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Alysheba 07-09-2021 04:57 PM

Ditto, Manta! Have a lovey time :hug:

Dee74 07-09-2021 08:24 PM

Enjoy your break Manta!

Free2bme888 07-09-2021 09:13 PM

The mountains are about 14 miles to the south. Holy Cross and Notch are the big ones. Views go to 30 mikes up there. Thanks for the congrats everyone. I’m a lucky lady.

Have a nice time Manta!

hello and sweet dreams from way up high (in the mountains)

Mags1 07-09-2021 11:45 PM

Sounds marvellous MantaLady:)

Free, you must feel like you’re on top of the world with the views. Truly beautiful:)

I’ve just ordered a shampoo and body soap bar. No nasty chemicals in it. I’m hoping it will be a miracle cure for my wayward hair. :lol:

PhoenixJ 07-10-2021 03:11 AM

hi folks

Robbie64 07-10-2021 03:27 AM

Hi PJ :wave:

Cityboy 07-10-2021 04:14 AM

Mags, I hope the new shampoo helps.

The CPR class last night was good. The local fire rescue lieutenant did it all and kept it interesting and informative. There were only six people who showed up, three other than us. Everyone was too busy with their Friday night drinking I suppose. Took a small back road on the way home at dusk and saw a pair of small fawn standing by the road. Picture is bad because it was nearly dark.

LoveHateWhine 07-10-2021 04:27 AM

Happy Sober Saturday! 🙋‍♀️

biminiblue 07-10-2021 05:43 AM

Sober Saturday morning never gets old. Never waking up in a stinky bed - ugh - there's a memory I could do without.

My neighbor lady works at a vegetable co-op and has been bringing me all kinds of vegetables I've never tried before. This week's excellent find was a kohlrabi. So good! The stores don't sell them though.

Really yummy, especially cut up in julienne and oven roasted. I didn't eat the greens because I have sooo many greens and these were a bit wilted but I guess they're good too.

She called it, "the weird vegetable."

They're the size of a baseball!

MesaMan 07-10-2021 06:13 AM

Here's some Pix from around the 14,005' 'Mt. Of The Holy Cross' in Free's Post #45 Pic.

Colorado Mountain Pix

Colorado has 58 Peaks above 14,000' [4,267 Meters]: 'The 14ers'. The most of any U.S. State. Climbers bagging all of them is a Bucket List item for some Folks. No small feat, since the Oxygen up there in a finite-sized Lung is 43% less than at Sea Level. Another trick is to start a climb like that at 2 or 3 A.M.. Lightning from Afternoon Storms can get cha. Up there, no place to run. No place to hide. So, the best pian is to have summited early in the Day, and then get on down.

A toasty 105 F [41 C] down in the Valley today. Beats 127 F [53 C] today in Death Valley California...

Free2bme888 07-10-2021 07:25 AM

Cool pics everyone!

Hi PJ. I read your post about mean people to you, that’s awful! That’s their bad karma. Hope you’re feeling better.

Mags, I sent you a PM

Today, golf lesson, more wedding thank you cards. To wake up guilt free today, PRICELESS!

Love to all my weekenders and lurkers 😉

LoveHateWhine 07-10-2021 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by PhoenixJ (Post 7664618)
Wise words, Mags.
This week- I have had one' friend' who told me on her moving far away her new fridge was mine and she would keep in contact as I was a close friend. Three months later- a brief text saying the fridge was given away. No other contacts.
- Another 'friend' terminated the friendship as we had nothing in common and my numerous faults were not worth listing. Which means the entire friendship was a lie.
These incidence cause me to feel like an idiot...stupid and unworldly.
- Some one has put 4 long, deep scratches on my car- and just driven away. I cannot afford to repair them...

- My drawing skills have definitely improved with much tortuous practice..
- I received a distinction for a theory/paintingsubject that 3y ago, I would have scraped a pass.
- I received a credit for the history subject. I have great difficulties with words and numbers- due to cognitive damage cause by burns trauma, etcetc. This progress means my brain is still learning/healing

I worked hard on what I could learn from my 2 friends....I did nothing ever to distress them greatly and do not harbor resentments- but sad and anger at being treated as a fool. I can only work on me- an the lives of others are not my concern.
We work with what we have.

Hi PJ - I just read your post about your 2 friends. I’m so sorry this happened to you and understand how it makes you sad and angry.

I had a very similar experience 4 years ago. My best friend of 20+ years suddenly stopped returning my calls and my texts. We had gone out to dinner one night and she cut me off the next. We had a nice time at dinner and I have wracked my brain trying to think of something I might have said to offend her. But I come up empty handed. She blocked me on Facebook and even blocked my phone number. She sent me a final text that said “please do not contact me again”. When I replied, my number was already blocked. I had no idea why and still don’t have a clue.

I ran into her husband about 2 years ago and he acted like nothing happened and even asked why they hadn’t seen me, thinking I had been THAT busy. When I told him the above, he was genuinely shocked! I still had the text and showed him. He couldn’t believe it. He said he was going straight home to ask his wife why and he was going to call me the following day. Well, I have never heard from him again either.

It still bothers me and I wish she had come right out and told me she had outgrown the friendship, or something…anything. While I may not have liked it, at least I would know. It’s taken me a long time to not let it bother me as much as it did when it first happened. It now just makes me sad when I think about it.

I think it’s great you are focusing on your other priorities. What kinds of things do you draw?


saoutchik 07-10-2021 07:57 AM

Kohlrabi is a German word and was popular when I lived in West Germany for a time so maybe that's where it's from. It's not too common here although I see it 8n South Asian stores sometimes. It's quite tasty.

Enjoy your camping weekend Manta.

Good luck with the shampoo Mags. My own hair has started to thin, had to happen I suppose.

Good spot Cityboy, they are well camouflaged.

Death Valley's 53C/127F has just edged London in the mid July high temperature stakes (16C/60F here:disappoin)

Good luck this Weekend everyone.

Alysheba 07-10-2021 08:31 AM

So happy to be here with you all.
Have a wonderful day today. Library run today, apparently, mummy, can blast through books like no one I've ever seen. :hug:
Love all your wonderful posts. Thank you for being here. You all help keep me sober so much. :tyou:grouphug:

Mags1 07-10-2021 09:56 AM

Free thanks for your message. :thanks

LHW something very similar happened to a work colleague of mine. She was very hurt and upset when her friend had totally finished with her for seemingly no reason. :dunno:

Aly, I’m happy to see you too love. :yup:

Bim, they look similar to our turnips. Which are very tasty too. It’s good you’re getting to try out a variety of different vegetables.

Mags1 07-10-2021 10:06 AM

MesaMan, MesaPup’s coat looks magnificent after his grooming :yup:

andyh 07-10-2021 11:40 AM

Happy Saturday weekenders :)

cat gif time:

Alysheba 07-10-2021 11:41 AM

Catzilla! :hug:

SoberLeigh 07-10-2021 11:43 AM

Mags, I was thinking that they looks like turnips, too. Hugs and I love turnips they are a good substitute for potatoes in stews. I was considering a stew for tomorrow’s dinner; it will be fun to see if the grands can tell the difference. (If the new shampoo doesn’t work out, let me know; I have discovered a fabulous one.)

PhoenixJ, hope that you are feeling better.

LHW, sorry that you had a similar experience. People can be enigmas.

andyh, yikes! It seems as though he is looking for dinner.

Free and a sea, those mountains are gorgeous. We are headed there this Fall; I am even more excited now.

Aly, Sao, CityBoy, Dee, Robbie, Sao :wave:

biminiblue 07-10-2021 11:45 AM

WTH is that thing, andy? That's creepy! I hope it's just some photoshopped thing and not a giant robot cat on a ledge in downtown Tokyo...which I guess wouldn't be that surprising come to think of it.

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