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BrendaChenowyth 05-09-2017 03:38 PM

That is a great opportunity to learn more and establish somewhat of a protocol. It would be perfectly fine, I think, to be open with the mother and say you haven't had much experience with this, but if there is anything specific that she thinks you need to know, she should feel free in sharing that. Showing up front that you are inexperienced, yet open to learning, will go along way in establishing trust, so if you do say or do something "wrong" they will be more understanding, and not feel judged?

I mean I'll say it.. I might feel nervous in that situation, thinking what if I say the wrong thing, and they complain to my boss that I was intolerant. I'd get ahead of that.

Tetra 05-09-2017 04:07 PM

That's good advice. Thanks Brenda.

Truthfully I feel a little 'lost at sea' work wise these days and I fear that I have been "coasting" a little bit.

I have been working at this place for almost a year now. After 3 months my manager told me she was moving me and I pretty much got dumped into the middle of one of the busiest departments there, with little or no training. Every other doctor there sits down with their secretary every week and the doctor picks which patients he or she wants to bring in but my doctor lets me do it all by myself.

I met my neurologist around the hospital a few times but when I go to see him, I see him as an outpatient in his private clinic. At my last appointment he asked me "so I haven't seen you around there for a while. Do you still work there?" I told "yeah I got transferred and now I work for Mr. X." He raised his eyebrows and said "oh right. What is it like there? I would imagine it's very busy". He doesn't know the half of it. There were 55 patients at my doctors outpatient clinic one day.

Tetra 05-09-2017 04:09 PM

I did ask one of my colleagues about the case I wrote about above. She said "I have been here for a long time now and this is actually the first time I have come across a situation like this".

So basically I'll have to try and deal with it I guess.

BrendaChenowyth 05-09-2017 04:10 PM

So when it comes up again, they'll go Tetra, what do I dooooo???? LoL

BrendaChenowyth 05-09-2017 04:33 PM

I have put weight back on, I do believe.. It's time to get back on a healthy diet. Sigh.

biminiblue 05-09-2017 05:52 PM

Beautiful beach day. I met a young guy and his two Husky puppies. My bad for talking to him. He waited for me in the parking lot, and tried to start up a conversation, then I decided to walk out of the parking lot instead of going to my car - because spidey sense.

I'm walking up the hill in a residential neighborhood and he pulls up to me in his beater Toyota and asks for my number. "No, I don't give out my number." You'd think that would be his hint to ride off into the sunset. But no.

"Are you married?" he says.

"I'm 63 years old, I think I'm a little old for you."

"Oh," and he drives off.

Not sure if amused, flattered, or worried about a 20 something that couldn't figure this out on his own. I mean, I talked to him for ten minutes - Up Close...what the actual what?

BrendaChenowyth 05-09-2017 05:55 PM

He might go for that, but you indicated that YOU don't go for that LoL
But yes, be flattered anyway.

biminiblue 05-09-2017 05:57 PM

If he hadn't been a smoker...:lmao

no, not even.

Good point, BC.

But, ew.

MidnightBlue 05-09-2017 08:31 PM

Morning/night, weekenders.

It's still snowing!!! Should I say more?

I hate the day already.

Soberwolf 05-09-2017 09:22 PM

Hope the snow clears soon Midnight

Morning everyone

BrendaChenowyth 05-09-2017 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by MidnightBlue (Post 6450829)
Morning/night, weekenders.

It's still snowing!!! Should I say more?

I hate the day already.

Not. Cool.

STDragon 05-10-2017 03:55 AM

Originally Posted by MidnightBlue (Post 6450829)
It's still snowing!!! Should I say more?

Shut the blinds, turn up the heat, turn on all the lights and put a surfing movie on.....

STDragon 05-10-2017 04:00 AM

Shall we call you the Blue Sisters?

I had a lady chat me up in the grocery store line last Friday. During the conversation, she made sure to tell me she was 60, single and well off. "Didn't she see your wedding ring"? My wife asked.

MidnightBlue 05-10-2017 04:11 AM

Originally Posted by STDragon (Post 6451117)
Shut the blinds, turn up the heat, turn on all the lights and put a surfing movie on.....

I would love to. But i have to be at work...

Feeling exhausted already.

saoutchik 05-10-2017 04:37 AM

I hope your online shopping goes well. A trip to the Cote D'Azur is something to look forward to MidnightBlue.

MidnightBlue 05-10-2017 05:29 AM

I know, Sao ) I will make the best of the circumstances.

BrendaChenowyth 05-10-2017 07:57 AM

I drink coffee every day out of habit and I make it strong and I have been noticing that I always get a headache when I drink it now.. so today I'm trying to stick with water and see how it goes.

BrendaChenowyth 05-10-2017 08:16 AM

Am I in the wrong forum? Because I've been registered here for 3 years, I'm hardly a newcomer.

Ruby2 05-10-2017 08:25 AM

Why would you be in the wrong forum Brenda? I've been around for a while and still post almost exclusively in newcomers. Here's my take on it: If everyone posting on here was a newcomer then it would all be a bunch of struggling drunks with no guidance or suggestions that work. It be like twenty people in a row boat with one oar.

Bim, I'd be flattered but I'd have switched it around to "you're too young for me" instead of the other way around. I was in court for work and the attorney for the other side kept telling me "that's my birthday. I'll be thirty." "I'll get to be in court on my 30th birthday." He wasn't hitting on me but I was thinking "I am old enough to be your mother." "God, I remember when turning 30 was a big deal." Followed by "Was I that immature when I was 30?" I wished him a happy birthday on his birthday.

BrendaChenowyth 05-10-2017 08:32 AM

I just noticed the new chatroom feature.

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