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AL48 02-25-2021 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by Enemdio (Post 7597143)
AL - jealous of your weight loss! - is anyone else putting weight on like me? Seems like I've just replaced wine with cake - reckon I'm addicted to sugar and not alcohol?

When i stopped first my sweet tooth went into overdrive ive always loved chocolate so i ate enough for the house. I've now switched to artificial sweetners in my coffee in the morning, honey on my cereal and some fruit. When im desperate i go for a square of dark choc to help otherwise plenty of water, im pretty sure most of the time its thirsty we are (no pun intended)

Tanky 02-25-2021 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by AL48 (Post 7597197)
When i stopped first my sweet tooth went into overdrive ive always loved chocolate so i ate enough for the house. I've now switched to artificial sweetners in my coffee in the morning, honey on my cereal and some fruit. When im desperate i go for a square of dark choc to help otherwise plenty of water, im pretty sure most of the time its thirsty we are (no pun intended)

sweet tooth is big in early sobriety. My friend was really pissed at me that I didn’t seem to get it. 😂 when I detoxed last year I think I was just too sick and didn’t want to eat for first month really. Then I guess it was suppressed by anxiety and depression for awhile. On brightside, has been good for losing some weight. About 6kg. But I think I may be finally experiencing it a little. I have something approximating an appetite these days and have noticed I am starting to look for something sweet after dinner

Bodhi02 02-25-2021 12:41 PM

Hey all,

Successfully made it to 3 weeks alcohol free today. Last night was really tough. I was words away from ordering a glass of wine at dinner but I talked it out with my husband who said aren’t you going to be mad at yourself? I don’t think you should but it’s up to you. After that when the waiter came back to ask for my drink order the words I’ll just stick with water came out. I woke up really grateful I didn’t drink. The ghost tour was interesting and had some really dark stories. The tour guide was hilarious.

This morning we did a bike tour and are now just relaxing.

venuscat 02-25-2021 12:47 PM

Awesome stuff dear Bodhi!! :) :hug: s

And you too Tanky honey.... :hug:

Backtogood 02-25-2021 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Tanky (Post 7597241)
sweet tooth is big in early sobriety. My friend was really pissed at me that I didn’t seem to get it. 😂 when I detoxed last year I think I was just too sick and didn’t want to eat for first month really. Then I guess it was suppressed by anxiety and depression for awhile. On brightside, has been good for losing some weight. About 6kg. But I think I may be finally experiencing it a little. I have something approximating an appetite these days and have noticed I am starting to look for something sweet after dinner

in the beginning it was been and Jerry's ice cream. Now I switched to trail mix or dark chocolate berries, the sweet tooth is real tho!

venuscat 02-25-2021 02:08 PM

WeII, we need some sugar and we were most IikeIy getting a huge amount whiIe drinking so our bodies are probabIy craving some sweet when we are detoxing. PIus it gives us a dopamine hit which can be good....just not too much in my opinion. Not too much chocoIate or ice cream or reaIIy anything....I know it was aIways my tendency to go overboard on everything. So for me baIance = not too much of anything.

And hi BTG Iove :) ❤️

sodasoba 02-25-2021 02:20 PM

Morning, evening

Dark chocolate here.
Tho less lately.
Frozen yoghurt is a delicious and lower cal alternative to ice cream.

Backtogood 02-25-2021 02:24 PM

Ya I've moved on from Ice cream to fruit popsicle bars, outshine bars...yummy (i mean not ben and Jerry's yummy...)

CuteNGayYay 02-25-2021 03:39 PM

4 weeks today! Woot! :)

venuscat 02-25-2021 04:00 PM

Congrats CNGY!!!! :) ❤️

Dee74 02-25-2021 04:56 PM

Congratulations CAGY :)


Backtogood 02-25-2021 04:58 PM

Nice job on 4 weeks!

silversky 02-25-2021 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by Bodhi02 (Post 7597247)
Successfully made it to 3 weeks alcohol free today. Last night was really tough. I was words away from ordering a glass of wine at dinner but I talked it out with my husband who said aren’t you going to be mad at yourself? I don’t think you should but it’s up to you. I woke up really grateful I didn’t drink.

This is great Bodhi. 3 weeks sober and on vacation too! How's the weather in Florida?

silversky 02-25-2021 07:57 PM

How is everyone? Agree about the sweets -- I'm definitely needing dessert everyday.

Today I finished my last day of work for the month. Work days test me much more than weekends so I'm over that hump for Feb. I can't believe I'm finally getting some traction. I had some tricky days but not every day. I'm feeling a lot of relief and gratitude at the moment. Day 28. That's the first time I typed my number this month. :)

Keep going Feb friends. One more day forward.

Dee74 02-25-2021 09:25 PM

Just so every one knows - at the end of February this thread moves to the Daily Support Forum.
The new class of March 2021 thread will take your spot here.

Nothing else changes - you can continue to post here, move to the new month, or post in both :)


DariaM 02-25-2021 09:38 PM

Sorry I haven’t been around. Mentally I’m still sort of a mess. Not sure how much is related to all of the medical crap I’ve been through this year and it taking its toll? I think that’s a good bit of it because of all the uncertainties. But I haven’t been absent because I’m drinking! So at least there’s that. Wrapped up day 38 and on to day 39 when I wake up in the morning. Hope everyone is well. Will try to find time to catch up tomorrow.

(I’ll confess the last few days that I’ve wanted nothing more to escape into oblivion with some wine and just forget it all for a few hours. But I haven’t and I know I’d regret it more).

Dee74 02-26-2021 01:13 AM

Stay with us Daria :)


silversky 02-26-2021 09:11 AM

Getting a little quiet here but I'm still gonna keep with a daily check-in for the month.

My sleep was poor last night because I chose to drink coffee after dinner. I know better and am feeling the consequences. So I'm sluggish today and not putting too much on my plate. I haven't had a full-on lazy day in awhile so maybe I'm due.

Is anyone moving to the March class? The momentum of a new class is always nice. Wherever you are don't quit on the quitting. Stay in touch. :wavey:

venuscat 02-26-2021 09:46 AM

Maybe you can buy some decaf for those times you reaIIy want coffee after dinner. AIthough I get that it isn't the same. :)
My decaf nespresso pods have been here for two years one uses them. :) :hug: s

Scott2295 02-26-2021 09:56 AM

Hi All - I’m back on day 1. I can’t seem to break this cycle of a week sober and then a week drinking. Not drinking as much but it is really affecting me. My body can’t take this anymore. Not sure what happened this time. No sleep last night.

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