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Pixy1 05-26-2009 06:23 AM

Wonky! are you not on any carbs then??

Come on share this training program/diet please!

TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 06:31 AM

Me? Ego? NEVER! :)

I'm dead shy

TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 06:37 AM

Yeah carbs are evil and must die

Actually i'm eating carbs again, just needed to really kick start my metabolism. I've started eating 5/6 meals a day and making sure the majority of what I eat is protein. Eating smaller meals more often fires up your metabolism and also helps with training. I'm back training 4/5 times a week now as well.

Wonky recovery rocks


TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by Pixy1 (Post 2239667)
Wonky whats wrong with the dead talking, tarot reading mentalists??

Thats discrimination that is :tapping

I have never said there was anything wrong with mentalists, there just .... mental....

And I would certainly put you in the category of "mentalist"

TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 06:39 AM

Stig of the dump

Whatever happened to him?

TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 08:18 AM

Its funny really, I came back on here to help someone else but I realise for all my gusto and donkey led insanity there certainly is something here for me. Just reading through some of the other threads really sparked something in me.

I've certainly entered a new phase in my efforts to stop drinking. I've been trying to quit for over 2 years. Had maybe a month or so at any one stretch but always gone back to it. I'd play the same game I think a lot of us do, thinking that if I can stop drinking for this long then I simply can't be an alcoholic.

I'd then try and moderate myself but always without fail i'd be back drinking heavier than before.

I have a wonderful wife (i know its amazing....i'm such an ass) who is very supportive but between me flip flopping between I am, I'm not has come to the conclusion that the real alcoholics are the ones laid in the gutter. Someone who can go days / weeks without a drink isn't.

I have been doing incredibly well recently and have had long periods of sobriety, the problems been when i'm around alcohol. I think like an alcoholic as soon as its around, I'm working out how much I can drink, how quickly, fook whatever social setting its in I just want to get hammered. I'll normally have 2-3 days of drinking after that and then another period of sobriety.

I guess i've realised this just isn't the happy middle ground I was seeking. When I drink its always a massive binge, god only knows how much damage I do when I drink like that.

Anyway, I'm just commenting because I read some interesting stuff on the site. Made me realise where I am I guess.

Big love from the Mule

Ananda 05-26-2009 09:17 AM

nicely put wonkey....glad you're back:day6

TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 09:40 AM

I bought a venus fly trap the other day. Now to me, I thought I was getting the Great White of the plant world. I was expecting it to literally pluck flies out of the air to a terrible death.

Alas no...

It just sits there.

So I figured maybe its playing the waiting game, biding its time before exacting its terrible vengeance on the fly world.

Alas no...

I've just turned round to see a fly sat on it. Like it was on a perch.

I've got a vegetarian venus fly trap

Damn you green limp wristed fool!


Ananda 05-26-2009 10:04 AM

maybe the plant just has taste wonkey....not everyone swallows what ever lands on their lips....

Pixy1 05-26-2009 10:55 AM

Nice post Wonky ;)

As for the fly murdering post um thats awful!

I'd take the device back!

allport 05-26-2009 11:01 AM

Can we have less of the serious recovery talk young donkey and more filth :wink3:

I'm kidding it's nice to know there is more to you than a dirty mind, and I'm glad to see you are doing so well :)

Is it possible to get sunburnt after 3 minutes on a sunbed ! Ouch.

Pixy1 05-26-2009 11:23 AM

Girl at work used sun bed and got burnt, she was in there 10min though.

FizzyWater 05-26-2009 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by TheWonkydonkey (Post 2239757)

Anyway, I'm just commenting because I read some interesting stuff on the site. Made me realise where I am I guess.

Bloke with drink problem finds something interesting on an alcohol recovery site, feck me, whatever next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great post Wonks

colagirl 05-26-2009 01:17 PM

I have never used a tanning bed because I am approximately the color of an egg white and I know I would be on fire after about 30 seconds. I have wondered about the Mystic Tan though. Supposed to be a spray tan that doesn't streak or bunch up in creases.

Wonky I'm so glad you're back and I love this thread! Except for the part where I found out that Ally didn't really give up on translating British slang until nands gave her an internet smackdown :(.

TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 02:53 PM

Sorry Allport i'll try and stick the script.

That venus fly trap is taking the p*ss, i'm resorting to try to catch flies to feed it.

Apparently it NEEDS nitrogen from the flies so i'm taking matters into my own hands. I spent an hour in a gladiatorial battle of man versus blue bottle today. I finally nailed the sucker with a rolled up newspaper to find the entire office staring at me open mouthed (Ok, I was stood on my desk wailing die you ******* die).

So i take the sacrifice over to the emaciated green pacifist, guess what????

The fooking fly won't fit in its jaws!!!!!

So i'm stood newspaper in one hand, squashed blue bottle in a tissue in the other trying to force feed it.

I draw the line at dissecting flies to cut them into bite sized chunks

I might get a piranha

TheWonkydonkey 05-26-2009 02:54 PM

Pixy you've changed your avatar, I thought i'd pulled for a minute...

Pixy1 05-26-2009 03:25 PM

Not sure I like it.

I dont like change you see.

Must give it some time to get used to it.

You will dream about fly's tonight wonky!

colagirl 05-26-2009 03:28 PM

Pixy I really like it, it's very Pixy-like.

Speaking of flies, I've got a bunch of the b@stards flying around my house right now because the workmen had the doors open all day. They've got no problem buzzing around annoying the cr@p out of me until the second I pick up the swatter, then suddenly they're hidden and silent. I guess a venus flytrap isn't the answer. I might have to go for one of those citronella things.

Dime 05-26-2009 03:42 PM

Crikey storm brewing


Pixy1 05-26-2009 03:53 PM

I'm burning citronella in my oil burner at the moment.

It's uplifting and refreshing and good for the immune system.

Trust me! I'm an Aromatherapist ;)

Yes it's good for flies and other insects but that doesn't sound as nice :)

Ananda 05-26-2009 05:53 PM

storm brewing here too :)

I love storms they are power (grin)

in 85 my HP was thunderstorms and wind and tornados and we had them every weekend all summer ..... it was nice

TheWonkydonkey 05-27-2009 12:02 AM

Fook that citreon shite send me your flies! My beast must eat!

TheWonkydonkey 05-27-2009 01:33 AM

I reckon its on hunger strike

All its jaw like things are shut

Maybe its had a massive feed in the night and is stuffed?

Does anyone actually know anything about venus fly traps?

Wednesday 05-27-2009 01:39 AM

Originally Posted by TheWonkydonkey (Post 2240734)
Does anyone actually know anything about venus fly traps?

(Sorry I don't.):c033:

Hello and welcome back.

TheWonkydonkey 05-27-2009 03:28 AM

Cheers Wednesday anyway!!!!

It doesn't seem to do much, just kinda sits there. I'm not exactly sure how animated I expected a plant to be but it does seem somewhat "slack"

I'm a little concerned that i'm turning into fookin Renfield looking for suitable offerings....

allport 05-27-2009 04:00 AM

I always pictured you that way Wonky, am I far off the mark?

Pixy1 05-27-2009 04:04 AM

Maybe your plant is a duff!

Get another one and see if it's any better. A little competition may be just what it needs!

allport 05-27-2009 04:24 AM

I might be wrong (it happens occasionally) but I don't think they eat very often lol

One fly goes a long way :)

TheWonkydonkey 05-27-2009 04:39 AM

Right well thats no fookin good is it.

I want a green t rex prowling round the office not an inanimate bush

Ananda 05-27-2009 04:45 AM

crap i gotta lot of reading to catch up on......i hate time zones :(

gooooood morning wonkey ;)

*pulls tail and runs*

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