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lilbit 07-06-2008 08:01 AM

One is THAT size up there...and one is just flat out HUGE!
How do you post the pix here on this thread?
I'll take a pic when I find 'em....maybe even put up a wanted poster!

Aysha 07-06-2008 08:17 AM

If they ditch their shell.
You'll be looking for aliens...:scared:

Ananda 07-06-2008 08:21 AM

i'll pm you directions...then you can forward them to any one who asks...and maybe someone can tell me how to make them smaller so they don't mess up the threads....i use photo bucket...just learned how

YES...i want pictures.

Ananda 07-06-2008 09:15 AM

Sorry to interupt just seeing if it works :)

lilbit 07-06-2008 02:23 PM

I like how the car has an apple plate! Ya think having a mac would give one the endless possiablities to share images....maybe it does and I'm just not savvy enough....

lilbit 07-06-2008 02:24 PM

Interrupt a thread? With me? NAHHHHH...I am the thread interrupter...

Rowan 07-06-2008 02:53 PM

And you think CATS are ugly??? :lmao

lilbit 07-06-2008 05:39 PM

THAT...made me laff out loud!!!...thank you Rowan!...and I now have two cats too....who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Klynn33 07-06-2008 06:12 PM

uh oh........hermit crabs = playtoys/lunch for kitties.........

lilbit 07-07-2008 05:29 AM

Well...the cats are ones I now feed and just ...ummm...rather...ummm....dare I write this...heh-heh...enjoy.
The lil kittys keep the rabbits out of my garden. I actually enjoy seeing 'em...even look forward to seeing them out there.
I now notice I have four cats that are regulars. I named one Kitty Mow Mow.
They are outside kittys.
The hermit crabs are free my home and sometimes my studio...
I'm a regular pet lady now.
And I am all the more blessed because of it.
See? We CAN change!

Ananda 07-07-2008 05:38 AM



I feel all warm and squishy inside...what a way to start the day!

No crabs here!

Live 07-07-2008 07:03 AM

Well, at least your crabs are brightly painted! Makes them some easier to find. Did you know if you scratch them on the back of the shell just right they make noise?

I also had this dilemna when my kids were young...but they were in plain old regular shells. We were stupidly trying to race them!

Generally they like to burrow and do need moisture. Check your shoes before you put them on!

Unfortunately one of mine went down the heater vent in the floor and the other was never found.
Escaping is a favorite pastime, y'know?

Good luck,

HeavyJ 07-07-2008 07:55 AM

lilbit, sounds like you are starting a small zoo there...


Ananda 07-07-2008 08:33 AM

they're making a run for it!!!!!

Ananda 07-07-2008 08:40 AM

Ananda 07-07-2008 08:57 PM

This thread is NOT going to die!!!!!!

need my crab fix and an updatae please...

good nite!

Lenina 07-08-2008 01:15 AM

When my stepson was 7, we lived at the beach. His room got really stinky, like something dead. I tore the room apart looking for the source of the stench. Two weeks later I finally found it. He'd brought a small sand crab in and hid it under the paper drawer liner in his chest of drawers! I can't begin to tell you just how bad it was! I had to wash all the clothes in the chest and scrub the drawer with baking soda. It helped some. Finally left the drawer out on the patio in the sun. Still makes me laugh to think about it, 30 years later!


lilbit 07-08-2008 04:04 AM

My huzband is a part time commercial fisherman (like a lot of 'em) and he smells like THAT a lot...I'm not that bothered by it...cause I grew up down the shore...and the smell is just life to me.
Anyhow...the giant ladybug is in it's my art studio. I had to keep him away from my lil daughter...she is the one that is the co-conspiritor to letting these guys out.
I haven't seen SpongeBob in a while...but YES...They love sources of water.
The bathroom and the kitchen (watercooler) seem to be the hot spots for 'em.
The horse shoe crabs are the BEST around here...they are from the dinosor this spelling here.
Anyhow...these giant crabs look like Nazi hats....big ol shell...gotta get a pic of one of these things...they breed at the beach down the street....and it's rare....kinda neat.

Rusty Zipper 07-08-2008 04:31 AM

li'l, do any of the crabs have them fake groucho glasses?

lilbit 07-08-2008 04:59 AM

Maybe...they won't wear 'em around me though...kinda shy that way.

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