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Caramel 01-21-2019 10:44 AM

a good way to seek out non-drinkers?
I imagine a good place to seek out non-drinkers would be among those who have positive values, appreciate good health and the real world, and are true to themselves :)

Red78 01-21-2019 12:05 PM

Right, here I am back to day 1..
I obviously didn't navigate my bday..
I told my partner how serious I am at doing this and to not bring drinking to my doorstep in the near future..


Torii 01-21-2019 12:07 PM

Welcome Boracraze and optimist. Good to have you.

Lone wolf, I'm with you, I'm not feeling any particular joy or energy at the moment, the opposite. It'll pass soon, I hope.

Sydney man - did you enjoy Bali as a sober tourist?

Congrats on double figures, sober by the sea. We're going through a pretty hot spell in Australia, I think I'd be happy to swap for the NYC weather.

Quitnow, I found my non-drinking husband while he was working at a bar :lmao he's not a drinker except occasionally (one of those mythical creatures, only drinks maybe twice a year at most). But I wouldn't recommend that route. I've not been in the dating world for 11+years, I'd be terrified to find myself single and trying to figure out dating in the social networking era.

Red, sorry to hear that :( birthdays and special occasions are hard, our AV lives for those days. I hope you treat yourself kindly and can take something from the experience that'll help you next time that voice starts calling. Thanks for your honesty.

Thanks for all the great posts all, I wanted to comment more, but I'll be late for work if I don't get up now.

Have a great day.

JustTony 01-21-2019 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by Red78 (Post 7104882)
Right, here I am back to day 1..
I obviously didn't navigate my bday..
I told my partner how serious I am at doing this and to not bring drinking to my doorstep in the near future..

Great to have you back.

"Near future" needs defining to your partner very strictly (IMO).


HopefulYear777 01-21-2019 12:12 PM

Just checking in for day #19. Through my 3rd weekend. Not that I discriminated. I would drink any day of the week. Exercised today! For me, this is so much more than stopping the alcohol. It has made me eat so much healthier and start exercising again.
Hope you all have a great sober week.

JustTony 01-21-2019 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by HopefulYear777 (Post 7104889)
Just checking in for day #19. Through my 3rd weekend. Not that I discriminated. I would drink any day of the week.

That made me laugh. :tyou

Meshelly 01-21-2019 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Red78 (Post 7104882)
Right, here I am back to day 1..
I obviously didn't navigate my bday..
I told my partner how serious I am at doing this and to not bring drinking to my doorstep in the near future..


Sorry to hear your back to day 1. I totally get that though. I have a birthday coming up next month and I don't even want to think about Spring when my friends are planning a weekend visit. ugh.... I love them dearly but am also afraid to find out if were just drinking buddies. It gives me anxiety to think about it so i'm just taking it one day at a time right now.

Meshelly 01-21-2019 12:35 PM

Checking in on day 28 AF :)

I'm trying another 48 hour fast. I did a 45 minute workout with weights at 22 hours fasted. I usually eat shortly after my workouts, so this will be a new challenge. But it sure keeps my mind off the booze and on getting healthy.
24 hours to go.
I will not drink today! (or eat) lol :lmao

soberbythesea 01-21-2019 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Red78 (Post 7104882)
Right, here I am back to day 1..
I obviously didn't navigate my bday..
I told my partner how serious I am at doing this and to not bring drinking to my doorstep in the near future..


I'm sorry to hear that Red. I think it's good you were up front with your partner.. I also think it's important to protect your own priorities and do whatever you need to to take care of yourself, and to figure out how to arrange your own life to stay sober if that's what you want.

Dee74 01-21-2019 12:59 PM

welcome Boracraze & Optimist4ever57 :)

I'm sorry you drank Red but I'm glad you made it back.
any ideas on what you might do differently this time?


JustTony 01-21-2019 01:13 PM

Goodnight from this UK Classmate.


Red78 01-21-2019 01:17 PM

I'm super petrified, my partner bought me a derby car for my bday and has entered me in a demolition Derby in 2 months time.. I've never raced in my life nor want to..
No drinking to calm my nerves.. I don't know whether to laugh or cry..i feel so sick about it..

RedAndy 01-21-2019 02:18 PM

Welcome Boracraze and Optimist.

End of day 21 - can honestly say at present I have no thoughts of drinking - the obsession of my mind that has plagued me for so long has certainly calmed in fact it’s not there at all, I hear people say that at a certain point the obsession was removed, hoping / feeling this is my time - I’m putting it down to the fact I have finally accepted i am an alcoholic and that I cannot drink successfully or safely. That lurking notion that I might someday be able to is an absolute resounding NO.

I guess I may have needed this last relapse to finally accept it, so glad I made it back and something stopped me from walking out of the house on New Years day, I very much doubt I’d be in a good place or a nice warm bed right now.

Been another calm day, even to the point of a van pulling out in front of me and then immediately pulling up to the opposite side of the road with no brake lights or indicators working - normally I would have gone absolutely mad at him, I just looked at him a bit puzzled and carried on, that’s progress !!

Think i’ll put a film on but best put the timer on the TV as doubt i’ll See the end of it, good swim earlier, 1.75 miles in just under an hour so pretty tired too.

Goodnight all from another UK classmate, hope everyone has a good evening / morning / afternoon etc wherever you maybe.

Dee74 01-21-2019 02:46 PM

Thats something I would not want to do even if someone bought me a car to do it in Red.

Might be a good time to say thanks but no thanks?


Optimist4ever57 01-21-2019 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by JustTony (Post 7104752)
Welcome Optimist!! Love the name.

Thank you, Tony!

noaddedsugar 01-21-2019 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by soberbythesea (Post 7104279)
Noadded sugar, I think you have to be honest with her and explain that this wasn't just an experiment for you like dry January is for most people, that you really feel like alcohol is destructive for you and you're happier without it. I think you could even tell her that you wish you'd been more honest with her about it before now but you just weren't ready.

This is really great advice thankyou! I definitely plan on having a talk with her it's just plucking up the courage to do it. We were watching a dating show on TV the other day and there was a girl on it who didn't drink. My partner asked me if I could ever be with someone who didn't drink.. I said probably but it would be different. She said she didn't think she would like it. So I'm not looking forward to broaching the subject haha.

Originally Posted by JustTony (Post 7104431)
NoAddedSugar (do you mind NAS from now on?) - your partner simply relates fun times with you to involve a few drinks. It’s a correlation thing born out of her experiences with you and not an overview of your charm and company when sober and in ordinary circumstances. Be honest with her and take her responses from there? Too much anxiety in overthinking stuff and comments that might not be ‘true’.

Of course NAS is fine :)
I know you're right. I look back on the times we've had together involving alcohol and remember them fondly. This is the problem. Everytime I've been at my lowest I've always managed to keep it hidden. Think it's time for some honesty from me.

So proud I've hit 3 weeks today!!
Well done everyone. So proud of everyone else hitting those milestones and those who may have had a slip but dusted themselves off and carried right back on again.


Optimist4ever57 01-21-2019 03:37 PM

Thank you for the welcome everyone!

Eating healther and exercising are part of my routine as well, Hopeful. I agree it’s so much more than stopping the alcohol.

Since I’m new to the forum, Meshelly, and I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why are you fasting? I’ve only done it a couple of times, and not for very long, for spiritual healing. Just being nosey…

A demolition derby, Red? Wow, is there anywhere you can practice? Does your mate drive? I'm not sure what I'd do :scared:

This post is my check in. This is usually the time of day (6PM-7PM) I would run to the store for "milk" and end up with alcohol. Fortunately, the thought of alcohol still turns my stomach and if I really need something, I'm going to start sending my grandson out to get it. The tricky part will be coming home from work. I don't think there's a single route on my way home that I don't pass at least 2 liquor stores.

Icebreaker question: What's your favorite vegetable?
Mine is a group. I love everything cruciferous!

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here!

noaddedsugar 01-21-2019 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by Optimist4ever57 (Post 7105030)
Thank you for the welcome everyone!

Eating healther and exercising are part of my routine as well, Hopeful. I agree it’s so much more than stopping the alcohol.

Icebreaker question: What's your favorite vegetable?
Mine is a group. I love everything cruciferous!

Welcome :) Mine has to be potato..but if that doesn't count because it's more starchy/carb I'd say broccoli. What about your favourite fruit?
I tried a dragonfruit the other day it was delicious! Also had a custard apple which I'd never heard of before but they were reduced. That was interesting!

Daisybelle 01-21-2019 04:28 PM

Hi J.T, just thought I'd nip in here to see how you're doing, actually I do check up on you every now and then. Don't worry I'm not stalking you :lmao. You're doing really well. I was reading your post regarding A.A and just want to say that I tried A.A about 5 years ago, I loved the experience, the people, the sense of camaraderie and what surprised me the most was how spiritual it is. In saying that, it wasn't for me at that time, for various reasons, I couldn't possibly do the 90 meetings in 90 days for a start, my beloved dad was terminally ill and we were nursing him at home plus I also had other high priority family commitments as well as working. I attended meetings when I could for many months, I made lots of friends and was astonished at how many people there were in the medical profession! Don't quite know what I was expecting really but I did learn a lot and I still say the serenity prayer and have the 'Just for today' prayer printed and in my purse. When I attended the meetings I didn't even have the confidence to speak and tell my story, I just sat at the back, listened and learned. Just telling you this because I think none of us can have too much support and it's something you haven't tried yet, so why not give it a go, if it isn't for you then so be it. I'm doing well myself at this moment in time, I've got 9.5 months and S.R is my only support but if at any time I start struggling again I would certainly consider trying A.A again because if there is one thing I know for sure it's that I don't want to go back to the dark hole I was in.
Much love to you and don't ever give up.

Daisybelle 01-21-2019 04:33 PM

I'm also keep my eye on you two Super5onic and Red78. Just saying. xx

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