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Gilmer 07-25-2018 09:33 AM

Bye, Cour! :wavey:

stargazer016 07-26-2018 01:35 AM

Safe travels Courage!

I’m beginning the search for another new/used car on a budget since my son will start driving soon. How do you like your Corolla FBL in the Wisconsin winters? Do you use snow tires with it? Basically looking for another commuter type car that can get me through the random snow and ever present black ice of local winters. Any experiences with AWD vehicles? Seems as though they might help one to get going in bad weather but not helpful when braking or steering.

Trying to more consistently exercise again. I was fanatical about it while drinking to justify all my alcohol calories I was consuming. I am just exhausted all the time and hoping it will help some.

Enjoy the day all!

Gilmer 07-26-2018 03:51 AM

You too, SG.

FBL 07-26-2018 04:20 AM

Have a nice trip, Courage!

Star, I love my Corolla. Most reliable car I've ever owned. No snow tires. Handles just fine as is, but then I'm a pretty cautious driver, especially in the winter. Has a skid warning light that goes off if I start to slide even a bit.

gleefan 07-27-2018 05:12 PM

Sg - I can relate to feeling tired. Last night I was typing a reply and fell asleep on the couch. At 6 pm!!!!

Exercise really does provide a nice boost. Finding time in a busy work and family schedule is a challenge!

I’m taking courage’s advice to hang in. It’s not “like me” to be in neutral and melancholy.

It’s been a trying week. I tried to just sort of stay in my feelings and avoid distracting myself. I was able to see some of the good things about the past several days and comfort myself over some of the harder things.

FBL 07-28-2018 03:47 AM

Glee :grouphug:

courage2 07-29-2018 08:20 AM

I took 3 days at the beach w/my mate, demonstrating our determination to have more fun. But it didn't take. Except 1 or 2 moments, the usually-fun things fell flat. I could fret over why and blame other people or myself all over the place, which is what I would have done a few years ago. Now I accept that there isn't someone at fault behind every minor or major blow. And it's not my job to fix it or flog myself on its account.

Back to the book. I brought a hard copy of what I have so far & a) it's not as bad as I feared and 2) I had some good ideas for improving it.


Gilmer 07-29-2018 09:00 AM

That’s terrific about the book!

It’s a bummer about the beach disappointment.

Maybe in a few months you’ll be able to look back at it as a comedy of errors and share a laugh.

FBL 07-29-2018 09:53 AM

Courage, FWIW, I hate the beach. Would rather spend some time in the woods, LOL!

IWLSAST 07-30-2018 07:28 AM

Hi, POST's, nothing new here: work, gym, activism, dating...oh, I decided to go full-on veggie recently. Not my prez coming to Tampa tomorrow and we made protest signs all day yesterday. Was fun hangin' with like-minded.

BTW, I'm not pushing any political agenda, just facts about my day and MY position. Someone once told me to apologize for the way I felt about an individual on here one time...can't do that...nor would I ever ask you to.

Cour, I've been told that when I stop looking for a mate, I'll find her. That might apply to fun at the beach, too? Congrats on book progress.

Sad news about your co-worker, SG.

FBL, what is that elusive card? Best bargain buy to date? Details, please.

GG, I think of you and how brave you are in sharing your experience, strength, and hope on your journey. Thank you for being you!

Glee, wishing you success in your personal and professional goals for the week.

Off to sleigh dragons. Have a good one, all.


Gilmer 07-30-2018 07:38 AM

You too, Carlos.

FBL 07-30-2018 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by IWLSAST (Post 6969091)
FBL, what is that elusive card? Best bargain buy to date? Details, please.

Just about every card I'm looking for is out there, it's the price on some that holds me back. My most wanted is the 1970-71 Topps Pete Maravich "tall boy" basketball rookie card. Nice ones go for around $300, but even ones in bad shape can go for $150-200. I thought I had a real nice one on Ebay a few months ago for $175, but someone outbid me at the last second and got it for $185. I have trouble justifying spending so much on a little piece of cardboard that cost pennies when new.

My best bargain was probably a real nice 1975 Robin Yount rookie card that a dealer at a show wanted $25 on, but I talked him down to $20. That card, in that shape, usually goes for around $40.

As with most collecting hobbies, the fun is in the hunt!

gleefan 07-30-2018 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by courage2 (Post 6968151)
I could fret over why and blame other people or myself all over the place, which is what I would have done a few years ago. Now I accept that there isn't someone at fault behind every minor or major blow. And it's not my job to fix it or flog myself on its account.

Nice approach.

Last week I had to deliver a final written warning to someone with Parkinson’s. This week I have to deliver one to someone who has a family to support. I’ve been all.twisted.up with stress, alternately trying to be upset with myself about the warnings, or trying to place blame on others for them.

One of my friends read a self help book about starting off her day well. It inspired me this morning to set my intention to be grateful, nice, humble, make healthy food choices, and be focused.

Fact is, something Dee once said came to mind: something to the effect of, he found peace when he stopped thinking the fate of the world laid in his hands.

After getting over being upset over folks illnesses and behaviors, over which I have no contol and which are not intended to hurt me, I actually craved .... a workout. Not booze, not sweets, but sweat!

Being able to get out of my head is such a blessing and the miracle of recovery.

Thanks Courage.

Fbl - The hunt is the best part, but getting those elusive parts of a collection is very sweet.

Carlos - Good to hear from you. Enjoy your activism - and veggies.

I hope everyone’s doing well!

Gilmer 07-30-2018 04:48 PM

That’s wonderful, Glee. I will pray that you have fairness, mercy, and firmness when it comes to doing what you have been charged to do.

There is no reason why your conscience shouldn’t be clear!

Dee74 07-30-2018 05:52 PM

I still don't regret stepping down as General Manager Of The Universe, Glee :)

Wishing you peace with the tough parts of your job.

stargazer016 07-31-2018 07:09 AM

Glee, that is probably the worst part of the management gig. On Saturday, I had to deliver two written warnings, one in which I wasn't involved with either the incident or the person whom wrote it(my boss handed it to me Friday and told me to deliver it Saturday, when he was off.) That one was an older worker and went well. The other involved a younger, somewhat disengaged individual whom suddenly showed some passion when I delivered the warning. I showed him on the computer the shifts he missed, then he made me dig up those day's paper employee logs to show that he was missing from his shifts. If some of these folks showed half the determination in their job performance that they exhibit when handed a written warning, there would not be a problem in the first place. I had to terminate a talented but attendance challenged younger employee last month and the first thing out of her mouth was " I need this job." I think she had drinking issues behind the attendance problems, but I can't bring that forth if they don't first. I too stand behind Dee's wise words. Being General Manager of the Universe is not a great position to hold.

Courage, sorry your time away did not spark the memories you were hoping for. I have found since quitting drinking, that old memories can, for the most part, no longer be sparked again. Perhaps because there was always so much drinking behind those memories. I newfound goal is to try to create new memories that will be the ones I hope to repeat down the line.

Carlos, I love the activism and enthusiasm you have. If folks don't get excited and vote this fall, we will be in a dangerous position for a long time here. We desperately need checks and balances in politics and life in general.

Pistol Pete Maravich was an amazing basketball player whom had an incredible points per game average decades before the 3 pointer came to the NBA. Imagine his numbers if all those twos were threes FBL!

Kathy, when are you headed to Wildwood?

I had one of those frustrating encounters with the medical system that drive me nuts. I went to get a prescription refilled that I have been on for years, and I just had blood work completed that my doctor signed off on. The office called a couple of weeks back and said that they could not refill my script unless the doctor saw me. So I made an appointment for yesterday, and arrived 15 minutes beforehand as they insist upon. One hour later, I saw my doctor for approximately three minutes, to renew my prescription and tell me to come back in six months. I like my doctor and the office, but they constantly are over scheduled and running behind. All it would take would be a phone call to a patient saying that they are running behind, come in a little later to avoid such a long wait. I know that will never happen. At least we all have smart phones to amuse ourselves nowadays.

Have a good day all!

Gilmer 07-31-2018 09:06 AM

Sorry about the maddening medical experience, SG.

If all goes well, I will head up to Wildwood Crest next Wednesday.

gleefan 07-31-2018 04:50 PM

Gilmer - Such a treat to hear from you. How are you doing? How are you feeling?

Gilmer 07-31-2018 05:01 PM

I’ve had better days. :)

courage2 07-31-2018 05:52 PM

Why have I been all and lately when I think of the Power of Sobriety Thread?

In the spirit of the original FIST, and in order to, if not maintain the insanity I survived, at least keep from succumbing to the insanity all around us

...whatever your political persuasions or religious sect, I don't wanna know. :lala

My *own* free speech is all this is.

& my use of it here is done! :a213:

Gilmer 07-31-2018 05:58 PM

Words of wisdom.

I will keep my political views to myself. :)

I don’t want to offend people with my overt religion, either, and I am genuinely sorry if I have.

Peace and joy and laughter to all of us. :grouphug:

courage2 07-31-2018 06:35 PM

^^^ I got no problem w/overt religiosity, faith, activism, belief or creed of any kind -- believe me, I adore believers!

I just don't really want to know what exactly someone believes. Like, tell me you prayed today, but not to which god :)

But as I said, my problem entirely. What I don't like, I can, should, and will leave alone.

stargazer016 07-31-2018 10:22 PM

Sorry Courage.

FBL 08-01-2018 04:27 AM

Two topics I always shy away from...politics & religion. I'm not a fan of any sort of dogma. We are divided enough as a species. We need to find things that bring us together, not tear us apart.

Works for me. Your mileage may vary. :)

courage2 08-01-2018 07:19 AM

Wet kiss warning:

courage2 08-02-2018 06:49 AM

Well there I go clearing the room again!

SG & Glee, I don't envy you having to give warnings or fire people. Most of my "employees" are on on-call lines, so if they're not doing a good job, I just don't call them. Eventually after I never call them for a while, they pretty much understand it when I formally let them go.

Due to fringe benefits, it's much cheaper for me to hire part time or on-call, and with soft money, I have to stretch every dime. Most of my people start as my students, then work on-call or part-time. Two highly trusted ones are now full time. I like to give them something for their resume that will look serious, and -- especially -- with benefits. But I only have this kind of funding for another 1/2 year or so . Next year, with less funding, the economics will push me to hire a couple of part-time with no benefits instead of 1 really good full -time with. :(

Gilmer 08-02-2018 06:57 AM

I bet you’re a great employer. I’m sure the people you trust feel deeply proud that you trust them, so they give you their best.

I hope you can reward them with as much as you can for longer than you expect.

How is the book cranking along?

FBL 08-03-2018 04:48 AM

The Country Singles book came back from the printer yesterday. It really turned out nice. We've got about 500 orders to get out by next week. It's really satisfying to see the results of all the hard work.

My other two projects are moving along. Probably won't get much done next week, as my co-worker is taking a week's vacation and I'll be here all alone to hold down the fort. That means answering all the phones and processing the daily orders and doing the book work. It'll be a regular one man show!

IWLSAST 08-03-2018 05:59 AM

Sorry that I offended.

courage2 08-03-2018 07:56 AM

You didn't. Stargazer, you neither. I just chose to speak my own mind, in response. :grouphug:

FBL, I'll hold your phones if you'll write my pages!

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