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SimplyFree 04-21-2017 05:13 AM

Trying to find the fitness groove back....did an hour on the treadmill....only proved I'm old and slow! At least it's a start. Have a great day.

LuluBread 04-21-2017 04:01 PM

Sober day again. But no energy or motivation to do anything but go to work. I feel especially tired right when I wake up. Tomorrow another day.

saoutchik 04-21-2017 04:08 PM

You're doing great LuLuBovary.

SimplyFree 04-21-2017 05:11 PM

Glad to hear from you! Sorry you are needing some energy, I can relate. By afternoon.....I'm totally toast. Even in the mornings, I just try not to admit
But everyday is a winner that ends sober. Thanks for hanging in there!

SimplyFree 04-22-2017 02:04 PM

You ok LuLu?

LuluBread 04-23-2017 05:14 AM

Sunday morning (computer was at an especially slow crawl-speed yesterday). I'm having an issue with motivation and planning my hours away from work. I'm giving myself a break (for now) while I adjust to this sobering transition. Days are going by so fast. I'm realizing that time is worth more than a drink. I'm feeling good and considering everything I think I'm doing great...

LuluBread 04-23-2017 05:47 AM

Forgot to say thanks for checking in....

PhoenixJ 04-23-2017 06:12 AM

keep it up. LLB- your posts help me. ALL info collected is duly processed and action taken.

SimplyFree 04-23-2017 06:47 AM

You are doing great!! Glad to hear from you! It is a transition to the new you. What do you think you want to add in to the " new you" to fill the time you've found? Keep up the good work. Check in often and thanks for checking in on me! Blessings!!

LuluBread 04-24-2017 04:06 AM

Going into 3 weeks. Monday morning. Woke up at 5:30am feeling as if I had a hangover on the right side of my brain....and also groggy and tired. I eat enough food, lots of veggies and fruits, oats, protein Vega shakes, nuts, seeds, etc. I do get in at least 50 - 64 oz water per day. Zero motivation to workout. Gonna make an appointment to see Dr this week for the Magic's been going on for over a month. Maybe all that Tequila ripped thru my intestines.

Soberwolf 04-24-2017 04:16 AM

We're right here with you know your not doing this alone x

SimplyFree 04-24-2017 04:24 AM

Hang in there Lulu! Keep checking in. Visiting the DR. sounds like a really good thing. The motivation will show up at some point soon. Your body is still adjusting. You are doing so awesome. Starting week 3 is exciting. I look forward to hear how today goes. I wish I was eating as healthy as you. Hope to hear from you soon!

VigilanceNow 04-24-2017 05:04 AM

Lulu, welcome! I too have been in a spot where I felt such fear and hopelessness thinking it would never end. Every time I managed to stop, I would relapse for no good reason, and the aftermath would be worse each time. I thought I could do it on my own, but I couldn't. It was too easy to go out and get a bottle and have my own little party. It was awful - I really was slowly killing myself. I even almost died once from withdrawal - and that didn't even stop me. I still feel scared of relapse.

It takes time.. that's what I've been told. AA provides a great support network and people who won't look at you like some kind of monster, because you're not :) keep posting!!

LuluBread 04-24-2017 03:45 PM

Day was good. However I don't know why I let things get to me. I'm still peeved since a meeting @ 1pm.

SimplyFree 04-24-2017 04:03 PM

Hey Lulu! I'm glad your day was good. Were you able to set a time with the Dr? Keep working it, good things are on the horizon!

Mattq2 04-24-2017 06:05 PM

How you doing lulu? Your doing so well just wanted to cheer you on. 😀

Soberwolf 04-24-2017 11:46 PM

Hang in there hope you feel better in the morning

SimplyFree 04-25-2017 04:59 AM

I hope your day I'd good LuLu! I'd love to hear how the Dr. appt went.

SimplyFree 04-25-2017 04:38 PM

Hey Lulu. Just checking in on you!! Wondering how you are feeand how you day has been. Love to hear from you!

JudicatorPanzer 04-25-2017 04:50 PM

I've been in that Hell before. It's a terrible place but you can escape with the help of others who have been in your position and escaped. Recovery is possible if you're still breathing.

LuluBread 04-25-2017 06:48 PM

Day was good. I'm just feeling tired all the time. Maybe it's mental. Or perhaps all these years of boozing it up just wore me out. 21 days and hanging in there. Haven't gone to the Dr yet, but will call to make an appointment in the morning. I went to the library on Sunday and got some children's Spanish books. Maybe I can learn some Spanish. Reading one before bed now.
Ordered new batteries for my camera so I can start taking pictures again. And why not, I'll pump up the bicycle tires and go for a ride. Things I used to enjoy and do everyday. Why writing this just made me cry is beyond me. I look forward to coming here, but I know I should get into some forums and write more. Thanks.

SimplyFree 04-25-2017 08:23 PM

Thanks for the up date.....I appreciate hearing from you. Crying isn't always bad or about sad. Sometimes it's just exhaling or a release. You body and spirit might be simply grateful for you taking care of yourself. It's just breathing out the years of tension and anxiety. It's healing! So totally pump up the bike tires, go riding, enjoy the sunshine! Smiles are on the way! Blessings

LuluBread 04-26-2017 04:07 AM

Woke up to a text from my friend who I mentioned drank 2 bottles of wine a night. I went to her house on Easter and told her of being sober and never going back (in a good positive way). Anyway, she said after I left she drank the bottle of wine that was in the fridge. But also said that it was her last bottle for 10 days now. She said I inspire her to better for herself....and she is taking it one day at a time. Today is good.

SimplyFree 04-26-2017 05:14 AM

Nice job! Being sober is nothing to be ashamed of, rather it is quite inspiring! Very cool!!

LuluBread 04-26-2017 06:16 PM

Got to work this morning to find a gift bags in the kitchen for all the PC's from the PM's and Superintendents. They were filled with lots of goodies, including 4 small bottles of booze. I thought it was so nice of the company to do that for us...made me feel appreciated. Thank goodness I have not been drinking on the job over 3 weeks now. I'm not so certain I would have gotten a goodie bag, cause I might have lost my job had I kept getting buzzed during work hours. Anyway, I hope I wasn't rude to have given away my four little bottles of booze to my co-worker.

SimplyFree 04-26-2017 07:20 PM

You were probably well love for letting them double up! Good for you! Any chocolate in the basket?

PhoenixJ 04-26-2017 09:50 PM


LuluBread 04-27-2017 02:57 PM

I finally worked out this morning ( a 20 minute HIIT). WOW I am out-of-shape. I'm planning on keeping it up every morning from here on out and work up to the 45 min HIIT. Feeling tired and have a headache since 2pm. I wonder if it's from the workout?

SF - chocolate, spa bag, tumbler, and booze. I will be at 30 days a week from today, but a month on Wednesday - does that make sense?

SimplyFree 04-27-2017 03:55 PM

Totally makes sense that is awesome! Way to get going on the workout. I need to get consistent. And I need to eat less.

LuluBread 04-28-2017 06:18 AM

Up since 2am with writing lower stomach cramps. Drove into work just to turn around and drive back home. Very painful...

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