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scootinbabe 12-21-2006 05:51 AM

morning all! look at us all checking in this a.m.--we are addicted to each other--lol!

c'est, we love ya hon! kvetch anytime but we always love ya!

i'm bad at keeping friends period. i tend to keep friendship rather surfacy and am horrible about keeping in touch. but i do have two friends from college/early working days who i absolutely adore and--altho i don't keep in frequent contact--i would do anything for (one of them is the one who had a stroke in november). i also have a best friend from elementary/middle school who i never talk to but who i would also come to her at the drop of a hat if she needed me. i think that subconsciously i must think that "if they cared enough, they'd keep in touch with me". i sure don't make it easy to love me.

my sponsor and i were discussing friendship once. i said that i really didn't see the point in contacting anyone unless i had a reason to. she said to me that sometimes it's about me (hmm) and that the other person might just need a hello. made me think. if all these other people are sitting around hoping that someone remembers them and calls to say hello but don't act on it themselves, that makes a lot of lonely people out there who are just like me. that said, i'm verizon too! tamtam, pm on way!

scootinbabe 12-21-2006 05:55 AM

jane! sounds lovely! a white christmas! i absolutely adore being snowed in (as long as we have electricity and food). no chance of snow around here that i can see... Have FUN!

**{codi}} sorry about the am sickness--keep in mind that "this too shall pass" and that this may be your last chance ever to suffer that fate. (ok, so that might not help--but hang in there sweetie)

Lollipop 12-21-2006 05:55 AM

Good Mornin Mommies!

Count me in on the weekend retreat!!!! That sounds awesome!!!!
Codi, Im in cincy....about maybe 2 hours south of Ayla, I can make it to Brooklyn Mich. in about 4 hours so maybe it wont take you so long to get to Columbus. For the weekend in nc/sc, maybe us Ohioins and Michiganites could carpool or something. Ohhhhh we need to plan a menu! I love to cook lol. BTW....Ayla.....what should I bring?
Tam- WTG on the chip!!!!!! Awesome!

Things here are getting weird. My special friend from out of state called last night and informed me that I have 100$ sitting at Walmart and I must go pick it up and shop for the kids!!!! Then work called (I had left 5 messages for the boss when I got sick and never heard back so I figured I lost the job) anyhoo, he called last night and asked me if and when I was coming back to work!! I was like OMG (wow that sounded so valley girl from the 80s hehe) Long story short, I gotta be in at 10 tomorrow mornin!!! I am sooooo excited!!!! Then I find out that I might have a free seat to the Bengals/Steelers game here in cincy on New Years Eve!!!!! All expenses paid!!! My daughter swears it is Karma, she said have had NO money, your trying to stay sober, and you even put your last bit of change in the salvation army bucket before proceeding to help not 1 but 2 elderly couples load their groceries into their cars and never expect more then a Thank You.....its your Karma! Well whatever it is, I am in very high spirits today lol.

On another note.....the boys.......Ima kill em' or they are gonna be the death of me yet!!! I am trying to be patient with them because I know they are stressed over Christmas and their Dad and all but last night I lost it! They fight and bicker and carry on like....well like 13 and 14 year old brothers I guess but I am at my wits end with them. I have taken damn near all of their priveledges away, threatened them short of their lives and yet they still continue! The younger one is the worst, he sits and nit-picks until Ry cant ignore him anymore and then it is war. Any ideas as to a way to chill them out? We also do a points system with homeschooling.....they lost some major points last night!!! But short of beating them, I just dont know what to do. (no I would never seriously beat them) HELP!!!!!! I talked to my brother in Az. last night....well he is actually BIL. but he and I have always been so close, he is truely my best friend ever, he wants me to pack the kids and the dog and move there! He said it would be good for us to get away from Ohio for awhile but I dunno.......
Whew, my fingers are cramping LMAO sorry I am so long winded this morning, but now I am off to shop!!!! Catch yas all later!!!!!!


scootinbabe 12-21-2006 06:00 AM

ruby---i want to see that picture! someday you are going to laugh at yourself about it. that was the 'old you'--now you've got the boots!!

and how was the bill unpaying? ;-)

****{lolli}}} so happy for you!

as for the boys--i swear that i'm gonna use a blowdart sedative on my kids someday. want to be the tester?

mikiglen 12-21-2006 06:04 AM

glad for the good news liss
morning mommies!
i have been up all 11 of benzo WDS and i think they are just now kicking in. oh well, at least they're manageable so far.
so excited that today was going to be a lazy saturday....til i remembered IT'S NOT SATURDAY! i got all screwed up with the kids being home...damn, i've got to work all day :)
oh, and did i mention that we are also keeping the class hamsterS over the holiday? my three year old is driving me and them nuts...constantly moving their water thingy, taking the lid off, he just won't leave them alone ARGH
have a good one

scootinbabe 12-21-2006 06:06 AM

my kids found the last toys toy catalogue and are busy circling every toy in there...gotta go grab showers. i'm going to try to get to gym later today and we are going to a friends house this morning so that the kids can get their ya-yas out!

hugs all around--bbl

Smyle 12-21-2006 06:08 AM

good morning...I am off to finish the rest of my christmas shopping...

My nephew is the last, he is hard to buy for.

Jane got some snow did ya ??? My dog loves the snow..with all your snow he would get lost in it too and he is 130 pounds...

((((CEST))))) We are your friends...I hope you know that....

I am up for the lakehouse trip in 6 months...sounds cool...

I need to make breakkfast for me back in a bit..


oh that is my Kyle and me... at his christmas party....

mikiglen 12-21-2006 06:23 AM

that's you?
you're a tiny, young looking hottie, lol

scootinbabe 12-21-2006 06:29 AM

beez' what a great picture! to...pry...away....

mikiglen 12-21-2006 06:31 AM

liss, i feel for you
sometimes i think the closer they are together, the worse
my three and six year old are just like twins, and they fight constantly. at this moment, in fact, they are chasing each other through the house crying, fighting over some toy.
i'm about ready to pull my hair out, too.
i am debating on taking the boys to school, although it is really too cold
i don't know...i know i will hurt them if they don't settle down :)
not really, of course
can i lock them in a closet?
no? ok, i'll lock ME in the closet

RubyT 12-21-2006 06:31 AM

Yeah Beezy! Think I'll just keep my looks a big secret from y'all! All the sudden I feel old and frumpy! Besides that I still can't figure out how to post any pictures. I can email 'em but that's about I've said, I'm challenged technology speaking!

All of these Christmas miracles are warming my heart! Misti, your school helping out, Liss...your! It makes me smile!!!

Smyle 12-21-2006 06:33 AM

I wish this fog would lift so I can get going....People cannot drive in the fog around I stay off the roads...

miki...I am tiny but the young looking is just cause the camera was far enough away, my wrinkles did not come me..LOL

RubyT 12-21-2006 06:36 AM

Oh, I coincidental is this....the cheetah "sprained" her ankle at practice last night...hmmm....just when big sis gets home and is stealing her attention. I love watching how the limp comes and goes. Gets alot worse when I'm looking. She must be a marvel of modern medicine...anyone ever see a sprained ankle that DOESN'T swell????

curlylocks 12-21-2006 06:39 AM

good morning mommies!
i am for a sane mommies (or insane mommies) weekend anywhere!!

we are all sick again, just colds recycling through us but kids both have fevers again and nasty coughts and we are all stuffed up! which basically means we are stuck in the house (no playdates and it solely up to me to be entertaining --help..Big Cryy

tam i have my therapy today too....
yesterday i saw a psychiatrist on her suggestion who proceeded to tell me in the 22 minutes he knew me that i am bipolar and need to be on medication for life. I mean he doesn't even know me - plus i won't even take the birth control pill and he wants me to take meds for life. i am so frusturated, he said maybe now i could have a better life??? -- did i say it was that bad? NO!! ok i am done venting. i am just so confused. i feel like because of my mom's mental health (borderline personality and bipolar) he just made such a jump to conclusion. well we will see what my therapist says today i like her much better than that quack! he told me i was an oreo cookie for gods sake who was stuck in the chocolate part and he would help get into the triple creme!! QUACK!! he went to yale and duke med school too. too smart-lost his sense of reality! QUACK!
ok maybe i wasn't done venting.... sorry to ramble on about this i am just depressed and now my dh looks at me like great your a drunk and a loon... ok mabye i am imagining that but...

hope everyone else has a good day.!!!

liss, sounds like good karma to me.

beezy, you guys are a great looking couple but how old are? i know its a small picture but i swear to god you look like a teenager !!! (a hot one too)

Smyle 12-21-2006 06:39 AM

Just go to user cp up at the top of this page and edit avatar...browse your photos and pick which one you changes...ta..da..

I am loving the gals catching a christmas break...i got one last sewer pipe got a little backed up...and i was looking at an expensive plumber gf called her friends dad and he came over and fixed it charge, I was so relieved....we have only owned this house a year so It was time something broke but it is still nice when you don't have to dump a bunch of money into it around the holidays...

no one is old or frumpy...PERIOD...all my momma friends are beautiful.....

curlylocks 12-21-2006 06:42 AM

ok so it took my like 15 minutes to type a post inbetween kids screams... and like 5 posts appeared. amazing!

Smyle 12-21-2006 06:44 AM

I am 34....

My last psych dr was like that too..drove me crazy...making all the diagnosis' without really getting to know me. I like the lady I see now...listen to your gut...dump him if you don't like him. Even with the best education they can still be the worst at patient care...

Jersey Nonny 12-21-2006 06:57 AM

Hi, Moms! I feel like an interloper here, since all three of my kids are adults with kids of their youngest granddaughter is 23. But, I'm curious about something.

Do any of you take your kids to Open Speaker or Women Only Discussion Meetings? My oldest granddaughter was born two months after I had quit, and I used to take her and her brother with me to meetings when they were three and four years of age. I started taking the youngest granddaughter when she was just an infant...used to put her up in the carrier on the table we sat around. She learned the Serenity Prayer and Lord's Prayer long before she went to pre-school, and she knew all of my group members as her "AA friends", not some mysterious strangers called "alcoholics".

My Home Group had many members with young children, and they were welcome (as long as they weren't disruptive). Most of the women's meetings were also very accommodating; and, one of the big Open Speaker groups had a teen aged girl who would baby sit the kids during the meeting.

The reason I ask is because I was always comfortable having my kids/grandkids with me, since I'm a firm believer that the only way we will ever be able to get rid of the "alcoholism stigma" is through education...and, the best way to start is with the children.

I'd like to share a pleasant memory of Marissa and me and AA:

One day when she was five years old, after she and I had been on a shopping spree, we decided to rest for a bit. There were kitchen chairs set up on display in two rows and we sat down. She turned to me and said, "Make betend we're at a meeting, Nonny." I said, "O.K" She jumped up to face me, put both hands on her hips, and said (in a loud little girl voice), "My name is Marissa, and I'm an alcoholic." I heard some laughter behind me and turned to see a couple who had apparently gotten a big kick out of the performance. I simply shrugged and said, "So much for anonymity."

I know this is a very personal thing, but I'd really be interested in knowing your feelings on the subject.

scootinbabe 12-21-2006 07:12 AM

no. i wish wish wish there would be meetings with child care or facilities. but i have three ages 3 and under and, even if i could bring them, i'd have no peace. but i'd make a lot more meetings!

thanks for sharing the story raerob! we like interlopers here!

4MyGuys 12-21-2006 07:15 AM


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