on "phone queue" but so far today, no call. I'm kind of irritated cause I did everything right but still get this message. :(

My lovely brother came by today, before and after work, as he's been doing, and took care of Billie and the cats. :hug:

I'm not feeling good right now. Back and legs and feet are bad. I'm also bloated and having cramps. :( I never used to 'feel my age', but I sure do now! :dee

Polaroid 11-12-2021 04:45 PM

*sigh* Why? Weekends are tough for me, so tough that I have to start from day 0 again. Maybe it's not even the weekends, it may be that I was at day 8 and forgot how crappy it really is to drink.
My roots are weak. I figure the only way to strengthen them is to keep stopped, right.

The photo was taken from a trip at rehab a few years ago. I think this was the year I, when I left, I actually didn't have cravings! I was happy with my life, and I may be close to zeroing in on what it was - I had something to do that did involve social interaction - I like to socialize, I like to think, I also like my alone time.

Coincidentally, that science project I was involved in that year, it simulated a tree as an analogy for our addictions (not including the roots, though). A group therapy session later used a flower, we are the core, the petals are segments of our personalities. The core is you. The petals are what grows to be fortunate or unfortunate.

An addiction is not really you, but a part that grew out of you - for whatever reason. It's easy to snap one petal off a flower to get rid of it (as in, literally), but the point is - You are you, and you are in control of you - no matter what petals that grow. Essentially, you are in control of everything that happens to grow on you, as after all, their host, is you. And you can kick them out whenever you want. Whenever you want. A host-client relationship is a two-way street though, so, it may not be as easy, that's when you need to figure out what exactly, when you know it's bad, when you know, you know, you are so much wiser than those dead-end petals, right? You know what the core you thinks of it, and that what you need to trust.

Mags1 11-12-2021 05:17 PM

Polaroid, glad you’re posting. Interesting science project. I’ve too many times thought I could control my thoughts and addiction. But every time I tried, I failed.
I know the addiction will always be a part of me somehow. Many times I thought I’d beat it and I hadn’t at all.
I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t beat it? I was a strong minded person with a strong will. Surely that was enough?

I found the only way to live with it was to not drink. Not having an ‘OFF Switch’ , no deep roots, even one drink started me back on the deep chasm.

It took me a good few many times to get my footing on to sober ground. Getting stronger roots (could say it’s a good sober tool to have) along with much help along the way from like minded people here on SR, got me started on my way.

Learning from others who have done the ‘leg work’ and have years of sober experience, was the best knowledge I gained.

It brought to mind a repair garage I worked at many years. My job was a planner/receptionist/dogsbody. Most of the managers had never been a fitter/engineer and worked through the stages to get where they were. They took a manager’s degree to get where they were with no experience of the job.
All well and good maybe……..But if you want the experience of all the right tools you need, do you ask the person who has experienced each nut and bolt of every job they have completed, with calloused hands for every victory before they succeeded or a person who hasn’t?

You can do this.

DesertDawg 11-12-2021 06:22 PM

To expand in the tree root metaphor... Some trees have root systems that grow very deep, straight down into the soil. But some trees, (including, since I live in Arizona, our beloved Saguaro Cactus*) have vey shallow root systems, but they spread out far from the trunk. These trees have adapted to use different strategies, based on what works best in the conditions in which they live, to achieve the same basic result. Similarly, some of us who are outgoing and gregarious have support systems consisting of a large number of friends, extended family members, and acquaintances. But some of us who are more reserved and introverted may have support systems that consist only of a small number of very close friends and family, but those connections are deep and long-established. So we achieve similar results employing different strategies -- the strategies that work for us.

* OK, the Saguaro Cactus is not really a tree - but I think the metaphor still works :)


Polaroid 11-12-2021 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by saoutchik (Post 7724468)
Robbie, I read they were considering building it in the old Royal Docks below (not my photo) It would be good for me as I live about 2 and a half miles to the north west. I have my doubts, an F1 circuit takes up a lot of room and central London, like any other big city is pricey for land use. Fingers crossed.

Reminds me of the runway / airport in Gibraltar.

Kaily 11-12-2021 11:01 PM

Pippa is a sweet name, Mags.

I think I will need to go back and have the procedure done a few more times as it is still there. I think it is some sorta of pre cancerous thing.

Good analogies, Desert Dawg and Polaroid.

I think this pic I took a few years ago epitomises how I feel. A lonely old tree watching life pass by.

Kaily 11-12-2021 11:09 PM

FAO Sao you are a Londoner, please can you tell me if this sign means I can pay to park here and if I am allowed to park for free before 10 or not at all? I'm sure they are designed to baffle us.

Cityboy 11-13-2021 03:13 AM

DessertDawg, those cactuses are cool. I always think of the road runner and coyote skits when I see them.

Saou, is that an RAF base?

Caramel 11-13-2021 03:16 AM

^ London City Airport


Purplrks3647 11-13-2021 04:10 AM

Thanks Mags ~ I need the reminder that I haven't "rooted" myself lately by balancing my Chakras....good time for a guided meditation :Meditate:

Great to see you all ~ I'm in for the weekend as well :wavey: :c017:

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