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Bobbieka 03-22-2019 09:35 AM

Feel better Suze.

Have a great day, class!

Stick close, Casey, we got your back.

Purplrks3647 03-22-2019 03:08 PM

(((Suze))) Hope you're feeling better :hug:

Just watched the Motley Crue movie....with MOM! :yikes: Let's just say it has everything you would expect to be in a movie about them.....I warned her ahead of time....good thing she was a good sport about one point she said "I can't believe they're still alive!"

(And I can't believe I watched it sober and didn't really get triggered from it....) Home now and ready to chill.....Smart online meeting in a little while :grouphug:

CaseyW 03-22-2019 06:40 PM

Definitely gonna watch that movie later, Purps. But it's bedtime early for me tonight. Gotta be up stupid early, though not as stupid early as your usual stupid early.

Been a nice day off. Grateful to be going to bed sober.

Purplrks3647 03-22-2019 06:50 PM

Yeah I do get up pretty stupid early....gonna try and wind down for the night, maybe sleep in 'til 6 tomorrow! :laughing:

Dee74 03-22-2019 07:58 PM



PhoenixJ 03-22-2019 08:15 PM

prayers Suze and lill and for that matter- EVERYONE

Dee74 03-22-2019 08:31 PM

apologies - hope you feel better soon too Suze :)


LillianGish 03-22-2019 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by PhoenixJ (Post 7148960)
Lill- my stuff is in a different league to yours, but one thing, perhaps is common.

Having the surgical procedures done, the photographing of my fried flesh for 'progress', all these things really are not normal- as in normal life stuff.
To the people on the Burns Unit- life threatening trauma, adrenaline- are normal.

So when I go there- I have to phase myself, almost into a different reality....
because it feels so surreal going back into normal life.
Such as the surgeon tell me he got a standing ovation at an international conference- showing my body images- for his work (well deserved), then I returned to living in a horrible boarding house where I was very unwell.

I think you might find the same- I get anxiety every time I go to that unit- just because.

Support to you.

Thank you for this post. You are spot on in how it feels. It is a different reality. Wisdom imparted to me to change my perspective...a gift.

And support to you too. Anxiety is an awful feeling. The picture of him getting an ovation, is surreal.

Speaking of anxiety...didn’t sleep a wink last night again. After research, I think I’m going through withdrawals from the Ativan. Rebound symptoms are the return of enhanced symptoms, like insomnia or anxiety, that led the person to start taking Ativan in the first place. Symptoms come back worse than before you started taking the darn pill. Lasts only a few days. This pill really helped me thru the hard part of treatment but it is time for it to be stopped. Sorry for my grouchy outburst.

The Motley Crue movie sounds interesting!!

Suze, hope you’re ok. I hear ya on the medication! Thinking of you.

Early birds...hope you had a great day!

Purplrks3647 03-23-2019 03:44 AM

(((HUGS to everyone))).....and as the quote states: "When you feel lousy, Puppy Therapy is indicated" :ValB002:

Happy National Puppy Day! Today on Twitter the Washington Capitals are announcing something called the "Stanley Pup" ~ Has anyone heard of it? It looks like Puppy Bowl with hockey instead of football.....OMG :love:

venuscat 03-23-2019 04:38 AM

.....decided to delete....was not quite kosher re the rules...too medical..... :hug: s

venuscat 03-23-2019 04:39 AM

Actually.....that post is way too medical.....deleting.... just good morning and love to everyone and I shall PM instead. :grouphug:

CaseyW 03-23-2019 06:11 AM

Good morning, my sober March friends.

Got a good night's sleep, just finished a wonderful breakfast of turkey sausage, scrambled eggs with salsa, and an English muffin with honey. Heading to work in a few minutes and I'm not even that bummed out about it. It's gonna be a great sober day! And National Puppy Day is definitely a holiday I could support.

venuscat 03-23-2019 06:34 AM

I do not understand salsa for breakfast. The muffin sounds good though. :)

Happy Saturday peeps. :grouphug:

Purplrks3647 03-23-2019 10:09 AM

MMMmmmm but salsa is good on one of those Santa Fe omelets with sour I want one! :eat

beerbgone 03-23-2019 11:29 AM

I haven't posted here since last weekend. I've been AWOL! Because I've been drinking beer!!! I'm getting back on track.

I was hoping to make it through 2019 without a relapse. Shucks!!! Now the goal is no more relapses.

I checked back on 2018 and I relapsed 4 times for just a few days each time. Definitely not perfection but the best I've done since 2010. Ironically one of those 2018 relapses was around St. Patricks day!

I'm determined to make 2019 even better and 2020 alcohol free!

ManInTheArena 03-23-2019 11:51 AM

Beer Be Gone!!!!! If only the magic worked as easily as uttering the phrase. A friend of mine posted a quick thing on FB today that simply said "The magic you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding". Not saying that applies to you BBG, but it applies to me!!!

Reading about food is making me very hungry. Fortunately, I went grocery shopping yesterday :)

Lillian, good luck with tapering off that Ativan. I still need to take some anxiety stuff from time to time, but I take the smallest dose they prescribe and never more often than 1 every 4 days. You definitely have more to be anxious about than I do, and sleep is critical.

Have a great day everyone!!!

beerbgone 03-23-2019 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by ManInTheArena (Post 7150014)
Beer Be Gone!!!!! If only the magic worked as easily as uttering the phrase. A friend of mine posted a quick thing on FB today that simply said "The magic you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding". Not saying that applies to you BBG, but it applies to me!!!

Definitely applies to me MITA. My AV is trying really hard to get me to go get a six pack right now "just to get rid of the hangover"!

Purplrks3647 03-23-2019 12:09 PM

(((BBG))) Maybe have something to eat instead, take a nap....HALT :corn

Have you looked at the Annie Grace website for "The Alcohol Experiment"? (Just skip the part about the optional drinking lol)

Stay close! :grouphug:

beerbgone 03-23-2019 12:28 PM

Checkin' it out now Purp.

beerbgone 03-23-2019 02:57 PM

Got signed up Purp. Haven't started it yet. Gonna' look around a bit before I do!

venuscat 03-23-2019 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by beerbgone (Post 7150005)
I haven't posted here since last weekend. I've been AWOL! Because I've been drinking beer!!! I'm getting back on track.

I was hoping to make it through 2019 without a relapse. Shucks!!! Now the goal is no more relapses.

I checked back on 2018 and I relapsed 4 times for just a few days each time. Definitely not perfection but the best I've done since 2010. Ironically one of those 2018 relapses was around St. Patricks day!

I'm determined to make 2019 even better and 2020 alcohol free!

Well I was wondering where you were.....maybe we won't call them relapses? That makes us feel :( You slipped a few didn't start drinking and go down the rabbit hole for 6 weeks + like I did in had the sense to come talk about it. :) So, let's see if we can help you not slip anymore.... :hug:

Progress not perfection....and we are all moving forward. :hug: s

See you for coffee in the am!! :) ♥

Purplrks3647 03-23-2019 04:58 PM

Nice work BBG! I enjoyed learning all the info and looking forward to a new lesson each day.....very helpful in getting me through the first 30 days.....Hope you like it! :grouphug:

Well I can't decide whether to go to the store or wait 'til morning......I know if I wait I'll wish I had done it now LOL

Back in a little bit :grouphug:

Dee74 03-23-2019 05:06 PM

Welcome back BBG - you don't have to present your plan for marking but ya gotta do something different this time man - ya Gotta make it stick.

There's a lot of returnees today so I'm probably blunter than usual but FWIW (and with all due deference Suze) I prefer relapse - in my mind a slips something that happens to me, not my fault.

I don't want to start thinking that way.

I dunno about anyone else but relapse was always a choice for me - even when I wasn't aware of the fact it was a choice.

If the word relapse makes me feel bad, that feeling bad might just stop me drinking again next time? :dunno:


ManInTheArena 03-23-2019 05:37 PM

Headed out to dinner in a bit. Got in a little nap today, which was awesome, but I'm feeling a little anxious. It's been a constant barrage of alcohol fueled events this week that I've managed to make it through, and I'm just a little tired of it all. I can't beg off this dinner, though - family stuff. Just wanting to get these thoughts out in the open before I head out - iced tea or club soda is the plan.


PhoenixJ 03-23-2019 07:51 PM

support BBG

ManInTheArena 03-23-2019 08:04 PM

Back from dinner - that all went fine. Getting my dumb thoughts out in the open before they turn into dumb actions is a big help. Looking forward to an early night and a relaxing Sunday.

BBG, hope the rest your day went well.

All the rest of you Marcheros, have a good night - unless of course it's already tomorrow for you, then have a great day!!

PhoenixJ 03-24-2019 12:45 AM

Fighting the black dog today with a big drive and music- works wonders

Purplrks3647 03-24-2019 03:40 AM

Sunday morning startin' fluid :23:

MITA ~ nice work on calling out the dumb thoughts.....stupid dumb thoughts! So glad to see you on the Soberbus!

Not much planned for today.....there's an online meeting at 10 this morning that I normally I should get some exercise, but first: more startin' fluid :23:

beerbgone 03-24-2019 06:00 AM

Mornin' everybody. Startin' fluid time!

venuscat 03-24-2019 06:05 AM

Sending more love PJ and glad you got through that MITA. :hug:

Morning time for sure. Second one for me in a min.

I meant to respond last night.....I was thinking about what Dee said.....I am actually still thinking about it. :)

Mostly I love that reading here every day means that I am challenged to think in new ways....and that is essential for growth. So thank you Dee and thank you all. :) :hug: s ♥♥

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