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Gilmer 05-08-2017 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by biminiblue (Post 6449095)
Gilmer, did you get to eat anything without fuzz in it today?

Yes. We had cheeseburgers for lunch, and I'm relieved to say that my husband took charge!

biminiblue 05-08-2017 04:48 PM

All my meals have either cat hair or one of my two-foot long hairs in them. I try, I really do. I don't know how it happens.

Steely 05-08-2017 06:12 PM

Oh, Gilmer.....

"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore..." Dean Martin, I think.

Not the oriental rug, that's a bummer. Hope it cleaned up well.

Never guess it. Got myself to doctor's appointment all dolled up with clean undies :) and a bit of lippy. :) only to find that my appointment is not until tomorrow! Might have more than concussion, brain dead. I am improving and am putting it down to stress and being in a tizz most of the time. That relapse really knocked me.

Didn't have the croissant, but came home and ate crackers with nearly a whole block of Gorgonzola . Those few days off cigarettes seem to have enhanced my appetite. Not a bad thing 'cause I only weigh 40kgs. and need to put ON weight.

STDragon 05-08-2017 06:32 PM

Aww Gilmer, I'm sorry for laughing. I hope your rug isn't ruined.

STDragon 05-08-2017 06:47 PM

Even though I already had Friday off, I stayed home today. I was feeling down on Sunday and decided I needed and extra day. I shut my phone off and kept disconnected from work all day. Made soft boiled eggs (Haven't had eggs and solders in eons), watched a move, slept, ate leftovers, cut up some fruit (Pineapple, Watermelon, Cantaloupe & Honeydew), read a little and basically kept my brain shut off all day. Now I'm feeling better and ready to face work tomorrow.

My daughter has been doing a good job looking after the hamster, but that about all. She hasn't been able to face going back to school yet. She's not even looking at the school work her teachers have been leaving for us. She will be seeing the Psychiatrist again on Thursday.

MidnightBlue 05-08-2017 07:45 PM

Morning/night weekenders.

It's snowing AGAIN!

Gilmer- maybe your subconscious tell you "Cut on those carbs?". Sorry about the pizza.

I like Sex and the City. I re-watch it once and again. I don't actually identify with any of them, but I like Carrie. Probably because she is a writer too.

Gilmer 05-08-2017 08:15 PM

The rug turned out fine: it was a frozen pizza with skimpy sauce and not genuine, gooey mozzarella, so it didn't need that much deep cleaning.

I think you're right, MB. These back-to-back catastrophes cannot be a mere coincidence! My HP must be telling me to stick to vegetables!

Soberwolf 05-08-2017 11:32 PM


petals 05-08-2017 11:39 PM

Sorry about your pizza.
Still feeling awful.... the headache that I've had for over 3 weeks was awful last night. Threatening to become a full blown migraine. I gave in and took some tablets but they set my stomach off. Really want to skip work and stay in bed....
Hope everyone else is doing ok. Hugs xx

saoutchik 05-09-2017 12:26 AM

Morning, I have just been reminded that it is the boss's BBQ on Sunday:(

Steely, good luck at the doctors tomorrow (again). Try to eat as well as you can, 40kgs sounds too small to me albeit I don't know your height.

petals, I hope you feel better today, maybe see your doctor, a 3 week long headache is not right, it happened to me a while back, it turned out I had a sinus infection. It went completely after a day or two.

Gilmer good luck in keeping your meals off the floor, walls, ceiling etc today:)

Steely 05-09-2017 01:59 AM

Thanks Sao. I am underweight even at 5ft 3". I'm really trying to improve my diet and would love to pack on a few pounds. I'm going google what someone of my height should weigh right this minute.

Night everyone, So tired.

LadyBlue0527 05-09-2017 02:14 AM

Gilmer, you're going to have a four course meal on the floor soon! I've had those kind of days (weeks).

One year today, one year of absolute goodness created by remembering that there never will be a reason or excuse I can come up with to drink. It's the happiest I've ever been in sobriety. The fight is over.

None of this would have been possible without the support of you guys and this board. This weekender thread has been a huge factor as that was my witching time.

Gilmer 05-09-2017 03:12 AM

Huge congratulations, LB! :)

STDragon 05-09-2017 03:47 AM

Congrats LadyBlue, wow one year. Nice.

We are forecasted for a warm sunny today. Hmmf, I chose the wrong day to play hooky.

saoutchik 05-09-2017 05:12 AM

Congratulations on 1 year LadyBlue that is wonderful news. I cannot thank you enough for all the contributions you make here and elsewhere.


LadyBlue0527 05-09-2017 05:15 AM

Thank you guys :)

I was just sitting here reflecting on exactly what I was doing one year ago. I had a massive, puffy face, heart palpitation, upset stomach, screeching headache hangover. I was calling my boss (who I trust) and telling her exactly what happened. I was calling the number the police gave my husband and pulling money out of the bank to go pick up my car in the impound lot. I was filled with fear and dread about what I had done, what was coming, and what happened. I rounded up my volunteer bag and badge and called my crisis team manager to go and turn in all of my belongings. I had no right to be working next to first responders in my capacity after what I had done. Life was bleak. Probably the most bleak it had ever been.

Then, I came to this board and found comfort. A place where everyone would understand. The relief of seeing familiar names. I messaged Dee and his words came true. It will get better.

No matter where you are and what crap show you've created one thing is for certain. If you commit to never picking up again and do the work you'll never have to go through it again.

I am a world away from where I was last year on this day. Life has had a few kicks here and there but the way I managed to get through was not by drinking the pain away but facing it head on, sober.

This CAN be done. Not easy at times but life is better than you ever imagined possible (BUT) you have to be active in recovery. Without that you're just simply existing.

Looking forward to each and every day I put between me and that last drink.

MidnightBlue 05-09-2017 05:39 AM

Congratulations, LadyBlue!!!!


One year is enormous achievement!

I am doing online shopping for my business trip and my head is going to explode:

- I need outfit for everyday meetings
- I need an outfit for a dinner
- I need casual outfit to go for some sightseeing, etc.

That's the price to pay when I have no money and buy some crappy clothes which doesn't last more than one season.

LadyBlue0527 05-09-2017 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by MidnightBlue (Post 6449724)
Congratulations, LadyBlue!!!!


One year is enormous achievement!

I am doing online shopping for my business trip and my head is going to explode:

- I need outfit for everyday meetings
- I need an outfit for a dinner
- I need casual outfit to go for some sightseeing, etc.

That's the price to pay when I have no money and buy some crappy clothes which doesn't last more than one season.

MB, I feel your pain. I can't stand shopping. Especially for clothes! I hope you're able to find something you like.

MidnightBlue 05-09-2017 06:14 AM

Thank you, LadyBlue)

And something that fits my budget)

Awake61 05-09-2017 06:21 AM

So very Inspiring! Thank you.

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