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venuscat 03-24-2019 06:06 AM

Hey beautiful Mish.....huge kisses for you. :hug: ♥♥

Dee74 03-24-2019 06:09 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 7150543)
I meant to respond last night.....I was thinking about what Dee said.....I am actually still thinking about it. :)

no need to agree with me're entitled to see thing as you see fit :)


venuscat 03-24-2019 06:15 AM

But sometimes reading the views of those we respect can affect our points of view....and I like that....I like to ask myself if what I think is still valid and relevant. Sometimes it isn't. :)

I am having a big think about slip v relapse because I need to consider the way I look at all of this, for me and others I talk to every day. :)

And goodnight dear D. xx :hug: ♥

ManInTheArena 03-24-2019 06:57 AM

Happy Sunday Morning. Almost 7am here, so time to get moving.

Thanks for the support. You’d think this feeling of waking up hangover free, which is just always awesome, would easily trump any thoughts of drinking. That’s not always the case for me.

Suze, I like your thought process regarding Dee’s comment. I think it’s good to challenge our thoughts and be open to new ones, whether we’re talking Sobriety or any other topic. Something I need to remember myself!!

Be good ....

Purplrks3647 03-24-2019 10:45 AM

Exercise and online meeting's so nice outside; I should get out and do something....or I can take a nap with the windows open....same thing, right? :09:

beerbgone 03-24-2019 11:08 AM

Purp I would love to get in on the online meetings. How do you find them? Do you get notified or something? Do I need to join something?

Purplrks3647 03-24-2019 11:15 AM

BBG: The ones I attend are on the Smart Recovery site....there's a schedule of days/times for each meeting :)

Oh boy I found a program on the Travel Channel: "Monsters and Mysteries in America" ~ looks like a bunch of urban legends....then a Joan Crawford movie is coming up :herewego

beerbgone 03-24-2019 11:48 AM

Thanks Purp. You told me that before but I lost the site!

ManInTheArena 03-24-2019 07:32 PM

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Happy Monday to you Australian folks.

A nice day here - need to make a little late dinner, but then off to sleep soon after.

beerbgone 03-24-2019 08:07 PM

Good day. Hot dogs on a hamburger bun with Campbells bean with bacon soup for dinner. Not sophisticated but pretty good. Gonna' lay down and watch "Newhart" on Youtube.

CaseyW 03-25-2019 06:28 AM

Good morning Marchers. Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. Was running late for work and then ended up staying late and just got kinda got sidetracked all the way around. Didn't drink though.

Plan for today is as short a work shift as possible. Maybe an AA meeting tonight. Clean the house in between. I'm ashamed of the dirty dishes in my sink right now. And of course not drinking. No matter what.

beerbgone 03-25-2019 06:48 AM

I was really worried about you Casey! You and I are alike. We tend not to show up when we're drinking.

ManInTheArena 03-25-2019 07:59 AM

Happy Monday gang. It's been a hectic morning so far, so I'm glad I'm clear headed.

Sounds like it was a busy Sunday for you Casey - glad you are checking in today. Hope you get some of those domestic chores done - they are a pain, but it's a good feeling to get the place squared away (at least for me!)

I'll check back in later :)

Bobbieka 03-25-2019 08:08 AM

Good morning. Had a good weekend. Friends and kids and stuff. The house is looking like a house. I'll take pictures tonight.

BBG - I think you are doing a great job. You are so much better than you were 3 years ago. That being said, this alcoholism stuff is tricky and one day you might not make it back. That is my fear always. What if I just slide down the hole and never make it back? I'm finding this forever thing is not a bad gig. I know you can do it. You're pretty awesome.

Suze - I hope you got your meds figured out. Being in pain is horrible.

Casey - have a great day! I went to a new meeting on Thursday. It was all men (but not a men's meeting) and they were all older. (yes, even older than me) It was, er, different. They were nice and welcoming. I'll probably go back but it won't be my home group.

Purps - I'll check out the Motley Crue movie. It's funny you watched it with your mom. I could never do that.

MITA - I'm just freaking proud of you. You have made it through some tricky situations. Well done.

Lillian - hugs. I hope you get some well-needed sleep soon.

PHX - hope all is going well down under. You were in my thoughts this weekend. Keep being awesome.

Have a great day, Class!

beerbgone 03-25-2019 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by Bobbieka (Post 7151290)
BBG - I think you are doing a great job. You are so much better than you were 3 years ago. That being said, this alcoholism stuff is tricky and one day you might not make it back. That is my fear always. What if I just slide down the hole and never make it back? I'm finding this forever thing is not a bad gig. I know you can do it. You're pretty awesome.

Thanks so much Bobbie. I am much better off than I was 3 years ago. But I'm not where I'd like to be. I'm in a "progress not perfection" mode. I want perfection!

Purplrks3647 03-25-2019 04:52 PM

Gonna wind down for the evening & have some tea....

PJ you doing okay? :wavey:

Check in, March friends....Sam Sam Sam!

ManInTheArena 03-25-2019 05:02 PM

We are headed out to dinner and then the last event of the speaker series. Tonight is Jane Goodall, so should be good. As important as Dr. Goodall's speech, is that tonight they will announce the speakers for next year's series!! While they do serve alcohol at the venue, it's not really a drinking event so that's nice.

Have a great night all - Sam, Sam, Sam!!!

PhoenixJ 03-25-2019 05:22 PM

I am okay. My scars are itching like scratch till they bleed itchy (which I do not do- much), and bits of me are very sore, and fighting the black dog, sleep way out (night before- went to bed for 4h at 0500, 3.5h sleep last night)...and waiting for phone call about stupid surgery....

So- more art, more journal stuff, more effort for meetings and garden and drives with music and doco's and rest/eat/hydrate.

When I get THIS way, thoughts of family drift in. So then comes uninvited- stupid grief.

My recovery is strong and doing all I have to- plus more.

But it sucks.

beerbgone 03-25-2019 05:32 PM

Just finished up my evening meal. Well not countin' the chocolate brownie and ice cream I'll have in a while.

Sam, Sam, Sam....

Caramel 03-25-2019 07:19 PM

I'm sorry, PJ. Hard times. Got a little tear in my eye actually.
((take care of self))
Respectful and gentle :hug:

beerbgone 03-25-2019 08:06 PM

PJ's and TV time friends. Catch ya' at startin' fluid time tomorrow!

Dee74 03-25-2019 08:12 PM

Thinking of you PJ - hope the rest of the week is better for you :hug:


ManInTheArena 03-25-2019 10:23 PM

PJ, warm thoughts from me too. Hope things get better fast. You are a strong person.

PhoenixJ 03-25-2019 11:18 PM

A little more un-sucky this afternoon. One major diff these-a-days is I just go ahead and so what I need to, plus some of what I enjoy (like art) to spite the crap feelings/physical stuff (TAKE THAT CRAP STUFF- BAM!)I am not my emotions- much more than that.

Purplrks3647 03-26-2019 02:11 AM

(((PJ))) :hug: Good work on the 'mindful crap'! :)

Hugs all around :grouphug: Lillian I hope you're getting lots of good rest :24:

Still waking up this morning :e044:

venuscat 03-26-2019 02:24 AM

Up with you love.....couldn't sleep. :hug:

beerbgone 03-26-2019 05:49 AM

Mornin' everybody. Startin' fluid in hand ready for the day.

PJ you're one tough rascal. I admire you. So glad things seem a little better now.

Bobbieka 03-26-2019 06:38 AM

Yeah, PHX, what BBG said.

Things are pretty quiet in my part of the world.

Have an awesome day!!

CaseyW 03-26-2019 07:45 AM

Good morning, Marchers. Potential long day at work ahead of me so I'm putting off heading in until the last possible minute unlike my usual stance of be early everywhere.

Not gonna drink today. No way no how.

beerbgone 03-26-2019 07:58 AM

Have a great day Casey!

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