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venuscat 01-23-2019 05:06 AM

badge honey ~ I dreamed of you. I was reading a post of yours in this thread and it was so magical that I wanted to quote it and put it in the 24 and I dropped it back into this thread by dream was THAT detailed....and here you are.

Love you to pieces. :hug: ♥♥♥

Mags1 01-23-2019 10:01 AM

We’ve had snow, but the temperatures promise to get higher by the end of the week!

Itchy 01-23-2019 11:09 AM

Congrats! 2100 is getting up there! I can no longer relate to the guy I was, who had trouble getting one day sober, never mind two. We all here are amazing.

I was tired last night and left that post in bad shape. I am driving. If I can get my alignment done today and last minute driving preparations tomorrow, I should be off by Friday. I also failed to mention the date my dad came over, it was 1949, three years before I was born. He worked fast!
My uncle did a family history book with the stories of his folks emigration here from the Netherlands and his marriage to my aunt, and the raising of their four kids. So some of my mom's parents history is done for me, and their side of the family. I am in contact with my half brother from my dad's second family so can get more of that when I need it. My aunt is still alive at 90 and in great shape. I already interviewed her of family info and have some names and lines of inquiry I hadn't heard before.

That's some heat! You guys take care down there. I'd trade for a day because the Raton New Mexico mountain pass can be lethal in icy conditions. Today I need to get some snow boots and a Colorado proof parka. All I have for southern heavy coats are spring jackets there. They'd have been fine had I flown but if I have any problems and am stuck outside I'll need the coat. I outgrew my ski gear! :lmao

You stay cozy up there. I'd trade weather with PJ for just a few days because my car is air conditioned but the roads aren't heated! This dang government shutdown is brutal for the poor folks with no pay. And the rest of us are dealing with almost no normal air travel between the arctic blasts and the shutdown.

I hope your first day is going well. You're two hours behind me so you should be at lunch now at 11AM.

Funny how we change from loving the snow to sometimes dreading it as adults. Hope you guys in the UK stay warm too.

PhoenixJ 01-23-2019 12:09 PM

yep- 45C (113F) today.

Drive careful Itch.
Not Xmas festivity snow, but grey, bleak, cold and icy January suck.

Mags1 01-23-2019 09:13 PM

Hiya Overs :wave:

Phew PJ, that is extreme heat, take care.

Itchy, yeah, I loved playing in snow, it’s just travelling in it I don’t like. It does look so pretty though.

We was travelling along the motorway yesterday and I was trying to get some pics of the beautiful snowy scenery (I was passenger, lol) and as we passed under a bridge it was if we’d gone into another dimension, clear of snow, not one snowflake, on the other side of the bridge, really weird.

Hope it’s a good Thursday for everybody my friends.:grouphug:

Itchy 01-23-2019 09:15 PM

Is it dry heat? Or is your area humid? 90° in dry Colorado feels like 75 here.

Dee74 01-23-2019 09:46 PM

I hope tomorrow is better PJ


Treerat66 01-23-2019 11:20 PM

Good morning Overs.

Take care all you weather challenged folk.

Have a good day everyone.

PhoenixJ 01-24-2019 02:05 AM

dry heat

got to 47 (116.6F) outside my place

historical record for any Aussie city

Dry heat Itch, lordy if this was humid- I would not be this okay with it!

Lots of water and computer word and card puzzles and doco's

venuscat 01-24-2019 07:06 AM

So tomorrow is Melbourne's turn.....and my sister....I know this isn't funny but it really really is.....has a smart house.....and their internet went out, which means apparently so did all of the aircon, and the sound system.....apparently she has a separate air con in the bedroom, so she was stuck in there last time I talked to her....with the dogs....

I didn't suggest that she buy a radio, but I really wanted to....she would have smacked me through the phone....ha ha....

I am glad you got through that hot. :hug: ♥♥

Saskia 01-24-2019 10:34 AM

Itchy, talk about coincidences! I emigrated from the Netherlands in 1949 also!

Have a good Thursday, Overs.

Itchy 01-24-2019 12:01 PM

That's better PJ,
But those temps even dry are impossible to endure without shade and a fan at minimum and hydration. So take care bud. It has been to 110 here and humid. No one goes out.

Dee , What are your temps like?

We are downhill skiers until the last few years and always looked forward to driving in snow. Always had the 4WD vehicles like our Isuzu Trooper and Subarus from the Subaru Brat on to the newest we are about to buy. So we looked forward to snow and driving in it. Now I am a bit too weak in the knees as both have had to have surgeries - from too many downhill runs on the expert slopes. Never broke anything skiing.

Yep that is the danger of relying strictly on Internet tech. We have a 25kw whole house backup for power and A/C here now, I have some smart tech but nothing that would put us out if Internet went down which happens regularly. I prefer a manual or self contained battery operated thermostat. My video security systems are the only thing an outage would hurt. Our phones have cell towers so they don't go down from wired Internet so we have comms. I only need the security cams when we are away. We can use our phones as hot spots ( if the regular cable Internet went down, and run our computers from them. I have an unlimited data plan on my phone just for that eventuality. If you have a smart phone odds are you can share the connection with your home computer if the computer has wireless capabilities, as most do for the past 10 years.

If no manual backup I would avoid it. I don't need smart refrigerators or other IoT things.

I feel sorry for your sister as we lost our power here when our A/C unit died and needed replacement. We slept in our storage building that had A/C dragging our mattress out there. That experience made me realize lack of A/C could kill us. So I bought the whole house generator and auto switch (switches to the generator automatically and back when stable power is restored) that is big enough to run the A/C and runs on natural gas which has never gone out in any catastrophic flooding or electrical outages. Our furnace/stove/water heater are all gas so the backup power runs the fan for the furnace as well as A/C.

Pre-planning can save a lot of headaches. I am buying our new house with all that in mind and have the ones with existing solar at the top of our list. Our next generator systems will be Tesla PowerWalls, charged from solar, grid, and/or both.

I remembered your history. (dankuwel) But that was my dad who came over in 1949 from England. It is my uncle's side of the family that was Dutch, emigrated in the 1920s as well like my maternal grandparents from Colombia. My uncle and his parents are long gone now. His wife, my aunt, 90 y/o and still teaches piano and drives, is first generation from my grandparents on my mother's (her sister) side who emigrated here from Colombia in the 1920s. My grandparents ancestry before Colombia is German and French, and they came to Colombia in the early 1800s. I have no Dutch in my ancestry, but all my living cousins (Aunts kids) do. Like Australians (save native Americans and Australians) we are both immigrant countries! I got DNS testing done and my results were from England, Spain, and Ireland. No purebreds here! :lmao

Gotta run, hasta luego, tot gauw, guidbye, TTYL,

venuscat 01-24-2019 12:03 PM

Gosh your history....and yours too Sassy love is amazing.....and the year.....1949 was the year both of my parents made the decision to get on a boat to see/live in Australia.....4 months later they were married. :) ♥

Dee74 01-24-2019 03:43 PM

My temps are normal for the time of year itch - around 30C - pretty high humidity (70% or more) but you get that in the tropics:)


Mags1 01-24-2019 07:52 PM

Morning Overs

Friday is upon us and we’ve still got a smattering of snow outside. Promises warmer weather today though.

Have a great Friday xx

Treerat66 01-24-2019 11:25 PM

Good morning Overs.

Have a good day everyone.

FBL 01-25-2019 03:54 AM

Just reading about those temps warms my heart. We could use some heat as it is -3F (-19C) here this morning. WIndchill is about -15F (-26C).

Looks like even colder air is due here by early next week. :dee

Have a Fantastic Friday, overs!

Saskia 01-25-2019 04:47 AM

Itchy, my memory is not what it was - I forgot I already told you that :dee

Have a happy POETS Day!

PhoenixJ 01-25-2019 06:51 PM

Silly weather-24C outside, very nice.
Home group this arvo.
Australia day here- long w/end. It is raising more awareness as to the plight of the indigenous people- and the large social differences they face- as do all such peoples. One narrative by an indigenous elder- also recognized the main population of original 'colonists; (convicts) were themselves alienated from their cultures by the 2 empires- Roman and British- where assimilation and conformity were seen as natural-and although offering benefits for some, meant hardship for many, as was seen with the Industrial revolution.

I watched an interesting docu on the plight of convicts transported here. Some think it was a 'bold' social experiment, others - a dumping ground after North America won it's independence and could no longer be used by the Brit empire to use convict labour. This docu investigated the plight of Irish 'rebels', people who fought for independence and were transported here- and their influence on culture and the political evolution - as in unions and the like.

Support to all.

Soberwolf 01-25-2019 08:46 PM

What's the name of the doc pj

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